What is WhatsApp Community and How to Use Them: The Ultimate Guide to Everything You Need to Know 2024

13 Min Read

Written by

Raneya Selina

Published on

April 18, 2023

In today’s digital age, the concept of community has taken on a new level of importance. Whether for businesses, social causes, or interest groups, building and nurturing a community online has become essential for encouraging connection, engagement, and loyalty. Communities offer a sense of belonging and can be a powerful tool for brand building, as they bring like-minded individuals together in a shared space. A recent study highlighted that brands with strong community ties are 70% more likely to retain customers, emphasizing the impact of community-driven growth.

Enter WhatsApp Community, a feature designed to enhance this sense of connection by allowing users to create and manage groups under a more extensive, unified umbrella. However, many users often confuse WhatsApp Communities with Groups, leading to questions about their differences and unique functionalities.

In this guide, we will discover the concept of WhatsApp Communities, clarify the distinctions between Communities and Groups, and provide a comprehensive walkthrough on using and creating Communities on WhatsApp. Whether you want to enhance your brand’s online presence or connect with a broader audience, this guide has everything you need to know about WhatsApp Communities.

What are Communities in WhatsApp?

WhatsApp Communities is a feature that allows users to bring together multiple groups under one place, creating a more organized and cohesive communication network. Unlike individual groups that operate separately, a Community on WhatsApp can host several related groups, making it easier to manage large-scale conversations and share updates across all groups simultaneously. This feature is handy for organizations, schools, and large interest-based groups that need to maintain multiple discussions while keeping everything connected in one place. With Communities, WhatsApp aims to simplify communication and enhance user collaboration.

What is the Difference Between Community and Group in WhatsApp?

In WhatsApp, a Group is a single chat where people discuss a specific topic. A Community, on the other hand, is like a hub that can contain multiple Groups. This makes it easier to manage related conversations in one place, ensuring that updates and information can be shared across all connected Groups. Simply put, a Group is for focused discussions, while a Community is for organizing multiple related Groups under one umbrella.

WhatsApp Community vs Group

When comparing WhatsApp Community and Group, the key differences lie in their scope and functionality:

1. Structure

A WhatsApp Group is a single chatroom where members discuss a specific topic, making it suitable for smaller, focused discussions. On the other hand, a WhatsApp Community acts as a hub that can contain multiple related Groups, all connected under one larger structure. This allows for more organized communication, as each Group within the Community can focus on different aspects of a broader topic. Communities streamline management by keeping all related discussions accessible from one central location.

2. Management

In a WhatsApp Group, admins can control settings and moderate conversations, but all members generally have the same communication rights. A Community, however, introduces a more layered management approach. The Community admin can oversee and manage multiple Groups, send announcements to all members across different Groups, and ensure that each Group operates within the Community’s guidelines. This makes Communities ideal for larger organizations that must maintain oversight and coordination across various topics or departments.

3. Purpose

WhatsApp Groups are designed for specific discussions among a limited number of participants. They are perfect for small teams, project groups, or social circles where the conversation revolves around a particular subject. In contrast, WhatsApp Communities are built to manage and organize several Groups under one umbrella. This makes them ideal for larger entities, such as schools, businesses, or organizations, where there is a need to maintain multiple discussions across various topics while ensuring all Groups stay connected within the Community.

4. Broadcasting

One of the standout features of a WhatsApp Community is the ability to broadcast announcements to all Groups within the Community simultaneously. This ensures that important messages reach every member without sending the same message multiple times to different Groups. In contrast, WhatsApp Groups do not have this feature, meaning that admins need to manually share information across different Groups if they want the message to reach a broader audience. This broadcasting capability makes Communities highly efficient for large-scale communication.

These differences make WhatsApp Communities a powerful tool for managing large-scale communication, while Groups remain a go-to for more intimate, focused discussions.

Features of WhatsApp Communities

WhatsApp Communities are designed to enhance how people manage and interact within groups. They offer a range of features that make communication more organized and efficient. Below, we’ll explore the key features that set WhatsApp Communities apart, making them a powerful tool for managing large-scale conversations and ensuring everyone stays connected.

1. Multi-Group Organization

WhatsApp Communities allow users to organize multiple groups under one unified structure. This is particularly useful for organizations, schools, or any large community that needs to manage various discussions. For instance, a school could create a community with separate groups for each class, extracurricular activities, and parent-teacher associations. This feature simplifies communication by keeping all related conversations in one easily accessible place.

2. Broadcast Announcements

One of WhatsApp Communities’ standout features is the ability to broadcast announcements to all Groups within the Community simultaneously. This ensures that vital information reaches every member across different Groups without sending the same message multiple times. Whether it’s a crucial update, event reminder, or essential notice, the broadcasting feature guarantees that everyone stays informed.

3. Enhanced Admin Control

Community admins have greater control over the Groups within their Community. They can manage the settings of each Group, oversee membership, and ensure that all Groups align with the Community’s guidelines. This hierarchical structure allows for better organization and management, making it easier for admins to maintain order and coordinate communication across multiple Groups.

4. Unlimited Group Creation

Within a WhatsApp Community, there is no limit to the number of Groups that can be created. This feature is particularly beneficial for large organizations or communities with diverse interests, as it allows for creating as many Groups as needed without any restrictions. Whether you need to manage different departments, projects, or interest-based discussions, the unlimited Group creation feature offers the flexibility to scale communication as your Community grows.

5. Centralized Communication

WhatsApp Communities centralize communication by bringing together all related Groups under one roof. This makes it easier for members to stay informed and engaged, as they can access all relevant Groups from one central location. It also simplifies the process of finding and joining Groups that are of interest, fostering a more connected and engaged community.

6. Member Limits

Each Group within a WhatsApp Community can have up to 1,024 members, allowing for large-scale participation. This high member limit ensures that even large organizations or communities can include everyone in relevant discussions without splitting conversations across multiple platforms. The ability to host such large Groups under a single Community enhances the sense of unity and ensures that communication remains inclusive.

These features make WhatsApp Communities an invaluable tool for managing large and complex communication networks. It provides the structure and flexibility needed to keep everyone connected and informed.

Benefits of WhatsApp Communities

WhatsApp Communities offer a range of benefits that make them an essential tool for large organizations, schools, businesses, and social groups. By centralizing communication and providing enhanced management features, Communities help to foster stronger connections, improve engagement, and streamline the flow of information. Below, we’ll explore the key benefits of using WhatsApp Communities, backed by facts and numbers.

1. Centralized Communication

One of WhatsApp Communities’ primary benefits is the ability to centralize communication across multiple Groups. This feature ensures all members can access the latest updates and important information without navigating different platforms or channels. A study by Cooby found that 65% of organizations using centralized communication tools reported higher engagement and better information retention among their members.

2. Improved Engagement

WhatsApp Communities are designed to foster better engagement by bringing together members with shared interests or goals. By organizing discussions into relevant Groups within a Community, members are more likely to participate actively. According to a recent survey, 78% of users reported higher engagement levels when participating in structured communities than in standalone groups.

3. Enhanced Management

WhatsApp Communities offer enhanced control over multiple Groups for admins, making managing large numbers of members and conversations more accessible. Admins can oversee group settings, manage membership, and send announcements to all Groups simultaneously. This level of control is especially beneficial for organizations that need to coordinate across different departments or teams. Research indicates that efficient management tools can reduce administrative workload by up to 40%.

4. Scalability

WhatsApp Communities provide unlimited scalability by allowing the creation of an unlimited number of Groups within a single Community. This scalability is crucial for large organizations that need to accommodate growing numbers of members or discussions. With the ability to host up to 1,024 members per Group, WhatsApp Communities can easily support large-scale operations, ensuring no one is left out of meaningful conversations.

5. Increased Inclusivity

The high member limit of up to 1,024 members per Group within a WhatsApp Community ensures that large groups can stay connected without needing multiple, fragmented conversations. This inclusivity is vital for maintaining a unified communication channel, especially in large organizations or communities. Studies show that inclusive communication practices can increase member satisfaction by 30% and improve overall group cohesion.

6. Streamlined Announcements

The broadcasting feature of WhatsApp Communities allows admins to send announcements across all Groups simultaneously. This ensures that everyone receives essential updates simultaneously, reducing the risk of miscommunication or missed information. According to research, organizations that use broadcast messaging tools report a 25% reduction in information gaps and improved response times.

These benefits highlight WhatsApp Communities’ power to create a more organized, engaged, and scalable communication environment, making them a valuable asset for any large group or organization.

How to Use Community on WhatsApp

WhatsApp Communities offer a versatile platform for organizing and managing large-scale conversations across multiple groups. Whether running a business, coordinating a school, or managing a large social group, there are various ways to leverage WhatsApp Communities to enhance communication and engagement. Here are different ways to use WhatsApp Communities effectively:

1. Organize Multiple Groups

WhatsApp Communities allow you to organize multiple related groups under one umbrella. For example, a business can create a Community with separate groups for different departments, such as marketing, sales, and customer support. This structure keeps communication organized, making managing and navigating multiple discussions easier while keeping everything connected within the same Community.

2. Broadcast Important Announcements

One of WhatsApp Communities’ most powerful features is the ability to broadcast announcements to all groups within the Community simultaneously. This is particularly useful for organizations that simultaneously share important updates, events, or news with all members. Using the broadcast feature, you can ensure that every group within your Community receives the same message simultaneously, reducing the risk of miscommunication.

3. Facilitate Collaboration

WhatsApp communities are excellent for fostering collaboration among different teams or groups. For instance, a school can create a Community with groups for each grade level, extracurricular activities, and parent-teacher associations. This setup allows for seamless collaboration across different segments, ensuring everyone is on the same page and can easily share resources, ideas, and updates.

4. Enhance Engagement with Targeted Discussions

By creating specific groups within a Community, you can target discussions more effectively. For example, a brand can create separate groups for product feedback, customer support, and promotional activities within the same Community. This approach encourages more focused and relevant conversations, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction among members.

5. Streamline Event Management

If you’re organizing events, WhatsApp Communities can be a game-changer. Within the same community, you can create groups for different aspects of the event, such as planning, logistics, and attendee communication. This centralized approach streamlines the management process, making coordinating and communicating with all involved parties easier.

6. Build a Loyal Community

Using WhatsApp Communities effectively builds a loyal and engaged community around your brand, cause, or interest. You foster a sense of belonging and loyalty by creating a space where members can connect, share experiences, and stay informed. This approach not only enhances member satisfaction but also strengthens the overall community.

These different ways to use WhatsApp Communities showcase their versatility and potential to enhance communication, collaboration, and engagement across various scenarios. Whether managing a small team or a large organization, WhatsApp Communities provides the tools to stay organized and connected.

How to Create a Community in WhatsApp

Creating a Community in WhatsApp is a straightforward process that allows you to unite multiple groups under one organized structure. Follow these step-by-step instructions to set up your own WhatsApp Community:

1. Open WhatsApp

Start by launching the WhatsApp application on your smartphone. Ensure that you are using the latest version of the app, as the Community feature is available in updated versions.

2. Go to the Chats Tab

Once the app is open, navigate to the “Chats” tab, typically at the bottom of the screen.

3. Tap on the Menu Icon

In the Chats tab, you will see a menu icon (three vertical dots) in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap on this icon to open the drop-down menu.

4. Select ‘New Community’

From the drop-down menu, select the “New Community” option. This will open a new screen where you can start setting up your Community.

5. Add Community Name and Description

You will be prompted to enter a name for your Community and a brief description. The name should reflect the purpose or theme of the Community, while the description provides members with an overview of what the Community is about. Once you’ve filled in these details, tap “Next.”

6. Create or Add Existing Groups

You can now add existing groups to your Community or create new groups specifically for this Community. To add existing groups, tap “Add Existing Group” and select the ones you want to include. To create a new group, tap “Create New Group,” set up the group as usual, and then add it to your Community.

7. Invite Members

After setting up your Community, you can invite members to join. You can share an invite link or manually add contacts to the Community. Members can join the Community and participate in any of its groups.

8. Customize Community Settings

As the Community admin, you can customize the settings for your Community, including managing group permissions, adding or removing groups, and controlling who can send messages in the Community announcement group. This helps you maintain control and ensure that the Community functions smoothly.

9. Start Managing Your Community

Once your Community is set up and members have joined, you can start managing it by sending announcements, moderating groups, and facilitating discussions across the various groups. Regularly engage with your Community members to keep the communication active and ensure everyone stays informed.

Following these steps, you can create a WhatsApp Community that effectively brings together related groups. This will make it easier to manage large-scale conversations and keep everyone connected in one organized space.


WhatsApp Communities offer a powerful and organized way to manage large-scale conversations across multiple groups, making them an essential tool for businesses, schools, and social organizations. By understanding the key differences between Communities and Groups, exploring their unique features, and learning how to create and use a Community effectively, you can leverage this feature to enhance communication, foster engagement, and build a stronger, more connected community.

Whether coordinating a team, managing an organization, or simply bringing together people with shared interests, WhatsApp Communities provide the structure and flexibility needed to keep everyone on the same page. As the digital world continues to evolve, embracing tools like WhatsApp Communities will be crucial for staying connected and thriving in any group setting.

Frequently Asked Questions

A WhatsApp Community is a feature that allows users to organize multiple related groups under one larger, unified structure. It’s designed to bring together various discussions and groups that share a common purpose or interest, making it easier to manage and communicate across multiple groups in one central location.

The primary use of a WhatsApp Community is to centralize and organize communication across several related groups. It’s particularly useful for organizations, schools, or large social networks that need to manage multiple conversations, ensuring that all groups remain connected and receive important updates efficiently.

Each group within a WhatsApp Community can have up to 1,024 members. Since a Community can host multiple groups, this allows for potentially thousands of members to be included across the various groups within a single Community, providing ample space for large-scale communication.

WhatsApp Communities are not publicly visible. Only members who are invited to join the Community can see and participate in it. This ensures privacy and security, as the Community and its associated groups are only accessible to approved members.

The main difference between a WhatsApp Community and a Broadcast is how messages are shared. In a Community, you can manage multiple groups under one umbrella and send announcements that reach all group members. In contrast, a Broadcast allows you to send a message to multiple contacts at once, but the recipients don't know who else received the message, and they cannot respond to the entire group—only to the sender individually.

Yes, WhatsApp Communities are completely free to use. Like other features in WhatsApp, there are no additional costs associated with creating or managing a Community, making it an accessible tool for anyone looking to organize and streamline their group communications.

In a WhatsApp Community, all members of the individual groups can chat within their respective groups. However, when it comes to sending announcements to the entire Community, only the Community admin can broadcast messages that reach all members across the various groups within the Community.

The key benefit of WhatsApp Community is the ability to organize and manage multiple groups in one place. This centralized structure makes it easier to communicate across different groups, send important announcements, and ensure that all members are kept informed. It’s an ideal solution for large organizations or networks that require cohesive communication across various discussions.

Whether to create a WhatsApp Group or a Community depends on your needs. If you need to manage a single conversation or a focused discussion among a small group of people, a WhatsApp Group is sufficient. However, if you’re managing multiple related groups and need a way to organize them under one structure while ensuring cohesive communication, then creating a WhatsApp Community would be more beneficial.

About Author

Raneya Selina

Raneya Selina

Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

Raneya is a skilled Content Writer with over two years of experience in customer experience. At Chatbot.team, she crafts insightful case studies and analyzes customer data to develop impactful strategies.

Know more about Raneya Selina

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