Hubspot Review 2024: Everything you need to know

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April 18, 2023

HubSpot offers a versatile chatbot solution as part of its inbound marketing and sales platform. HubSpot’s chatbot allows businesses to automate conversations and engage with website visitors, leads, and customers in real-time. It’s designed to assist with lead generation, customer support, and sales efforts.

The key features include chatflows, integration with other Hubspot tools, personalization, chat routing, provision of chat analytics, mobile accessibility and it can leverage machine learning to improve responses over time and handle routine inquiries. It has various use cases like lead generation, customer support, sales inquiries and engagement.

HubSpot Conversations made its initial debut at INBOUND 2017 and was subsequently launched in full during 2018, positioning itself as a direct rival to existing live chat and chatbot solutions like Drift and Intercom.

The following article would include everything with respect to the Hubspot Chatbot, its features, advantages and disadvantages, pricing, examples and use cases, how we can get started with the platform and the alternatives available for the platform.

What is Hubspot Chatbot?

hubspot chatbot platform
HubSpot Chatbot, also known as HubSpot Conversations, is a functionality embedded within the HubSpot platform. It empowers businesses to automate and oversee interactions with website visitors, potential leads, and existing customers. This tool is purpose-built to elevate customer engagement and bolster multiple facets of sales and marketing efforts.

Rating Of Hubspot Chatbot

According to the Software Reviews, Hubspot Chatbot has been rated as a 7.7 out of a 10.

Is Hubspot Chatbot free?

HubSpot provides a free version of its chatbot tool as part of its suite of marketing and sales software. This free version includes basic chatbot functionality, such as creating and deploying chatbots on your website for engaging with visitors and collecting contact information.

HubSpot’s live chat tool comes with a seamlessly integrated chatbot builder that you can utilize without any cost, and it doesn’t demand any coding skills to get started.

Hubspot Chatbot Examples

Companies that employ HubSpot Live Chat are predominantly situated in the United States and belong to the Information Technology and Services sector. This live chat tool is primarily adopted by businesses with workforces ranging from 10 to 50 employees and revenue in the range of 1 million to 10 million dollars.

Some of the companies that use Hubspot Chatbot include LyntonWeb (United States), Detechtion (Canada), Onix Networking (United States), Allison+Partners (United States), Dito (United States) and more.

Pricing Of Hubspot Chatbot

hubspot pricing

There are two separate plans available at the Hubspot Chatbot which includes for businesses and enterprises and for the individuals and small teams. For the businesses and enterprises, the platform has two pricing plans which includes Professional and Enterprise. The Professional one is a comprehensive marketing software for automation, reporting and campaigns which is priced at $800/month billed at $9600/year including 2000 marketing contacts with $225/month per 5000 additional marketing contacts along with various other features. The Enterprise one is their most powerful marketing software for advanced control and flexibility which is priced at $3600/month billed at $43200/year including 10000 marketing contacts with $100/month per 10000 additional marketing contacts along with various other features.

Similarly, for the individuals and small teams, firstly they have free tools for generating and emailing new leads and measuring the success for free along with many other basic features. Then they have the Starter one which is essential marketing tools to engage and convert leads which is priced at $18/month billed at $216/year including 1000 marketing contacts with $18/month per 1000 additional marketing contacts along with various other features. Lastly, they have a Professional one for the individuals and small teams which is a comprehensive marketing software for automation, reporting and campaigns which is priced at $800/month billed at $9600/year including 2000 marketing contacts with $225/month per 5000 additional marketing contacts along with various other features.

How does Hubspot Chatbot Works?

The HubSpot Chatbot stands as a versatile tool, offering a range of functions aimed at automating and enriching customer interactions on websites. Here is an overview of its operations:

  1. Lead Generation: The HubSpot Chatbot excels at the art of gathering visitor information, including names and email addresses, through targeted inquiries. This valuable data can be securely stored in your HubSpot CRM, ready for future marketing and sales initiatives.
  2. Customer Support: It responds promptly to common queries, adeptly resolves frequent issues, and supplies support resources, elevating customer satisfaction and lightening the workload of your support team.
  3. Sales Enablement: This chatbot actively engages website visitors, addresses product-related inquiries, and can even arrange appointments or demonstrations with your sales professionals. This functionality fosters lead conversion and expedites the sales process.
  4. Marketing Automation: HubSpot Chatbot plays a pivotal role in your marketing campaigns, engaging with visitors, guiding them through the sales funnel, and encouraging specific actions, such as subscribing to newsletters or accessing downloadable resources.
  5. Personalization: Harnessing visitor data, the chatbot customizes interactions to cater to individual preferences. For instance, it greets returning visitors by name and offers tailored product or content recommendations based on their past browsing history.
  6. Routing: Conversations with the chatbot are intelligently directed to the appropriate team or department within your organization. This strategic routing ensures that inquiries promptly reach the right personnel, enhancing operational efficiency.
  7. Data Integration: Seamlessly integrating with the HubSpot CRM and other HubSpot tools, the chatbot acts as a central repository for customer data, facilitating accessibility and utilisation across marketing, sales, and customer service functions.

What Kind of chatbot elements Hubspot Chatbot has?

In the context of HubSpot Chatbot, you can utilize various elements and features to create engaging and interactive chatbot conversations. Here’s how each of these elements relates to the functionality of a HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. Delays: Delays in HubSpot Chatbot can be used to control the timing of chatbot responses, creating natural pauses or allowing users time to read messages.
  2. Images: HubSpot Chatbot allows you to send images within the chatbot conversation, making it possible to share visual content, such as product images or graphics.
  3. Video: You can integrate video content into HubSpot Chatbot conversations to provide detailed explanations, product demonstrations, or tutorials via video links.
  4. Audio: HubSpot Chatbot can send audio clips or links to audio content, enabling auditory communication within the chatbot interaction.
  5. Attachments: Attachments can be shared with users through HubSpot Chatbot, allowing the exchange of files, documents, or images during the conversation.
  6. Gallery (Horizontal list): You can use a horizontal list or gallery format in HubSpot Chatbot to present a series of images or items side by side for users to scroll through and select.
  7. Vertical list: Similar to a horizontal list, the vertical list format in HubSpot Chatbot displays items one below the other, providing an organised way to present options or choices.
  8. Emojis: HubSpot Chatbot supports the use of emojis to add expressions, emotions, or visual elements to chatbot responses, enhancing engagement.
  9. Persistent Menu: HubSpot Chatbot can include a persistent menu, offering users easy access to specific actions or features throughout the conversation.
  10. Quick Replies: You can implement quick replies in HubSpot Chatbot, providing predefined response options for users to choose from, streamlining the conversation.
  11. Buttons: HubSpot Chatbot enables you to add clickable buttons to messages, allowing users to take specific actions or navigate through the conversation with ease.
  12. Free text input: Users can type free-form responses or questions in HubSpot Chatbot, facilitating open-ended interactions.
  13. Location sharing: HubSpot Chatbot can request and process location information from users, which can be useful for services like providing directions or finding nearby stores.
  14. Email validation: HubSpot Chatbot can validate email addresses entered by users to ensure they are correctly formatted.
  15. Phone number validation: Similarly, HubSpot Chatbot can validate phone numbers to ensure they meet the required format.
  16. Date validation: HubSpot Chatbot can validate dates entered by users, helping ensure that the dates are in the correct format or fall within specified ranges.

These elements and features enhance the versatility and interactivity of HubSpot Chatbot, enabling businesses to create engaging and efficient chatbot interactions for marketing, sales, customer support, and other purposes.

Features of Hubspot Chatbot

Here are some of the primary functionalities provided by HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. Chat Flows Builder: Create customized chatbot interactions without coding skills.
  2. Seamless Integration: Integrates with other HubSpot tools, such as the CRM, marketing automation, and sales software.
  3. Personalization: Personalize chatbot interactions based on user data and behavior.
  4. Efficient Chat Routing: Intelligently direct conversations to the appropriate teams or departments.
  5. Comprehensive Chat Analytics: Track essential metrics such as response times, conversion rates, and user satisfaction.
  6. Mobile-Friendly Design: Operates seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.
  7. AI-Enhanced Capabilities: Leverages machine learning to continually enhance its responses over time.
  8. Lead Generation: Qualify leads and capture essential contact information from website visitors.
  9. Customer Support: Address common customer inquiries, deliver product information, or guide users to pertinent resources.
  10. Sales Support: Manage initial sales queries, coordinate appointments, or direct inquiries to the most suitable sales representatives.

These features collectively empower businesses to automate processes, enhance customer interactions, and optimize their marketing and sales strategies through the effective use of HubSpot Chatbot.

How much easy user interface Hubspot Chatbot has?

HubSpot Chatbot is renowned for its user-friendly and intuitive interface, catering to individuals with diverse levels of technical expertise. Below are some contributing factors that enhance the user-friendliness of HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. Chatflows Builder: HubSpot’s Chatflows Builder is intentionally crafted to be user-friendly and doesn’t necessitate extensive coding knowledge. It employs a visual interface, allowing you to create chatbot interactions effortlessly through drag-and-drop actions. This approach ensures accessibility, even for users without a technical background.
  2. Prebuilt Templates: HubSpot offers a selection of ready-made chatbot templates tailored for various purposes, including lead generation, customer support, and appointment scheduling. These templates serve as starting points for constructing your chatbot, effectively saving you time and effort.
  3. Integration with HubSpot CRM: If you’re already utilising HubSpot CRM and other HubSpot tools, the chatbot integrates seamlessly with these platforms. This integration centralises user data and interactions within the HubSpot ecosystem, streamlining the overall user experience.
  4. User Guidance and Documentation: HubSpot provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and user guides to assist users in getting started with Chatbot and maximizing its capabilities. This supplemental support proves invaluable, especially for those new to chatbot development.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: HubSpot’s analytics and reporting tools are thoughtfully designed to be user-friendly, enabling you to effortlessly monitor your chatbot’s performance. Key metrics, such as response rates and user satisfaction, can be conveniently tracked within the HubSpot dashboard.
  6. Mobile Accessibility: HubSpot Chatbot is thoughtfully engineered to operate seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. This ensures that users can engage with chatbots across various platforms, significantly enhancing accessibility and usability.
  7. Community and Support: HubSpot boasts an active user community and offers dedicated customer support to assist users with queries or challenges they may encounter while utilising Chatbot.

These factors collectively contribute to the user-friendly nature of HubSpot Chatbot, making it an accessible and efficient tool for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Pros Of Hubspot Chatbot

HubSpot Chatbot, also known as HubSpot Conversations, offers several advantages to businesses seeking to enhance customer engagement and streamline their operations. Here are some of the notable benefits of using HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: HubSpot Chatbot features an intuitive interface and user-friendly tools, including the Chatflows Builder. This tool empowers users to create chatbots without requiring extensive coding expertise, making it accessible for businesses to embark on their chatbot journey with ease.
  2. Seamless Integration: HubSpot Chatbot seamlessly integrates with other HubSpot tools, such as CRM, marketing automation, and sales software. This integration centralizes customer data and interactions, facilitating more efficient marketing and sales efforts.
  3. Personalization: The chatbot enables personalised interactions based on user data and behaviour. It can warmly greet visitors by name, offer tailored product recommendations, and deliver customised content, thereby enhancing user engagement.
  4. Efficient Chat Routing: HubSpot’s chatbot possesses the capability to intelligently route conversations to the appropriate teams or departments based on predefined rules or user-provided information. This ensures that inquiries are promptly directed to the right personnel.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: HubSpot equips businesses with robust analytics and reporting tools, enabling them to closely monitor and evaluate chatbot performance. Metrics such as response times and conversion rates can be tracked, contributing to the optimization of chatbot strategies.
  6. Customer Support: The chatbot serves as a valuable asset in addressing common customer inquiries, providing product details, and guiding users to relevant resources. This not only reduces the workload on support teams but also enhances overall customer satisfaction.
  7. Sales Support: HubSpot Chatbot plays a pivotal role in managing initial sales queries, facilitating appointment scheduling, and directing inquiries to the most suitable sales representatives. This significantly contributes to lead conversion and sales acceleration.
  8. Automation: The chatbot efficiently automates routine tasks and interactions, enabling human resources to focus on more complex issues and personalised engagements.
  9. Mobile Accessibility: HubSpot Chatbot is meticulously designed to operate seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. This versatility allows businesses to engage with users across various platforms and devices.
  10. AI-Enhanced Capabilities: Although not as advanced as dedicated AI chatbots, HubSpot’s chatbot leverages machine learning to continuously refine its responses over time, enhancing its ability to handle routine inquiries effectively.

Cons of Hubspot Chatbot

While HubSpot Chatbot indeed offers several advantages, it’s prudent to remain cognizant of potential limitations and drawbacks. Here are some of the cons or restrictions associated with HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendly interface, creating intricate chatbot interactions may necessitate a learning curve, particularly for users new to chatbot development and customization.
  2. Limited AI Capabilities: HubSpot Chatbot’s AI capabilities, while improving gradually through machine learning, may not match the sophistication of dedicated AI chatbots. It might encounter difficulties with complex or specialized tasks that advanced AI chatbots excel in handling.
  3. Dependency on HubSpot Ecosystem: To fully exploit HubSpot Chatbot’s capabilities, businesses often need to utilise other HubSpot tools and services. This can be constraining if a business prefers to employ a mix of software and tools from various providers.
  4. Cost: While HubSpot Chatbot offers a free version, accessing more advanced features and capabilities may entail subscribing to a paid HubSpot plan. Costs may rise as usage scales and additional features are integrated.
  5. Integration Complexity: While integrating with HubSpot’s own tools is seamless, connecting with third-party applications and services might require additional configuration and development efforts.
  6. Limited NLP (Natural Language Processing): HubSpot Chatbot’s natural language processing abilities may be restricted when compared to specialised chatbots designed for advanced language comprehension and interpretation.
  7. Maintenance and Content Updates: Like any chatbot, HubSpot Chatbot demands ongoing maintenance and updates to sustain its effectiveness and align with evolving business needs. Neglecting regular updates can lead to a decline in performance.
  8. Initial Setup Time: While HubSpot Chatbot offers pre-built templates, crafting a chatbot from the ground up and tailoring it to meet specific business requirements can be time-consuming, particularly for complex use cases.
  9. Privacy Concerns: The collection and storage of user data for lead generation and other purposes can raise privacy concerns. Businesses employing HubSpot Chatbot should ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  10. Limited Customization: Although HubSpot Chatbot provides customization options, businesses with highly unique or specialized requirements may find their ability to customize the chatbot’s behaviour limited.

How is the Customer support of Hubspot Chatbot?

HubSpot is renowned for its commitment to providing robust customer support to its users, including those utilizing HubSpot Chatbot. Below is an overview of the array of customer support options and resources typically at the disposal of HubSpot Chatbot users:

  1. Help Center: HubSpot meticulously maintains a comprehensive online Help Centre replete with a vast repository of articles, guides, tutorials, and FAQs. This invaluable resource allows users to seek information on a wide spectrum of topics related to HubSpot products, including Chatbot.
  2. Community Forum: HubSpot fosters an active and engaged user community where individuals can pose questions, share their experiences, and solicit advice from fellow HubSpot users and experts. This community forum serves as an invaluable asset for resolving issues and gleaning insights into best practices.
  3. Technical Support: HubSpot extends technical support to its users through a variety of channels, encompassing email support and phone support. Users grappling with specific issues or inquiries can seamlessly reach out to HubSpot’s adept support team for timely assistance.
  4. Webinars and Training: HubSpot consistently conducts webinars and training sessions that span an array of topics, including Chatbot. These webinars provide users with exceptional opportunities to learn from seasoned HubSpot experts, thereby enhancing their knowledge and skillset.
  5. Documentation: HubSpot furnishes meticulous documentation and user guides tailored specifically for Chatbot. These resources proffer comprehensive, step-by-step instructions and elucidations, aiding users in the setup and effective utilisation of Chatbot.
  6. HubSpot Academy: HubSpot Academy is a treasure trove of free online courses covering a wide gamut of subjects, including HubSpot Chatbot. Users can readily avail themselves of these courses to delve into Chatbot best practices and strategies.
  7. Email and Ticketing System: Users typically possess the facility to submit support requests or technical quandaries through an email or ticketing system. HubSpot’s dedicated support team promptly attends to these inquiries, delivering much-needed assistance.
  8. Phone Support (Depending on Plan): Depending on the subscription plan in place, HubSpot may extend phone support to users. This affords users the privilege of engaging in direct conversations with support representatives for expedited assistance.
  9. Community Feedback: HubSpot places great emphasis on the feedback received from its user community, frequently utilizing it to effectuate product enhancements. Users can readily submit feature requests and suggestions aimed at enhancing Chatbot and other HubSpot toos.

Available Integration Options in Hubspot Chatbot

HubSpot Chatbot provides a plethora of integration options aimed at assisting businesses in connecting and streamlining their diverse array of tools and platforms. Below, you will find a list of the common integration possibilities that are readily available with HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. HubSpot CRM Integration: HubSpot Chatbot seamlessly integrates with HubSpot CRM, making it possible to consolidate customer data and interactions. This integration streamlines the tracking and management of leads, contacts, and customer information.
  2. Marketing Automation Integration: HubSpot Chatbot can be seamlessly integrated with HubSpot’s suite of marketing automation tools. This integration empowers you to seamlessly incorporate chat interactions into your marketing campaigns, enabling the segmentation of contacts and the personalization of marketing initiatives using chatbot data.
  3. Sales Software Integration: Integration with HubSpot’s sales software enhances the efficiency of lead management and sales processes. Chatbot interactions can prove invaluable in the identification of potential leads and the initiation of automated follow-up actions.
  4. Email Marketing Integration: HubSpot Chatbot is capable of integrating with email marketing platforms. This functionality allows you to capture leads through chat interactions and seamlessly include them in your email marketing lists for nurturing and engagement.
  5. Customer Support Software Integration: Businesses utilizing customer support software can integrate HubSpot Chatbot to create a seamless and efficient customer support experience. Chatbot interactions can be deployed for the routing of support tickets and the provision of assistance with common inquiries.
  6. CRMs and Databases Integration: HubSpot Chatbot may offer integration options with other CRM systems and databases. Such integrations facilitate data synchronisation across various platforms, ensuring consistency in customer records.
  7. E-commerce Platforms Integration: For businesses engaged in e-commerce operations, HubSpot Chatbot can be integrated with e-commerce platforms. This integration enables the provision of product information, assistance with purchases, and the tracking of orders.
  8. Analytics and Reporting Tools Integration: HubSpot Chatbot can be integrated with analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to closely monitor chatbot performance, assess user engagement, and gather valuable insights for the optimization of your chat strategy.
  9. Third-Party Chatbot and AI Platforms Integration: Integration with third-party chatbot and AI platforms enhances HubSpot Chatbot’s capabilities. This integration enables advanced natural language processing and AI-driven interactions.
  10. Social Media Platforms Integration: Integration with social media platforms empowers you to engage with customers and prospects via chat on various social media channels, creating a versatile and multi-channel communication experience.
  11. Custom Integrations: HubSpot frequently offers Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that facilitate custom integrations with other software and platforms tailored to the specific requirements of your business.

Is it safe to use Hubspot Chatbot?

HubSpot Chatbot is widely recognized as a secure tool when implemented and overseen correctly. HubSpot, a reputable software provider, prioritizes data security and privacy. They have implemented a comprehensive array of security measures to safeguard user data and guarantee the overall safety of their offerings, including Chatbot. Here are several key safety considerations related to HubSpot Chatbot:

  1. Data Encryption: HubSpot employs robust encryption methods to protect data during transmission and when it is at rest. This means that data sent to and received from the Chatbot is encrypted, making it challenging for unauthorized parties to intercept or access sensitive information.
  2. User Authentication: HubSpot provides user authentication features to guarantee that only authorized individuals can access and configure the Chatbot. This prevents unauthorized personnel from making alterations to the chatbot settings.
  3. Access Controls: HubSpot enables organizations to establish precise access controls and permissions for users. This functionality allows you to limit Chatbot access to specific team members or roles, reducing the risk of unauthorised access.
  4. Compliance: Depending on your subscription and usage, HubSpot adheres to various data protection and privacy regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA. This ensures that you can use the Chatbot in a manner that complies with regulatory requirements.
  5. Regular Updates and Security Patches: HubSpot consistently updates its software and deploys security patches to address potential vulnerabilities. Keeping your Chatbot and associated software up-to-date is crucial to maintaining a high level of security.
  6. Data Ownership: HubSpot typically maintains a transparent data ownership policy, ensuring that you retain ownership of your data. This policy helps safeguard your business’s information.
  7. Privacy Features: HubSpot often provides privacy features and settings that allow you to manage how user data is collected, stored, and used within the Chatbot.

How to get started with Hubspot Chatbot?

Getting started with HubSpot Chatbot involves several steps, from signing up and logging in to setting up your first chatbot and deploying it on your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started with HubSpot Chatbot:

Sign Up for HubSpot:

Visit the HubSpot website (
Click the “Get Started for Free” or “Start for Free” button.

Create an Account:

Fill out the required information, such as your name, email address, and company details.
Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

Login to Your HubSpot Account:

Once you’ve created your account, log in using your email address and password.

Access the HubSpot Dashboard:

After logging in, you’ll be directed to the HubSpot dashboard, where you can access various HubSpot tools and features.

Navigate to Conversations:

In the HubSpot dashboard, locate the “Conversations” tab in the top navigation menu and click on it.

Set Up Your Chatflows:

Under “Conversations,” click on “Chatflows” to access the Chatflows Builder.
Here, you can create customised chatbot interactions. You can choose from prebuilt templates or create your chatbot from scratch. Follow the prompts to design your chatbot based on your specific goals, such as lead generation, customer support, or appointment scheduling.

Design Your Chatbot Interaction:

Use the Chatflows Builder’s visual interface to design your chatbot’s conversation flow. You can add messages, questions, quick replies, buttons, and more to create engaging interactions.

Integrate with HubSpot CRM (Optional):

If you’re using HubSpot CRM, consider integrating your Chatbot with it to centralize customer data and streamline your marketing and sales efforts.

Test Your Chatbot and deploy it:

Before deploying your chatbot on your website, use the testing feature within the Chatflows Builder to ensure it functions as expected.
Once you’re satisfied with your chatbot’s setup and testing, click on the “Publish” or “Go Live” button to deploy it on your website. Follow the instructions provided to add the chatbot to your website’s pages.

Monitor and Optimize:

After deployment, regularly monitor your chatbot’s performance using HubSpot’s analytics and reporting tools. Adjust your chatbot’s interactions and responses as needed to improve user engagement and achieve your goals.

Provide Training and Support (Optional):

If you have a team, consider providing training on using and managing the chatbot effectively. HubSpot offers resources, webinars, and documentation to help you make the most of Chatbot.

Alternative Of Hubspot Chatbot

Here are several alternatives to Hubspot chatbot, depending on your specific requirements for chatbot development, automation, and customer support. These are some popular options:

  1. is a conversational messaging platform that offers chatbot development services for businesses of all sizes. It help businesses automate their customer service and marketing operations, improve customer engagement, and increase sales. Its chatbots can be integrated with any platform, including websites, mobile apps, and social media. We offer a variety of chatbot features, like Natural language processing, Machine learning, Conversational analytics, Multi-channel support and Customization. It Provides integrations with popular messaging platforms, as well as social media platforms and CRM systems.
  2. Intercom: Intercom is a customer communications platform that helps businesses build relationships with their customers through personalized, messenger-based experiences. Intercom offers a variety of features, including Chatbots, Live chat, Email marketing, In-app messaging
  3. Drift: Drift is a conversational marketing platform that helps businesses connect with buyers at the right time, with the right message, through chat. Drift offers a variety of features, including Chatbots, Live chat, Email marketing, Video chat, Sales automation.
  4. ManyChat: ManyChat is a chatbot platform that allows businesses to create and manage chatbots for Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct, WhatsApp, Telegram, and SMS. ManyChat offers a variety of features, including drag-and-drop chatbot builder, Integrations with CRM and marketing automation platforms.
  5. Wati: Wati is an end-to-end WhatsApp API solution that helps businesses of all sizes connect with their customers on WhatsApp. Wati also offers a variety of features that make it easy for businesses to use WhatsApp, such as drag-and-drop chatbot builder, NLP, ML, Integrations with popular CRM and marketing automation platforms.

If you are looking for a chatbot platform that can help you to improve your customer communication and support, you can go with with no worries. is a powerful and flexible chatbot platform that is suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Why use

There are numerous compelling reasons to consider utilizing

  1. Advanced Chatbot Functionality: offers powerful chatbot capabilities, empowering you to create highly versatile and intelligent chatbots capable of handling diverse tasks and interactions.
  2. Comprehensive Integration Options: The platform provides an extensive array of integration possibilities, allowing you to seamlessly link your chatbot with various software, systems, and platforms. This streamlines your business processes and enhances customer engagement.
  3. Tailored Personalization: enables thorough personalization of chatbot interactions, ensuring that users receive customized responses and experiences based on their preferences and behaviour.
  4. Multilingual Support: If your business serves a global or linguistically diverse clientele,’s multilingual support facilitates effective communication with users in various languages.
  5. Sophisticated Analytics: Acquire invaluable insights into your chatbot’s performance and user interactions through advanced analytics and reporting tools. These insights aid in refining your chatbot strategy and enhancing user satisfaction.
  6. Round-the-Clock Availability: Ensure your chatbot remains accessible 24/7 to assist users, address inquiries, and provide support. This elevates customer service and enhances accessibility.
  7. Tailored Customization: Personalise your chatbot’s appearance, behaviour, and responses to align with your brand identity and cater to your specific business requirements.
  8. Efficient Automation: Implement automated workflows and processes to manage routine tasks and inquiries, allowing your human resources to focus on more intricate and value-added activities.
  9. CRM Integration: Seamlessly connect your chatbot with customer relationship management (CRM) systems to centralize customer data, enhance lead generation, and improve customer management.
  10. Effective Customer Support: Deliver valuable customer support by addressing common inquiries, furnishing product information, and guiding users to pertinent resources. This reduces the workload on your support team and enhances overall customer satisfaction.

Hubspot Chatbot vs

HubSpot Chatbot and are two different chatbot solutions, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Below, a comparison of HubSpot Chatbot and based on several key factors has been provided:

Integration Options:HubSpot Chatbot offers seamless integration with other HubSpot tools, such as HubSpot CRM, marketing automation, and sales software. It’s designed to work within the HubSpot provides extensive integration options, allowing you to connect your chatbot with various software, systems, and platforms beyond HubSpot. This flexibility may be beneficial if you use a diverse set of tools in your business.
Ease of UseHubSpot’s Chatflows Builder is known for its user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical offers a user-friendly interface and chatbot builder, but the ease of use may vary depending on your specific requirements and customization needs.
Advanced FunctionalityHubSpot Chatbot provides a range of features suitable for lead generation, customer support, and sales support. While it offers AI-enhanced capabilities, they may not be as advanced as dedicated AI emphasises advanced chatbot functionality, enabling you to create highly functional and intelligent chatbots that can handle various tasks and interactions.
PersonalizationHubSpot Chatbot allows for personalization of chatbot interactions to some extent, offering tailored responses and emphasises extensive personalization capabilities, ensuring users receive highly customised responses based on their preferences and behaviour.
Multilingual SupportHubSpot Chatbot may offer multilingual support to some extent, depending on your subscription and explicitly offers multilingual support, making it suitable for businesses serving a global or linguistically diverse audience.
Analytics and Reporting:HubSpot provides analytics and reporting tools to track chatbot performance, including response rates and user offers advanced analytics tools, which may provide more in-depth insights into chatbot interactions and performance.
PricingHubSpot Chatbot offers a free version with paid subscription options for more advanced features. The cost may vary depending on your usage and’s pricing structure may vary based on your specific requirements and customization needs.


In conclusion, HubSpot Chatbot stands out as a versatile tool with a wide range of advantages for businesses. It boasts a user-friendly interface, seamless integration opportunities, robust personalization features, multilingual support, advanced analytics, and automation capabilities. Despite some limitations and associated costs, it has the potential to greatly boost customer engagement, operational efficiency, and overall business performance. However, it’s crucial to evaluate your unique requirements and consider alternatives such as to make an informed choice that aligns best with your organisation’s goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

HubSpot Chatbot, developed by HubSpot, is a software solution designed for automating interactions with website visitors, leads, and customers. It enables real-time conversations, addresses queries, offers information, and aids in various tasks. Notably, HubSpot Chatbot stands out for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other HubSpot tools, making it a valuable asset for businesses aiming to improve customer engagement and simplify marketing and sales operations.

HubSpot Chatbot is used for automating interactions with website visitors and customers, engaging in real-time conversations, answering inquiries, providing information, and assisting with tasks, all aimed at enhancing customer engagement and streamlining marketing and sales processes.

Yes, you can link Hubspot Chatbot with your Whatsapp. Leveraging WhatsApp in conjunction with your HubSpot CRM enables you to send welcome messages, automate abandoned cart notifications, and tailor messages according to purchase behaviour.

Companies of various sizes and industries use HubSpot Chatbot, including tech startups, e-commerce businesses, marketing agencies, and more.

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