ChatBotkit Review 2024: Everything you need to know

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April 18, 2023

ChatBotKit, the AI chatbot platform, empowers businesses to revolutionise customer engagement and streamline daily operations. With ChatBotKit, users can craft personalised conversational AI chatbots using their own data, all while enjoying the benefits of seamless workflows and instant deployment. The platform’s library of pre-built apps makes it a versatile choice for enhancing customer interactions. Notably, ChatBotKit stands out by offering a risk-free 5-day trial and a 14-day money-back guarantee, allowing businesses to explore its potential without financial concerns.

ChatBotKit offers key features such as custom chatbot creation, streamlined workflows, instant deployment, and access to pre-built apps. Marketers can utilise ChatBotKit to create AI chatbots for engaging customers and simplifying routine tasks. Developers can expedite chatbot deployment using its user-friendly features. Business owners can enhance customer engagement and user experience with ChatBotKit’s versatile AI chatbot solutions.

In the following article, we would get to know more information about the ChatbotKit Chatbot, its features, pros and cons, pricing plans, alternatives and integration options.

What is ChatBotkit?

ChatBotKit is an AI chatbot platform that empowers businesses to effectively interact with customers and streamline routine operations. Users can harness its capabilities to craft personalised conversational AI chatbots using their own data, benefiting from efficient workflows and rapid deployment. Additionally, the inclusion of pre-built apps provides users with the versatility to handle a diverse array of tasks, positioning ChatBotKit as an invaluable tool for boosting customer engagement.

Who is the founder of ChatBotkit?

In 2016, David Pichsenmeister founded ChatBotKit.

Rating Of ChatBotkit

According to AllThingsAI, the chatbot ChatBotKit is rated 4 out of 5.

Pricing Of ChatBotkit

ChatBotKit provides the users three pricing plans consisting of Basic, Pro and Team.


The Basic plan, priced at just $25 per month, is an ideal choice for small-scale production projects with moderate usage. This plan offers excellent value with features including unlimited bots, unlimited integrations, and the capacity to handle up to 1 million tokens per month, along with 2 million GPT3.5 tokens. You can engage in up to 1,000 conversations and send up to 5,000 messages each month. The plan allows access to 10 datasets, skill sets, and integrations, ensuring flexibility for your project needs. Moreover, it includes conversation history tracking, online support, and the ability to crawl up to 200 pages, making it a comprehensive solution for projects with moderate usage requirements.


The Pro plan, priced at $65 per month, is tailor-made for larger projects that demand heightened usage and enhanced flexibility. This plan is the most recommended one. This robust plan boasts unlimited bots and integrations, accommodating up to 2 million tokens each month, including 4 million GPT3.5 tokens. It allows for up to 10,000 conversations and an impressive 50,000 messages per month. With access to 100 datasets, skill sets, and integrations, it offers exceptional adaptability for larger-scale endeavours. Furthermore, the plan provides a comprehensive set of features, including conversation history tracking, online support, the capacity to crawl up to 1,000 pages, advanced website crawling, the option to disable ChatBotKit branding, end-user privacy-enablement features, and exclusive early access to new features, making it an excellent choice for projects with heavy usage requirements.


The Team plan, priced at $365 per month, is the perfect solution for teams engaged in substantial projects with extensive data requirements. This comprehensive plan offers unlimited bots and integrations, accommodating up to 10 million tokens per month, including a generous 20 million GPT3.5 tokens. It supports up to 50,000 conversations and an impressive 250,000 messages monthly, making it well-suited for high-volume projects. With access to 1,000 datasets, skill sets, and integrations, it ensures exceptional adaptability for larger teams. Additionally, the plan provides essential features such as conversation history tracking, online support, the capacity to crawl up to 1,000 pages, advanced website crawling, the option to disable ChatBotKit branding, and end-user privacy-enablement features. Team collaboration, single sign-on (SSO), and premier support for faster, prioritised responses further enhance this plan, making it an excellent choice for teams working on projects with heavy usage and data needs.

What Kind of chatbot elements Chatbotkit has?

Within the realm of ChatBotKit chatbots, these terms encompass a diverse array of elements and functionalities that enhance chatbot interactions:

  1. Delays: Introducing delays enables precise timing in chatbot responses, creating conversations that feel more natural and human-like.
  2. Images: ChatBotKit chatbots seamlessly incorporate images to offer visual content and information to users.
  3. Video: These chatbots are equipped to share video content in responses, making information delivery engaging through multimedia.
  4. Audio: ChatBotKit chatbots support audio content, allowing the conveyance of spoken messages and auditory information.
  5. Attachments: Users can receive various file types and documents as attachments during chatbot interactions.
  6. Gallery (Horizontal list): This feature empowers chatbots to present information or choices to users in a horizontal list format, streamlining selection.
  7. Vertical list: Similar to the horizontal list, a vertical format displays information or options vertically, serving user choice and navigation.
  8. Emojis: Emojis are integrated into chatbot responses to infuse emotion and visual elements into the conversation.
  9. Persistent Menu: A fixed navigation menu remains visible during chatbot interactions, providing users with swift access to key features and options.
  10. Quick Replies: Predefined response options simplify interactions, guiding the conversation through user-selected choices.
  11. Buttons: ChatBotKit chatbots incorporate interactive buttons in responses, enabling users to engage by selecting specific options.
  12. Free text input: Users have the freedom to provide unstructured text input, fostering open-ended interactions with the chatbot.
  13. Location sharing: Users can share their precise location with the chatbot, particularly valuable for location-based services and information.
  14. Email validation: ChatBotKit chatbots validate user-provided email addresses to ensure data accuracy.
  15. Phone number validation: Similarly, phone number validation is supported to verify and process user-entered phone numbers.
  16. Date validation: ChatBotKit chatbots validate dates, ensuring the correct format and relevance within the conversation context.

How does ChatBotkit work?

ChatBotKit, much like its counterparts in the chatbot industry, encompasses a series of fundamental components and operational procedures:

  1. User Input: In this initial step, users engage with the chatbot by providing input, typically in the form of text messages, voice commands, or other communication methods.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): ChatBotKit relies on Natural Language Processing (NLP) to comprehend and interpret the user’s input. NLP empowers the chatbot to extract meaning from text or speech, encompassing the recognition of entities, intents, and context.
  3. Response Generation: After the user’s input is processed, the chatbot formulates a pertinent response. This response can manifest as text, images, videos, buttons, or other interactive elements.
  4. Knowledge Base: ChatBotKit may possess access to a knowledge base or a database of information, serving as a resource from which it draws to offer precise and informative responses to user queries.
  5. Machine Learning and AI: Like many of its peers, ChatBotKit incorporates machine learning and AI algorithms to enhance its responses over time. Through user interactions, it learns and evolves, ultimately delivering more precise and effective responses.
  6. Integration: ChatBotKit exhibits the capability to seamlessly integrate with diverse platforms, encompassing websites, messaging apps, and customer support systems. This feature enables it to reach users across a range of communication channels.
  7. Multimodal Interaction: Depending on its feature set, some chatbots, including ChatBotKit, may engage in multimodal interactions, accommodating text, images, voice, and even buttons within a single conversation.
  8. User Experience Customization: ChatBotKit provides tools that enable customization of the user experience. Users can define conversational flows, include branding elements, and shape the chatbot’s personality.
  9. Continuous Improvement: ChatBotKit frequently collects data pertaining to user interactions and performance metrics. This data analysis informs adjustments and refinements to enhance the chatbot’s effectiveness and user satisfaction.
  10. Monitoring and Analytics: The platform offers monitoring and analytics tools to track the chatbot’s performance. These insights facilitate the fine-tuning and optimization of its functionality.
  11. Developer and Admin Tools: Developers and administrators benefit from specific tools and interfaces designed to facilitate the creation, configuration, and management of the chatbot.
  12. Security and Privacy: ChatBotKit prioritises security and privacy. It includes measures to safeguard user data and adhere to data protection regulations, ensuring user information remains confidential and secure.

What are the benefits of ChatBotkit?

ChatBotKit offers a range of benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Customer Engagement: ChatBotKit excels in real-time customer engagement, providing 24/7 support to respond to inquiries and improve overall customer interactions.
  2. Efficient Customer Support: These chatbots effectively handle routine support requests, enabling human agents to focus on more complex issues. This results in quicker response times and cost savings in support operations.
  3. Task Automation: ChatBotKit automates various tasks and processes, such as appointment scheduling, order tracking, and data retrieval, freeing up human resources for strategic initiatives.
  4. Scalability: These chatbots effortlessly scale to manage multiple interactions simultaneously, making them an excellent choice for businesses with varying workloads and expanding customer bases.
  5. Consistency: ChatBotKit consistently provides responses in line with predefined guidelines, ensuring uniform and dependable customer interactions.
  6. Cost Savings: By automating tasks and reducing the need for human intervention in routine processes, ChatBotKit can lead to significant cost savings for businesses.
  7. Multichannel Compatibility: ChatBotKit seamlessly integrates with various messaging platforms and websites, ensuring a consistent and unified customer experience across diverse communication channels.
  8. Data Collection and Analysis: ChatBotKit adeptly gathers valuable data from customer interactions, offering insights into customer preferences, behaviour, and needs for informed decision-making.
  9. Personalization: These chatbots excel in delivering personalised recommendations and responses based on user data, enhancing the overall user experience.
  10. 24/7 Availability: ChatBotKit guarantees round-the-clock accessibility, allowing users to access information and assistance at their convenience.

Features of ChatBotkit

Some features of ChatBotKit chatbot are mentioned below:

  1. ChatBot Creation: ChatBotKit empowers users to design and deploy conversational AI chatbots using their own data. This feature allows businesses to tailor chatbots to their specific needs and integrate them seamlessly into their operations. Whether it’s for customer support, information retrieval, or task automation, the ability to create custom chatbots is a valuable asset.
  2. Streamlined Workflows: The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, offering streamlined workflows for chatbot development. This means that the process of building, configuring, and maintaining chatbots is made more efficient and straightforward. It simplifies the often complex task of setting up AI-driven chatbots, making it accessible to a wider range of users.
  3. Pre-Built Apps: ChatBotKit provides access to pre-built applications or modules that expand the range of tasks a chatbot can perform. These pre-built apps can cover a wide array of functions, from providing product recommendations and answering frequently asked questions to handling appointment scheduling or order tracking. This feature saves time and effort by offering readily available solutions for common use cases.
  4. Risk-Free Trial: Users can take advantage of a 5-day risk-free trial to explore and evaluate the capabilities of the ChatBotKit platform. This trial period allows businesses to test its features, assess its suitability for their needs, and gain a hands-on understanding of its functionality. It’s an opportunity to ensure that the platform aligns with their specific requirements before making a financial commitment.
  5. Satisfaction Guarantee: To further alleviate concerns, ChatBotKit offers a customer satisfaction guarantee. Within the first 14 days of usage, customers have the option to request a full refund if they are not completely satisfied with the platform. This assurance provides peace of mind and underscores the platform’s commitment to delivering value to its users.

These features collectively make ChatBotKit a robust and user-centric platform for creating, deploying, and managing chatbots while also minimising the financial risk for potential users.

How much easy user interface ChatBotkit has?

The ease of use of ChatBotKit’s user interface can vary depending on the platform’s design and updates. ChatBotKit, like many chatbot development platforms, aims to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface to streamline the process of creating and managing chatbots. Here are some general considerations related to the ease of use in a chatbot development platform like ChatBotKit:

  1. User-Friendly Design: A user-friendly design with clear navigation and a well-organised layout can significantly enhance the ease of use. It should be easy for users, including non-technical individuals, to understand and interact with the platform.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Some chatbot platforms offer a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the creation of chatbot conversational flows. This visual approach can make it more accessible to users without extensive programming knowledge.
  3. Templates and Pre-Built Components: Providing templates and pre-built components for common chatbot use cases can expedite the development process. Users can select from existing templates or components and customise them to their needs.
  4. Intuitive Workflow: **The platform should offer an intuitive workflow, guiding users through the process of building and configuring a chatbot. Clear step-by-step instructions and tooltips can be valuable.
  5. Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed documentation, tutorials, and help resources can further enhance the ease of use. Users can refer to these materials for guidance and troubleshooting.
  6. Customer Support: Access to responsive customer support can be invaluable. Users should have a channel to seek assistance and clarification if they encounter any challenges.
  7. Training and Onboarding: Offering training sessions or onboarding resources to familiarise users with the platform can facilitate their learning and comfort with ChatBotKit.

Available Integration Options in ChatBotkit

Here are the integration options provided by ChatBotKit:

  1. Widget Integration: Incorporate chatbots directly into websites, enabling on-site user engagement and customization to match the site’s branding.
  2. Slack Integration: Deploy chatbots within Slack, with features like real-time messaging and file sharing, along with compatibility with other commonly used Slack tools.
  3. Discord Integration: Enable chatbot deployment within Discord and access ChatBotKit’s conversational AI capabilities within the Discord platform.
  4. WhatsApp Integration: Deploy and engage with chatbots directly within the WhatsApp application, utilising ChatBotKit’s AI-driven conversational features.
  5. Sitemap Integration: Extract website information by providing the sitemap URL and utilise AI-driven summarization to transform lengthy web pages into concise data points.
  6. Notion Integration: Link chatbots to Notion pages and datasets, streamlining chatbot training with data from Notion.
  7. Support Integration: Seamlessly connect the chatbot with established customer support systems like Zendesk, Intercom, and Google Groups, providing a unified platform for managing chatbot interactions and customer inquiries.


These integrations offer diverse deployment and engagement options, enhancing the versatility and functionality of ChatBotKit.

Is it safe to use ChatBotkit?

The safety of using ChatBotKit, or any chatbot platform, depends on various factors, including how the platform is implemented, the security measures it employs, and how it handles user data. To determine whether it is safe to use ChatBotKit, consider the following:

  1. Security Measures: Assess the security features and protocols in place. Look for encryption, data protection, and other security measures to ensure that user data is safeguarded.
  2. Privacy Policies: Review the platform’s privacy policies to understand how user data is collected, used, and shared. Ensure that it complies with relevant data protection regulations.
  3. Data Handling: Understand how ChatBotKit handles and stores user data. Ensure that sensitive information is appropriately managed and protected.
  4. Compliance: Check if the platform complies with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or other data protection requirements, depending on your use case.
  5. User Authentication: If the chatbot handles sensitive data or provides access to secure information, verify that it has robust user authentication methods in place.
  6. Regular Updates: Ensure that ChatBotKit receives regular updates and security patches to address vulnerabilities and protect against potential threats.
  7. User Training: Train users and administrators on best practices for secure interaction with the chatbot to mitigate security risks.
  8. Customer Support: Verify the availability of customer support for addressing security concerns and issues promptly.

Is ChatBotkit free or paid?

ChatBotKit offers a free trial and then priced plans as well. Pricing for ChatBotKit starts at $25 per month.

How to get started with ChatBotkit?

Here is an overview how to get started with ChatBotKit:

  1. Visit the ChatBotkit Website: Start by visiting the official website of ChatBotkit. You can find information about the platform, its features, pricing, and access to any login or sign-up options.
  2. Sign Up or Log In: Look for a “Sign Up” or “Log In” button on the website. If you are a new user, you’ll typically need to sign up for an account. If you already have an account, use your login credentials to access the platform.
  3. Choose a Plan: Chatbot platforms often offer different pricing plans. Select the plan that best fits your needs, whether it’s a free plan, a trial, or a paid subscription.
  4. Create Your Chatbot: Once you’re logged in, you can start creating your chatbot. This may involve defining the chatbot’s purpose, designing conversational flows, and customising its appearance.
  5. Integrate with Your Platform: Depending on your use case, you may need to integrate the chatbot with your website, messaging apps, or other platforms. Follow the platform’s instructions for integration.
  6. Training and Testing: Train your chatbot by providing it with responses and test it to ensure it behaves as expected. You may also fine-tune its responses based on user interactions.
  7. Launch Your Chatbot: When you are satisfied with your chatbot’s performance, you can launch it on your website or other platforms to engage with users.
  8. Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor your chatbot’s performance, gather user feedback, and make optimizations to improve its functionality and user experience.

Alternative Of ChatBotkit

Here are some alternatives to ChatBotKit:

  1. is a platform designed to create chatbots for enhancing customer service and automating tasks. It offers integrations with various platforms and tools.
  2. Dialogflow: Developed by Google Cloud, Dialogflow offers natural language understanding and seamless integration with various platforms. It’s well-suited for building AI-powered chatbots and virtual agents.
  3. IBM Watson Assistant: IBM Watson Assistant is a powerful platform for AI-driven chatbot development. It provides the capability to integrate with a wide range of channels and services.
  4. Microsoft Bot Framework: Microsoft Bot Framework empowers developers to build chatbots that operate across multiple platforms, including Microsoft Teams and Slack.
  5. Botpress: Botpress is an open-source chatbot platform known for its flexibility and extensive customization options, catering to the needs of developers.
  6. Rasa: Rasa is an open-source framework for constructing highly customizable and self-hosted conversational AI solutions, offering advanced development possibilities.

Which one is the best alternative of Chatbotkit? is the best alternative of chatbotkit which offers substantial value to businesses seeking to harness the potential of chatbots, and this value is evident for several compelling reasons:

  1. Intuitive User Interface: boasts an intuitive user interface, ensuring that individuals with varying technical backgrounds can effortlessly navigate the platform and make the most of its capabilities.
  2. Tailored Solutions: The platform provides the flexibility to precisely customise chatbots according to your business requirements, whether your objectives involve managing customer inquiries, improving lead generation, or optimising customer support.
  3. Cross-Platform Accessibility: Chatbots seamlessly operate on websites and popular messaging applications, guaranteeing that your audience can interact with your business through their preferred channels, ensuring a consistent and hassle-free user experience.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Chatbots are dynamic entities that evolve over time, resulting in more refined interactions with customers and more meaningful, efficient engagement.
  5. Cost-Efficiency: offers pricing plans designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes, making chatbot technology accessible without straining your budget.
  6. Versatility: The platform’s versatility extends to a multitude of tasks, ranging from addressing customer inquiries and resolving issues to driving lead generation and providing real-time support.
  7. Prompt Responsiveness: Chatbots excel in real-time communication, ensuring swift responses and immediate user support. This enhances user satisfaction and elevates the effectiveness of customer service.
  8. Scalability: As your business expands, seamlessly adapts to your growth, allowing you to introduce new chatbots and features as needed.
  9. Seamless Integration: The platform smoothly integrates with various tools and software used by your business, ensuring a streamlined and well-coordinated workflow.
  10. Responsive Customer Support: In instances where queries or challenges arise, provides responsive customer support, delivering guidance and solutions to help you fully unlock the platform’s potential.


In conclusion, ChatBotKit is an AI chatbot platform designed to streamline customer engagement and automate tasks. It offers various features and benefits, including enhanced customer support, scalability, and cost savings. However, it’s essential to be aware of potential limitations, such as the need for ongoing training and the challenges in handling highly specialised tasks. As with any technology, its effectiveness depends on how well it’s integrated into your business processes and how it aligns with your specific goals and requirements. Careful consideration and testing can help you harness the advantages of ChatBotKit while addressing its potential drawbacks.

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