How to Create a Broadcast List on WhatsApp: Step-By-Step Guide

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April 18, 2023

WhatsApp has become an indispensable communication tool for both personal and business use. With over 2 billion active users, it offers a massive reach, making it a prime platform for businesses to engage with their audience. WhatsApp Broadcast is a powerful tool of WhatsApp , which allows businesses to send messages to multiple contacts simultaneously without creating a group chat. This blog will guide you through the process of creating a broadcast list on WhatsApp, the benefits of using it, and how it can help your business thrive.

What is a WhatsApp Broadcast?

A WhatsApp Broadcast allows you to send a message to multiple contacts at once. Unlike group chats, recipients do not see each other and replies are received as individual chats. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to send updates, promotional messages, or announcements to a large number of contacts without cluttering their inboxes with group messages.

What is the Difference Between Broadcast and Group in WhatsApp?

While both WhatsApp Broadcasts and Groups allow you to communicate with multiple contacts, they serve different purposes and operate differently.

  1. Privacy: In a broadcast, recipients are unaware of other recipients and replies are private. In a group, all members can see each other and engage in a collective conversation.
  2. Purpose: Broadcasts are ideal for one-way communication such as announcements and promotions. Groups are better for interactive discussions and collaborations.
  3. Reach: Broadcast messages only reach contacts who have your number saved, whereas group messages reach all members regardless of whether they have saved your number.

Broadcast vs. Group: Key Differences

WhatsApp GroupWhatsApp Broadcast
InteractionMembers can see and respond to each other’s messages.Recipients receive the message as a private chat. They cannot see other recipients.
VisibilityEveryone in the group can see who the other members are.Only the sender knows who the recipients are.
PurposeIdeal for collaborative discussions and group interactions.Best for sending announcements, updates, or marketing messages to multiple contacts simultaneously.

How to Create a WhatsApp Broadcast List?

Creating a broadcast list on WhatsApp is a straightforward process, especially with the WhatsApp Business App. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp Business App on your device.
  2. Go to Chats: Navigate to the Chats screen.
  3. New Broadcast: Tap on the menu button (three dots) and select ‘New broadcast’.
  4. Add Contacts: Select the contacts you want to include in the broadcast list.
  5. Create: Tap the checkmark to create the broadcast list.

Limitations of WhatsApp Broadcast using WhatsApp Business App

While the WhatsApp Business App offers convenient broadcasting capabilities, it comes with several limitations that can hinder its effectiveness for larger businesses. Here are some key limitations:

1.Limited Reach

The WhatsApp Business App restricts the number of contacts you can broadcast a message to at one time. Currently, you can only send messages to up to 256 contacts per broadcast list. This limitation makes it challenging for businesses with large customer bases to reach their entire audience efficiently.

2. Lack of Automation

The WhatsApp Business App does not support message automation or scheduling. Businesses cannot pre-schedule messages to be sent at specific times, which can be a significant drawback for time-sensitive campaigns or regular updates.

3. No Analytics

There are no built-in analytics or reporting features in the WhatsApp Business App. Without analytics, businesses cannot track the performance of their broadcast messages, such as delivery rates, open rates, or engagement metrics. This lack of data makes it difficult to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

4. Manual Process

Creating and managing broadcast lists in the WhatsApp Business App is a manual process. You need to select contacts individually and organize them into lists. This process can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially if you have to update the lists frequently.

5. Compliance with WhatsApp Policies

Strict adherence to WhatsApp’s policies is required to avoid bans or restrictions, which can be challenging to manage manually.

So, What’s the solution?

For businesses with a larger audience and more sophisticated needs, the WhatsApp Business API is the ideal solution. Launched in 2018, the WhatsApp Business API allows for scalable, automated communication and offers advanced features suitable for large-scale operations. To use the WhatsApp Business API, businesses need to go through an application process and meet specific requirements set by WhatsApp.

Features of WhatsApp Broadcast using WhatsApp Business

The WhatsApp Business API offers advanced features that address the limitations of the WhatsApp Business App, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to scale their communication efforts. Here are some of the key features:


With the WhatsApp Business API, businesses can send messages to an unlimited number of contacts. This scalability is essential for large businesses that need to communicate with thousands or even millions of customers simultaneously.


The API allows for the automation of messaging workflows. Businesses can set up automated messages for various scenarios, such as welcome messages, order confirmations, and customer support inquiries. Automation ensures timely and consistent communication with customers.


The WhatsApp Business API supports personalized messaging. Businesses can use customer data to tailor messages to individual recipients, enhancing the relevance and impact of their communication. Personalization helps build stronger relationships with customers.


The API provides access to detailed analytics and reporting tools. Businesses can track key performance metrics, such as message delivery rates, read rates, and response rates. These insights help businesses optimize their messaging strategies and improve campaign effectiveness.


The WhatsApp Business API can be integrated with other business tools, such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and customer support software. Integration streamlines operations and allows for a seamless flow of information across different systems.

How to Apply for the Official WhatsApp Business API with

Applying for the WhatsApp Business API through involves the following steps

  1. Sign Up: Visit and sign up for an account.
  2. Create a WhatsApp Business API Account: Follow the instructions to create your API account.
  3. Verify Your Email: Confirm your email address to proceed.
  4. Connect Your FBM: Link your Facebook Business Manager account.
  5. Onboard Your New WhatsApp Business Number: Set up your business number for WhatsApp.
  6. Wait for Meta Approval: Wait for Meta (formerly Facebook) to approve your application.

How To Broadcast Message On WhatsApp using WhatsApp Business API with

As we have seen that to leverage the full potential of WhatsApp Business API, We need a BSP or ISV. For now we are taking as our WhatsApp Solution Provider. Here is your detailed guide how to broadcast WhatsApp Message using

1. Sign Up

Visit and sign up for an account. This will give you access to the platform’s tools and features.

2. Create Message Templates

Start a new campaign within the platform. This involves setting up the parameters for your broadcast, such as the target audience and message content.

3. Create Campaign

Give your campaign a unique and descriptive name. This will help you keep track of different campaigns and their performance.

4. Name Your Campaign

Give your campaign a unique and descriptive name. This will help you keep track of different campaigns and their performance.

5. Select Message Template

Select the message template you created earlier. This template will be used for the broadcast messages.

6.Test Campaign

Run a test campaign to ensure that the message template is working correctly and that the messages are being delivered as expected. This step helps identify any issues before the actual broadcast.

7. Choose Timing

Schedule the timing for your broadcast. You can choose to send the messages immediately or set a specific date and time for the broadcast.

8. Upload Contacts

Import your contact list into the platform in Excel or CSV Format. Ensure that your contacts have opted in to receive messages from your business to comply with WhatsApp’s policies.

9. Run Campaign

Launch your broadcast campaign. The messages will be sent to the selected contacts at the scheduled time.

10. Monitor Your Campaign Performance

Use the analytics and reporting tools provided by to track the performance of your broadcast. Monitor metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, and response rates to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign.

Wrapping Up?

In summary, WhatsApp broadcasts offer a powerful way for businesses to reach and engage with their audience. While the WhatsApp Business App is suitable for small-scale operations, the WhatsApp Business API provides the advanced features and scalability needed for larger businesses. By leveraging the capabilities of the WhatsApp Business API with, businesses can automate their messaging, personalize interactions, and gain valuable insights through detailed analytics. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, utilizing WhatsApp broadcasts can significantly enhance your communication strategy and drive business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

A WhatsApp Broadcast List lets you simultaneously share the same message with up to 256 contacts, like a one-way newsletter. It’s suitable for announcements, but recipients won’t see each other and can’t reply to the group. Think of it as a messaging shortcut for limited group communication. For example, a school could use a broadcast list to send out weekly newsletters, or a community group could share updates and announcements with its members.

Navigate to the Chats section of WhatsApp and select the menu labeled with three dots. From there, pick “New broadcast” and designate the individuals who will receive your message (the number is limited to 256). Press “Create” after finalizing your contacts list. Type your message and dispatch it once to the entire list selected.

WhatsApp limits Broadcast messages to 256 contacts per list. This means you can send the same message to 256 people. It’s an excellent way for announcements but not ideal for large audiences or two-way communication. Remember, only people with your saved number will receive the message.

Using broadcast lists, messages are reliably and privately sent to 256 contacts without other members appearing in the receivers’ eyes. Received replies appear as individual chats despite being connected to a broader list fountainhead. Groups take another approach because they exist and flourish in two-way discussions. Even for large crowds, members read each other’s messages thoroughly before taking turns to reply reputably. Examples of a broadcast list include a digital newsletter distribution; in contrast, conceived cheekily as an exploded living room, replete with every participant’s twofold interests in reasoning, a group that holds complex opinions and fresh brand-new looks tailor-made for dissecting coherent conceptual work and flossy compromises.

Yes, partially. You can see delivery information for your broadcast message on WhatsApp. After sending, tap the message and select “Info”. This shows who has received your message (if they haven’t disabled delivery receipts). However, it won’t tell you who read it. This only works for users with read receipts enabled, which is an optional setting.

Broadcast messages can reach everyone on your list, but with a caveat. Only contacts with your number saved in their phone’s address book will receive your message, which helps prevent spam. So, while you can send to your entire list, delivery ultimately depends on how many people you have saved as contacts.

Unfortunately, scheduling broadcasts directly through WhatsApp is not feasible as the platform lacks this feature. Consequently, messages must be sent manually. Even though some third-party apps or services claim to have a solution for this by scheduling WhatsApp messages, it is best to exercise discretion with these. They do not have the backing of WhatsApp as they potentially defy the platform’s terms and conditions. Opting for manual mail or using the WhatsApp Business API is a secure alternative to explore feasible scheduling capabilities.

Unfortunately, scheduling broadcasts directly through WhatsApp is not feasible as the platform lacks this feature. Consequently, messages must be sent manually. Even though some third-party apps or services claim to have a solution for this by scheduling WhatsApp messages, it is best to exercise discretion with these. They do not have the backing of WhatsApp as they potentially defy the platform’s terms and conditions. Opting for manual mail or using the WhatsApp Business API is a secure alternative to explore feasible scheduling capabilities.

Open WhatsApp’s Chats tab and tap the three-dot menu. Select “New broadcast” and choose up to 256 contacts. Tap “Create” to make your list. Now, you can send messages to everyone on the list at once! Remember, it’s a one-way street – recipients won’t see each other.

Regrettably, WhatsApp does not allow the generation of multiple broadcast lists or groups in one go. The maximum number of recipients for a broadcast list is 256, and groups require a manual addition. Instead, WhatsApp Business API offers paid options for businesses to access bulk messaging features.

Sending 1000 messages at once in WhatsApp isn’t possible through the standard app. Here are your options:Broadcast Lists (limited): Send to a maximum of 256 contacts at once. WhatsApp Business API (advanced): This paid service lets you send to a larger audience and requires partnering with a provider.

There are two options to send the same message to multiple contacts in WhatsApp:Broadcast List (up to 256 contacts): Create a broadcast list by selecting contacts and sending the message. They receive it individually but won’t see each other.Group Chat (larger groups): Add all contacts to a group chat. This allows two-way communication, but everyone sees all messages. Choose this if the interaction is desired.

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