WhatsApp business message templates

11 Min Read

Written by

Raneya Selina

Published on

April 18, 2023

Businesses may automate and streamline their interactions with clients by using WhatsApp Business message templates. WhatsApp is a much more efficient communication channel than email or SMS, with an open rate of 98% and a conversion rate of 45–60%. To effectively communicate with their consumers on WhatsApp, businesses can utilise a variety of message templates, which are covered in this post named “Top 50+ High Converting WhatsApp Business Message Templates [2023]”. Conversions, which could be sales, lead generation, or other desired actions, are maximised by using these templates.

Examples and advice on how to create engaging and persuading messages for the WhatsApp Business platform may be included in the article. Additionally, it might discuss how crucial segmentation, timing, and personalisation are to raising the conversion rates of these messages.

Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for businesses looking to leverage WhatsApp as a marketing and communication tool in 2023, offering them insights into the most effective message templates to achieve their goals.

What is a WhatsApp business message template?

A WhatsApp template message, also known as a highly structured message (HSM), is a pre-built standardized message that you can reuse for your WhatsApp campaigns. In addition to text, templates can also contain media such as pictures, videos, documents, and action buttons. These templates are made to make it easier for companies to communicate with customers in a methodical and effective way. To guarantee that they are utilised for appropriate and non-spammy reasons, WhatsApp has established strict rules and guidelines on the use of its business message templates.

Types of WhatsApp business message templates

There are mainly two types of WhatsApp Business message templates that businesses can use, depending on their needs: transactional and promotional

Transactional message template: Businesses utilise transactional WhatsApp message templates to offer customers critical information about their orders, appointments, and other account activities. These messages can be used to update customers on the status of their contacts with the company. They are normally sent after a client opts-in to receive them. A few examples of transactional WhatsApp message templates

  • Order Confirmation
  • Shipping update
  • Appointment reminder
  • Account update
  • Payment confirmation

Promotional message template: Promotional WhatsApp message templates are pre-defined messages that businesses can use to advertise new products, sales, and other promotions to their customers. Using WhatsApp Business broadcast lists, these messages can be distributed to individual customers or to groups of customers. Templates for promotional WhatsApp messages must be lucid, succinct, and persuasive. When feasible, they should also be tailored to the recipient. A few examples of promotional WhatsApp message templates

  • New product launch
  • Sale
  • Free shipping
  • Exclusive offer for loyal customers

What are the prerequisites to use Whatsapp Message Templates?

WhatsApp has created rules and guidelines to ensure the ethical and appropriate use of message templates. There are a number of requirements and prerequisites that you must satisfy in order to use WhatsApp Message Templates for your business.

  • We must have a WhatsApp Business Account,  which is a separate account from a personal WhatsApp account and is designed for business communication.
  • We need to use the WhatsApp Business API to access the WhatsApp message templates. WhatsApp Business API is a more advanced and scalable solution compared to the standard WhatsApp Business App and provides access to additional features and capabilities.
  • We need to submit our WhatsApp message templates for review and approval to ensure they comply with WhatsApp’s policies before being able to use them. This approval process is essential to prevent spam and misuse of the platform.
  • We need to use the message templates for specific purposes, such as order confirmations, shipping updates, appointment reminders, and more. WhatsApp provides predefined template types for different use cases, and your templates must align with these categories.
  • We should get opt-in consent from our customers before sending them message templates. It involves customers providing their phone numbers and agreeing to receive messages from your business on WhatsApp.
  • The 24-hour customer assistance window is intended to be compatible with message templates. More interactive messages may be sent within this window, and they don’t need recipients to opt-in first. There might be restrictions on messages sent outside of this window.
  • We must ensure that our communication methods and message formats adhere to WhatsApp’s rules and regulations failing to do so our business account may be restricted or suspended.
  • We need to keep our message templates up-to-date and accurate to provide customers with relevant and helpful information.

50 converting WhatsApp business message templates to use in 2023

When we  WhatsApp Business API as a business owner, we need to send a WhatsApp Template Message to initiate a conversation with users. This template message must adhere to the WhatsApp Message Template Guidelines. These messages help our business to grow and reach a larger customer base.

Following are some examples of templates that will help you get an idea of WhatsApp template messages.

Transactional WhatsApp Business Message Templates

  • Thank you for your order! We’ve received your request for service and we’ll get started right away. Your order confirmation number is 11111. Let us know if you have any questions.
  • Your order has been received and is being processed! Your order confirmation number is 11111111. We’ll keep you updated on the status of your order. Thanks for choosing our company.
  • We’re all set! Your order for the product has been confirmed and your order confirmation number is 1111111. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of your order. Thanks for choosing our company.
  • Your order is on its way! Your product has been shipped and is being tracked with the tracking number AA11111. We’ll send you updates on its delivery status. Thanks for choosing our company.
  • Thanks for reaching out! Our team is here to assist with any questions or concerns regarding service. How can we help you today?
  • Hello and welcome to OUR customer support. Our team is here to assist with any questions or concerns you may have regarding service. How can we help you today?
  • Payment confirmation: Hi [Customer Name], your payment for [Product Name] has been received. Thank you for your business!
  • Refund confirmation: Hi [Customer Name], your refund for [Product Name] has been processed. You should see the refund in your account within 3-5 business days.
  • Cancellation confirmation: Hi [Customer Name], your order for [Product Name] has been cancelled. We hope you’ll shop with us again soon.
  • Don’t forget your upcoming appointment with us on ddmmyyyy at hh:mm hrs. If you need to reschedule, please let us know.
  • Payment received! Your invoice #111111has been settled. If you need an updated receipt, feel free to reach out.
  • Hi [Customer Name], your refund for [Product Name] has been processed. You should see the refund in your account within 3-5 business days.

Promotional messages

  • Nice to meet you! XXX is your go-to travel partner. Let us know how we can support you on your holiday journey.
  • Hello and welcome! We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Our support team is here to help 24/7.
  • It’s been a while since you received your order. How has everything been going? Do you need any assistance with anything?
  • We value your feedback and would appreciate it if you could take a moment to tell us about your experience with the product.
  • Your satisfaction is important to us. Could you please share your thoughts on your experience with the product? Your feedback will help us serve you better.
  • We wanted to follow up on your recent cart activity. Is there anything we can assist with to help you complete your purchase of product/service?
  • Discover more of our top-rated products, handpicked just for you. See the latest recommendations here: [Product Link].
  • Your cart misses you! Finish your order now and enjoy [Discount Percentage] off your purchase. Click here: [Cart Link].
  • You’re invited! Save the date for our upcoming event on [Event Date and Time]. Click ‘Yes’ to RSVP and secure your spot.
  • For your account security, please verify your phone number by clicking this link: [Verification Link]. Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name].
  • Hi [Customer Name], refer a friend to [Business Name] and get a 10% discount on your next purchase! Simply share your referral code with your friend and they’ll save 10% on their first order.
  • Hey XYZ, Thank you for your interest in our product/service. ? Our team will get back to you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to explore our website/social media pages to learn more.
  • Hi XYZ, We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the website crash. ☹️ All services are now up and running. ? If you experience any problems, please let us know.
  • Hi XYZ, Just wanted to give you a quick reminder that your payment for the third quarter is still outstanding. You can quickly pay them online via UPI or net banking by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reply to this message.
  • Hi XYZ, Thank you for expressing interest in our digital course on how to start a blog. We’re excited to offer you an upgraded version of the course that includes a done-for-you service to set up your blog.  This service includes everything you need to start, including choosing a domain name, securing hosting, and installing WordPress. And at just Rs.2999, it’s a great deal.  To take advantage of this offer, simply click the link below. Hurry before the offer runs out!

How to make an effective WhatsApp Message Template?

An effective message template is necessary for a business conversation as it may decide whether our customers will associate with our business or not. An engaging message may drive our customers and boost sales. Creating effective WhatsApp Message Templates is crucial for engaging with your customers and achieving your business objectives. We must keep in mind some rules before drafting a message template. 

  • We must check spelling & grammar before submitting our template for review. Messages with grammatical errors have a chance of being rejected before approval and get marked as spam.
  • We must add placeholders in double curly brackets.
  • Text is needed before or after the placeholders.
  • We must avoid using emojis in the CallToAction messages.
  • The language selected for the template needs to match the language of the content.
  • URL domain links of our business should be included in the messages.
  • We need to avoid using URL shorteners Bit.ly, TinyUrl, etc.
  • We also must know our target audience’s preferences, needs, and behaviours and create personalised message templates to match them.
  • It is good to include the recipient’s name whenever possible to make the message feel personalized and relevant.
  • Our message should be concise and to the point and should be easy to read and understand quickly.
  • The message should encourage recipients to take specific actions, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or replying to the message.
  • We should include images or videos if they enhance the message, but not too much visual content.
  • The message must provide value to the recipient like information, an offer, or assistance and make it relevant and beneficial.
  • Our message templates should align with our brand’s voice, tone, and style guidelines to maintain consistency and professionalism.
  • The messages should be sent at appropriate times to avoid inconveniencing our customers keeping in mind the time zones and local customs.
  • We should always include an easy and clear method for recipients to opt out of receiving future messages if they choose.

By following these guidelines and continuously refining your message templates based on feedback and data analysis, you can create more effective WhatsApp Message Templates that engage your audience and drive desired actions.

How to send WhatsApp Message Templates?

Chatbot.team is a platform that allows you to create chatbots for WhatsApp, Messenger, and other messaging channels. You can use chatbot.team to send WhatsApp message templates to our customers. A step-by-step guide to send a WhatsApp message template through chatbot.team

  1. Create a chatbot.team account and create a WhatsApp chatbot.
  2. Go to the “Templates” tab in your chatbot dashboard.
  3. Click the “Create New Template” button.
  4. Select a template category and enter a template name.
  5. Enter the message content in the “Message” field.
  6. You can use variables in your message content, such as the customer’s name or order number. To do this, simply enclose the variable in curly braces ({{variable name}}).
  7. Click the “Create Template” button.
  8. Once your template has been created, you can send it to your customers.


WhatsApp Business message templates are a potent tool that can aid companies in more effective and efficient client communication. Businesses can quickly and easily offer their clients personalised and pertinent communications by employing templates. Businesses can use a variety of WhatsApp Business message templates, including those for promotional, transactional, and customer support messages. Additionally, businesses can utilise templates to automate the sending of messages in response to consumer actions, such as when a client subscribes to their chatbot or abandons their shopping cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

Businesses can utilise templates to build organised messages in advance for individual or mass notifications. Using templates, you can send payment confirmations, delivery updates, flight warnings, or appointment or payment reminders.

We can find WhatsApp Business message templates under the channel section in the WhatsApp API.

Yes, we can customise the template according to our business needs.

Yes, these templates are versatile and can be used across any industry. We can create new templates as well to suit our business goal.

Yes, we can include images and media in our templates but it should not be unnecessary.

These messages should follow the guidelines prepared by WhatsApp and be approved by the WhatsApp messaging authority.

We should keep a check on the performance of the template and modify it if it is not performing up to the mark.

Yes, we can integrate these messages into automated messaging systems or chatbots.

Here are some tips for conducting A/B testing with WhatsApp Business message templates:Choose a single variable to test. Create two versions of your message template. Send the two versions of your message template to a random sample of your customers. Measure the performance of the two versions of your message template. Analyze the results and choose the best version of your message template.

These templates gather important information from feedback points to view and guide us for improvements.

Advanced conversational AI capabilities are probably coming to WhatsApp Business in the future. enabling businesses to provide efficient customer service. The market for conversational AI is anticipated to reach a value of $15.7 billion by 2025. expanding between 2020 and 2025 at a CAGR of 29.7%.

Avoid deceptive subject lines. Avoid using misleading header information. Let recipients know where you're located. Inform your recipients how they can opt out of receiving any future emails. Immediately honour opt-out requests

About Author

Raneya Selina

Raneya Selina

Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

Raneya is a skilled Content Writer with over two years of experience in customer experience. At Chatbot.team, she crafts insightful case studies and analyzes customer data to develop impactful strategies.

Know more about Raneya Selina

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