WhatsApp Chatbots

20 Min Read

Written by

Raneya Selina

Published on

April 18, 2023

Why use WhatsApp chatbots?

WhatsApp chatbots are used to automate customer interactions, enhance user experience, and streamline communication processes. These bots can handle common queries, provide instant responses, and offer personalized assistance 24/7. By leveraging chatbots, businesses can reduce response times, improve efficiency, and scale their customer support operations effectively. Additionally, chatbots on WhatsApp enable businesses to send timely notifications, engage with users proactively, and gather valuable insights through analytics. Overall, integrating WhatsApp chatbots empowers businesses to deliver seamless, efficient, and personalized customer experiences, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How does a WhatsApp chatbot work?

A WhatsApp chatbot operates through automation technology to engage with users on the platform. Here’s a breakdown of its functioning:

  1. User Interaction: Users start conversations with the chatbot by messaging a designated number or clicking a chatbot link.
  2. Message Processing: The chatbot employs natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand user intent and extract relevant details from messages.
  3. Response Generation: It generates suitable responses based on user queries, including text, images, videos, buttons, or other WhatsApp-supported media.
  4. Delivery: Responses are sent to users via WhatsApp, providing information, answering questions, or leading users through predefined conversational paths.
  5. Automation: Chatbots handle tasks like customer support, order processing, appointment booking, notifications, etc., without human intervention.
  6. Integration: They integrate with backend systems, databases, CRM software, and tools to access necessary information for user requests.
  7. Analytics and Optimization: Chatbot interactions are analyzed to understand user behavior, preferences, and common queries, aiding in performance optimization and enhancing user satisfaction over time.

WhatsApp chatbot example

Here’s an example of how a WhatsApp chatbot might work for a fictional online store:

1. User Interaction: User sends a message to the store’s WhatsApp number: “I’m looking for a new laptop.”

2. Message Processing: The chatbot uses NLP algorithms to understand the user’s intent and extract key information (“new laptop”).

3. Response Generation: The chatbot generates a response: “We have a wide range of laptops available. Would you like to see our latest models or do you have specific preferences?”

4. Delivery:

  • User replies: “Show me the latest models.”
  • The chatbot sends a carousel message showcasing the store’s newest laptop models with prices and features.

5. Interaction Continues:

  • User selects a laptop model by tapping on it.
  • The chatbot provides more details about the selected laptop, including specifications, availability, and delivery options.

6. Automation: If the user wants to purchase, the chatbot can guide them through the ordering process, including adding to cart, payment options, and confirmation.

7. Integration: The chatbot is integrated with the store’s inventory and order management system to ensure accurate product information and seamless transactions.

8. Analytics and Optimization: The chatbot tracks user interactions, preferences, and conversion rates to improve its responses, personalize recommendations, and enhance the overall shopping experience.

This example demonstrates how a WhatsApp chatbot can assist users in exploring products, providing information, and facilitating purchases, all within the WhatsApp messaging platform.

Simplifying the process

A user messages the store on WhatsApp for a new laptop. The chatbot understands and offers to show the latest models. User selects a laptop, and the chatbot provides details. If interested in buying, the chatbot guides through the purchase. Integrated with the store’s system, it ensures accurate information and smooth transactions. Analyzing interactions, it improves responses and personalization, enhancing the overall shopping experience, all within WhatsApp.

Why Businesses Should Consider Using WhatsApp Chatbots

Businesses should consider using WhatsApp chatbots for several compelling reasons. Firstly, they can enhance customer support by providing instant responses and assistance round-the-clock. Secondly, chatbots can automate responses to frequently asked questions, saving time and resources. Additionally, they can increase engagement and sales opportunities by offering personalized recommendations and guiding users through purchasing decisions. Moreover, WhatsApp chatbots enable businesses to build a 24/7 communication channel, ensuring continuous interaction with customers and enhancing overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhance your Customer Support

WhatsApp chatbots enhance customer support by providing instant responses, addressing queries efficiently, and offering round-the-clock assistance. They streamline communication, reduce response times, and handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, improving overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. With chatbots, businesses can deliver consistent and personalized support, resolve issues promptly, and ensure a seamless customer experience.

Automate Responses for Frequently Asked Questions

WhatsApp chatbots streamline FAQ responses through automation, leveraging NLP for instant and accurate answers. This saves time, allows businesses to manage high inquiry volumes effectively, and speeds up response times. Consequently, human agents can focus on more intricate tasks, enhancing both user experience and operational efficiency.

Increase Engagement and Sales Opportunities

WhatsApp chatbots increase engagement and sales opportunities by initiating conversations, sending personalized recommendations, and facilitating transactions. They create interactive experiences, encourage user interaction, and guide customers through the sales funnel. By offering timely promotions, updates, and support, chatbots drive customer engagement, boost sales conversions, and contribute to revenue growth for businesses.

Build a 24/7 Communication Channel

WhatsApp chatbots create a 24/7 communication channel by delivering continuous support and instant responses to customer queries anytime. This guarantees businesses can engage with customers round-the-clock, improving accessibility and responsiveness. Providing an uninterrupted and readily available communication channel, chatbots help businesses sustain engagement, handle issues promptly, and foster stronger relationships with their audience.

Quick Guide to WhatsApp Business APIs

WhatsApp Business APIs offer a range of features and functionalities for businesses to enhance their communication strategies. These APIs enable seamless integration with existing systems, allowing businesses to automate messages, manage conversations, and send notifications to customers. By leveraging WhatsApp Business APIs, organizations can optimize their workflows, improve customer engagement, and unlock new opportunities for growth. Implementing best practices such as personalized messaging, compliance with regulations, and regular monitoring of performance metrics is essential for maximizing the benefits of WhatsApp Business APIs and delivering exceptional user experiences.

Features and Functionalities

WhatsApp Business APIs offer a range of tools that enable businesses to improve their communication and interactions with customers. These include:

  1. Messaging Automation: Businesses can automate messages for customer support, notifications, reminders, and marketing.
  2. Interactive Messaging: WhatsApp APIs support interactive messages with buttons, quick replies, and multimedia for engaging conversations.
  3. Template Messages: Pre-approved templates ensure compliance and standardized communication.
  4. Media Sharing: Businesses can send images, videos, and documents to enrich messaging.
  5. Message Templates: Streamlined communication with templates for common inquiries.
  6. Analytics: Track performance, engagement rates, and customer interactions.
  7. Integration: Seamlessly integrate with CRM systems, chatbots, and analytics tools.
  8. Security: Prioritize data protection and maintain user privacy.

These tools empower businesses to create personalized, efficient communication on WhatsApp, boosting customer satisfaction and business growth.

Integration & Best Practices

Integration and best practices are vital for optimizing the impact of WhatsApp Business APIs. Below is a guide on integration and best practices:

  • Integration:
  1. CRM Integration: Integrate WhatsApp APIs with CRM systems for centralized customer data and streamlined communication.
  2. Chatbot Integration: Use chatbots to automate responses and enhance customer interactions on WhatsApp.
  3. Analytics Integration: Incorporate analytics tools to track metrics, analyze user behavior, and refine messaging strategies.
  4. Multi-channel Integration: Combine WhatsApp with other channels like email and SMS for comprehensive customer engagement.
  • Best Practices:
  1. Personalization: Customize messages based on individual preferences for a personalized experience.
  2. Compliance: Follow WhatsApp’s policies, especially regarding message templates and data privacy.
  3. Timing: Send messages at optimal times to avoid disruption and maximize engagement.
  4. Testing: Thoroughly test message templates, chatbots, and integrations for smooth operations.
  5. Opt-In and Opt-Out: Respect user preferences by offering easy opt-in and opt-out options.
  6. Feedback: Provide a feedback channel for customers to address concerns promptly.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review analytics, gather insights, and refine strategies for better performance and user experience.

Effective integration and adherence to best practices empower businesses to enhance communication, boost engagement, and foster stronger customer relationships using WhatsApp Business APIs.

Step-by-Step Guide: Building Your WhatsApp Bot in 5 Minutes

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk through building a WhatsApp bot in just 5 minutes. Firstly, set up a WhatsApp Business profile to access the necessary tools and features. Next, choose a chatbot platform such as chatbot.team to streamline the bot creation process. Utilize the platform’s tools to design your chatbot’s flow, including triggers, responses, and actions. Once the chatbot is ready, launch it on WhatsApp and promote it to your audience. Follow these steps, and you’ll have a functional WhatsApp bot up and running in no time, ready to enhance your customer interactions and streamline communication.

Set up a WhatsApp Business Profile

To set up a WhatsApp Business profile, begin by downloading the WhatsApp Business app from the respective app store. Upon installation, enter your business phone number for verification. After verification, you can customize your business profile with essential details like business name, logo, description, contact information, and operating hours. Utilize the app’s features such as automated responses, labels for organizing chats, and messaging statistics to effectively manage customer communications and enhance your business presence on WhatsApp.

Choose a Chatbot Platform

When selecting a chatbot platform for your WhatsApp bot, consider factors like ease of use, integration capabilities, pricing, and support. Popular platforms like chatbot.team offer user-friendly interfaces, robust integration options with WhatsApp APIs, competitive pricing plans, and responsive customer support. Evaluate platforms based on your specific requirements, such as automation features, analytics, multilingual support, and scalability. Choose a platform that aligns with your business needs and allows seamless creation and management of your WhatsApp bot for optimal performance and user experience.

Design Your Chatbot’s Flow with Chatbot.Team

Designing your chatbot’s flow with Chatbot.Team involves creating conversational paths and interactions that guide users through meaningful exchanges. Utilize the platform’s intuitive interface to define triggers, responses, and actions based on user inputs. Incorporate multimedia elements, quick replies, and buttons for interactive messaging experiences. Implement AI and NLP capabilities for intelligent responses and personalized interactions. Test and refine the chatbot’s flow to ensure seamless navigation and valuable user engagement, optimizing the overall user experience on WhatsApp.

Launch and Promote Your WhatsApp Chatbot

To launch and promote your WhatsApp chatbot, begin by notifying its presence across your current customer communication platforms. Highlight the bot’s advantages, including instant responses, personalized recommendations, and round-the-clock availability, to entice user interaction. Leverage social media, email campaigns, and website banners to increase awareness and direct traffic to your WhatsApp Business profile. Regularly assess user feedback and performance metrics, and consistently market the bot to maintain engagement levels and amplify its influence on customer interactions.

WhatsApp message rules: The do’s and the don’ts

WhatsApp message rules include best practices and guidelines for effective communication and compliance with WhatsApp’s policies. Here are the dos and don’ts:

  • Dos:
  1. Obtain Consent: Always get user consent before sending messages, especially promotional content.
  2. Personalize Messages: Tailor messages for a personalized experience.
  3. Use Templates: Follow approved templates for compliance and consistency.
  4. Optimize Timing: Send messages at appropriate times for better engagement.
  5. Provide Value: Deliver relevant content to enhance user satisfaction.
  6. Monitor Performance: Track delivery and user responses for optimization.
  7. Respect Privacy: Protect user data and privacy.
  8. Offer Opt-Out: Provide clear unsubscribe options.
  • Don’ts:
  1. Avoid Spamming: Refrain from excessive or unsolicited messages.
  2. No Misleading Content: Do not use deceptive content.
  3. Ensure Compliance: Follow WhatsApp’s policies and guidelines.
  4. Use Automation Wisely: Balance automation with human interaction.
  5. Protect Privacy: Do not violate user privacy.
  6. Address Feedback: Respond to user feedback promptly.

By following these guidelines, businesses can maintain effective and compliant messaging on WhatsApp, leading to improved user satisfaction and engagement.

WhatsApp’s two-way street: Conversations & rules

WhatsApp operates as a two-way street, emphasizing meaningful conversations while adhering to specific rules and guidelines. Here’s a breakdown of WhatsApp’s approach to conversations and its associated rules:

  • Conversations:
  1. Interactive Communication: WhatsApp encourages interactive and engaging conversations between businesses and users.
  2. Personalization: Tailoring messages to individual preferences enhances user experience and fosters stronger connections.
  3. Instant Responses: Timely replies contribute to seamless communication and customer satisfaction.
  4. Value-Based Content: Providing valuable and relevant information adds substance to conversations and builds trust.
  • Rules:
  1. Consent: Obtaining user consent before initiating conversations or sending promotional content is mandatory.
  2. Template Usage: Adhering to approved message templates ensures compliance with WhatsApp’s policies.
  3. Anti-Spam Measures: Avoiding spamming and unsolicited messages maintains user trust and prevents policy violations.
  4. Privacy Protection: Respecting user privacy and safeguarding personal data is paramount.
  5. Feedback Handling: Responsively addressing user feedback and complaints maintains a positive brand image and user experience.

By balancing meaningful conversations with adherence to rules and guidelines, businesses can leverage WhatsApp effectively as a communication platform, fostering positive interactions and relationships with users.

The 24-hour golden rule

The “24-hour golden rule” on WhatsApp refers to the timeframe during which businesses can send free-form, non-promotional messages to users after the user has initiated a conversation or responded to a business within the past 24 hours. Here’s an explanation of this rule:

  1. Initiated Conversations: Once a user has initiated a conversation with a business or responded to a business message within the last 24 hours, the business can continue to send free-form messages within that timeframe.
  2. Non-Promotional Content: Messages sent within the 24-hour window should primarily contain non-promotional content, such as providing information, answering questions, or offering support.
  3. Exceptions for Promotional Messages: Businesses can send promotional messages outside the 24-hour window if the user has provided explicit consent or opted in to receive such messages. These messages often use pre-approved templates and are subject to WhatsApp’s policies.
  4. Time Limit Considerations: It’s important for businesses to track and respect the 24-hour timeframe to ensure compliance with WhatsApp’s policies and maintain a positive user experience.

The 24-hour golden rule helps businesses maintain meaningful conversations with users while also ensuring that users have control over the messages they receive, particularly

Going beyond the window: The template paradigm

“Going beyond the window” refers to situations where businesses need to send messages to users outside the 24-hour window allowed for free-form messaging on WhatsApp. In such cases, the “template paradigm” comes into play, which involves using pre-approved message templates for specific types of messages. Here’s an overview of this concept:

  1. Template Messages: WhatsApp allows businesses to send template messages outside the 24-hour window. These messages are pre-approved by WhatsApp and can only be used for specific purposes such as appointment reminders, order confirmations, shipping updates, and account notifications.
  2. Template Approval: Before businesses can use template messages, they must submit them to WhatsApp for approval. WhatsApp reviews the templates to ensure they comply with their guidelines and policies.
  3. Usage Restrictions: Template messages have usage restrictions, including limitations on frequency and content. Businesses must use templates responsibly and avoid sending spam or irrelevant messages.
  4. Cost: While template messages are chargeable, they are often more cost-effective than free-form messages sent outside the 24-hour window.
  5. User Experience: Using template messages helps maintain a consistent and structured user experience, as users know what to expect from these types of messages.
  6. Compliance: Adhering to WhatsApp’s template paradigm ensures compliance with their policies and regulations, reducing the risk of account suspension or penalties.

Businesses should familiarize themselves with WhatsApp’s template guidelines and use them appropriately to send relevant and valuable messages to users beyond the 24-hour window.

A quick recap (Summary):

WhatsApp message rules encompass best practices and guidelines for effective communication. The “do’s” include obtaining consent, personalizing messages, using templates, optimizing timing, providing value, monitoring performance, respecting privacy, and offering opt-out options. Conversely, the “don’ts” involve avoiding spamming, misleading content, non-compliance, overuse of automation, privacy violations, and ignoring feedback. WhatsApp functions as a two-way street, encouraging interactive conversations while adhering to rules like obtaining user consent, using templates for non-promotional messages within 24 hours, and leveraging templates for messages outside the window. This approach ensures compliance, enhances user experience, and fosters meaningful interactions on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp message templates: A guide for modern businesses

WhatsApp message templates are essential for modern businesses to streamline communication and enhance user engagement. Text templates simplify common messages like order confirmations. Templates with attachments enrich messages with multimedia elements. Call to Action (CTA) templates prompt specific user actions. Promotional templates are tailored for marketing campaigns, ensuring compliance and user consent. By mastering these templates, businesses can deliver compelling, personalized, and efficient messages on WhatsApp, driving better communication and customer satisfaction.

Text templates:

Text templates on WhatsApp are pre-approved message formats designed for common interactions. These templates allow businesses to send standardized text messages to users, such as order confirmations, appointment reminders, or customer service responses. By using text templates, businesses can ensure consistency, save time, and provide quick and accurate information to users. These templates are an essential tool for efficient communication on WhatsApp, particularly for handling routine inquiries and transactions effectively.

Templates with attachments:

Templates with attachments on WhatsApp are pre-approved message formats that include multimedia elements such as images, documents, or videos. These templates allow businesses to create more visually engaging and informative messages for users. For example, a template with an attachment could include a product image, a PDF document with detailed information, or a video showcasing a new service. By using templates with attachments, businesses can enhance the user experience, convey information effectively, and make their messages more compelling and interactive on WhatsApp.

Call to Action (CTA) templates:

Call to Action (CTA) templates on WhatsApp are pre-approved message formats that prompt users to take specific actions. These templates typically include a clear and direct call to action, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, signing up for an event, or contacting customer support. CTA templates are designed to encourage user engagement and drive desired outcomes. Businesses can use CTA templates strategically in their messaging to guide users towards taking the desired action, leading to increased conversions and better engagement on WhatsApp.

Promotional templates:

Promotional templates on WhatsApp are pre-approved message formats specifically designed for marketing and promotional purposes. These templates allow businesses to create and send promotional content such as special offers, discounts, product launches, or event announcements to users. Promotional templates are subject to WhatsApp’s policies and require user consent. By using promotional templates, businesses can effectively promote their products or services, drive sales, and engage with their audience in a targeted and compliant manner on WhatsApp.

Grow your WhatsApp audience

Growing your WhatsApp audience involves leveraging tools like a drag-and-drop chatbot builder to create interactive experiences. With the ability to write first using templates, businesses can initiate conversations with subscribers, delivering personalized messages and fostering engagement. By combining these strategies, businesses can expand their reach, nurture relationships with subscribers, and drive meaningful interactions on WhatsApp, ultimately leading to increased brand visibility, customer loyalty, and business growth.

A drag-and-drop chatbot builder

A drag-and-drop chatbot builder simplifies chatbot creation without coding. Users can design chatbot workflows visually by dragging and dropping elements like buttons, text boxes, and images. This tool streamlines complex functionalities such as answering FAQs, collecting user data, and providing recommendations. Businesses can deploy interactive chatbots on WhatsApp efficiently, automating conversations and improving customer experiences.

Write first on WhatsApp with templates

“Write first on WhatsApp with templates” refers to businesses initiating conversations with users using pre-approved message templates. These templates enable businesses to start conversations by sending personalized messages, such as order confirmations, appointment reminders, or welcome messages. This approach allows businesses to engage with users proactively, deliver timely information, and create a positive user experience on WhatsApp.

Chats with subscribers

Chats with subscribers on WhatsApp involve businesses engaging in two-way conversations with their audience. This interaction allows businesses to provide personalized support, answer queries, share updates, and gather feedback directly from subscribers. By fostering meaningful conversations, businesses can build stronger relationships, improve customer satisfaction, and gain valuable insights into subscriber preferences and behaviors on WhatsApp.

Best Practices for a Successful WhatsApp Chatbot

To ensure a successful WhatsApp chatbot implementation, businesses should follow these best practices:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Clearly outline the chatbot’s purpose, goals, and target audience to align its functionalities with business objectives and user needs.
  2. Personalize Interactions: Utilize customer data to personalize messages and provide tailored recommendations, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
  3. Ensure Quick Responses: Implement features that enable the chatbot to respond promptly to user queries, reducing waiting times and improving user experience.
  4. Use Natural Language Processing (NLP): Integrate NLP technology to understand and process user messages more effectively, improving conversation flow and accuracy.
  5. Provide Value: Deliver valuable content, offers, and assistance to users through the chatbot, ensuring interactions add value and meet user expectations.
  6. Monitor Analytics: Continuously track and analyze chatbot performance metrics such as engagement rates, response times, user feedback, and conversion rates to measure success and make data-driven optimizations.

Monitoring and Optimizing Your WhatsApp Bot

Monitoring and optimizing your WhatsApp bot involves several key steps to ensure its effectiveness and improve user experience:

  1. Performance Tracking: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as message delivery rates, response times, user engagement, and conversion rates to assess the bot’s performance.
  2. User Feedback Analysis: Gather and analyze user feedback to understand user satisfaction, identify pain points, and make improvements to the bot’s functionality and interactions.
  3. A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing with different bot configurations, messages, or workflows to determine what resonates best with users and optimize performance accordingly.
  4. Regular Updates: Keep the bot updated with new features, content, and functionalities to provide users with fresh and relevant experiences.
  5. Optimize Conversational Flow: Review and optimize the bot’s conversational flow to ensure smooth interactions, clear navigation, and effective communication with users.
  6. Use AI and Machine Learning: Leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to continuously improve the bot’s understanding of user queries, personalize responses, and enhance overall performance.
  7. Compliance Monitoring: Stay updated with WhatsApp’s policies and guidelines, especially regarding message templates, promotional content, and user privacy, to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

WhatsApp Chatbot Use Cases in Different Industries

WhatsApp chatbots are revolutionizing various industries with their versatile applications. In healthcare, chatbots assist in appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and providing medical information. E-commerce businesses leverage chatbots for customer support, order tracking, and personalized product recommendations. In the banking and finance sector, chatbots streamline processes like account inquiries, fund transfers, and loan applications. These industries benefit from chatbots’ efficiency, accessibility, and ability to handle routine tasks, improving customer experiences and operational efficiency. WhatsApp chatbots are proving to be invaluable tools across diverse sectors, enhancing communication and service delivery.


In healthcare, WhatsApp chatbots support appointment scheduling, medication reminders, symptom assessment, and virtual consultations. They provide patients with quick access to medical information, enable remote monitoring of health metrics, and assist healthcare providers in managing patient inquiries efficiently, leading to improved patient care and convenience.


In e-commerce, WhatsApp chatbots enhance customer experience by providing instant support, order tracking, personalized product recommendations, and promotional updates. They automate tasks like answering FAQs, processing orders, and handling customer inquiries, leading to improved customer satisfaction, increased sales, and streamlined operations for e-commerce businesses.

Banking & Finance

In banking and finance, WhatsApp chatbots enable account inquiries, fund transfers, loan applications, and transaction notifications. They provide personalized financial advice, automate routine tasks like balance checks, and enhance security through authentication processes. Chatbots in banking streamline operations, improve customer service, and foster financial literacy and engagement.

The best WhatsApp chatbot platform for your money

Choosing the ideal WhatsApp chatbot platform for your budget relies on your unique business demands, financial plan, and specifications. Noteworthy WhatsApp chatbot platforms renowned for their attributes, dependability, and cost-effectiveness encompass Chatbot.Team, Infobip, and Respond.io. These platforms boast various functionalities like chatbot creation tools, analytics, integration capabilities, and scalability, rendering them fitting options for businesses aiming to integrate WhatsApp chatbots efficiently and economically. It’s crucial to assess each platform’s features, pricing structures, customer assistance, and user feedback to pinpoint the optimal solution for your business.


WhatsApp chatbots are highly beneficial for businesses in the digital era, offering a range of advantages. They elevate customer support by delivering instant and personalized assistance, saving time and enhancing communication through automated responses to FAQs. This automation boosts engagement and sales prospects, fostering business expansion. Additionally, chatbots establish a continuous 24/7 communication avenue, improving accessibility and responsiveness to customer queries. With a suitable WhatsApp chatbot platform, businesses can effortlessly create, manage, and optimize their chatbot operations, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution to enhance customer engagement, drive sales, and streamline operational efficiency.

About Author

Raneya Selina

Raneya Selina

Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

Raneya is a skilled Content Writer with over two years of experience in customer experience. At Chatbot.team, she crafts insightful case studies and analyzes customer data to develop impactful strategies.

Know more about Raneya Selina

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