What is security code in whatsapp and how to enable or disable it?

7 Min Read

Written by

Raneya Selina

Published on

April 18, 2023

Security is paramount in today’s digital world, especially regarding communication apps like WhatsApp. With millions of users exchanging personal and sensitive information daily, ensuring your conversations remain private is crucial. This is where WhatsApp’s security code plays a vital role. However, many users are unaware of this security code and why it might change unexpectedly. You’re in the right place if you’ve ever received a notification about your WhatsApp security code changing or wondered how to enable or disable this feature.

In this blog, you’ll learn the WhatsApp security code, why it changes, and, most importantly, how to enable or disable it to safeguard your privacy. Whether you’re tech-savvy or just a regular WhatsApp user, this step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to know to take control of your security settings.

What is the Security Code in WhatsApp?

The security code in WhatsApp is a unique 60-digit number used to verify that your messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. This means that only you and the person you’re communicating with can read or listen to what’s sent, and no third parties—including WhatsApp—can access it. Each chat you have on WhatsApp has its own security code, and it’s updated regularly to ensure your conversations remain private and secure. This security feature provides peace of mind, protecting your communication from unauthorized access.

What is the Meaning of “Your Security Code is Changed in WhatsApp”?

When you see the notification “Your security code is changed” in WhatsApp, the encryption key, which secures your conversations, has been updated for a specific chat. This happens whenever you or the other person in the conversation reinstalls WhatsApp, switches devices, or even logs in from a different phone. The message serves as a security update, ensuring that your communication continues to be protected through end-to-end encryption.

Although this change doesn’t interrupt your chat, it’s WhatsApp’s way of confirming that all future messages are secure. If you wish to be extra cautious, you can verify the new security code with the other person by scanning their QR code or comparing the 60-digit number linked to the chat, which reassures you that your conversation remains private.

5 Reasons Why WhatsApp Security Code Changes

WhatsApp security code changes are common and serve as a sign that the app’s encryption protocols are working to protect your privacy. When you see the message “Your security code is changed,” it might be triggered by various reasons. Here are the key reasons why this change occurs:

1. Reinstallation of WhatsApp

The security code automatically changes when you or the person you’re chatting with uninstalls and reinstalls WhatsApp. This is because the encryption key associated with the app is tied to the installation on your device. When the app is reinstalled, a new encryption key is generated to ensure ongoing privacy, prompting the security code change.

2. Changing Devices

If you switch to a new phone or the person you’re chatting with does, the security code for your chat will change. This is because WhatsApp generates a unique encryption key for each device. A new device means a new encryption key, which leads to the security code being updated. This ensures that all communications on the new device are encrypted and secure.

3. Logging In from a New Device

If you haven’t changed your phone, logging into WhatsApp from a different device can trigger a security code change. For example, if you log into WhatsApp Web or a secondary device, the app treats this as a new session and updates the encryption key for added security. This ensures that even multi-device usage remains private and secure.

4. WhatsApp Software Update

Sometimes, when WhatsApp releases a major software update, it can cause the security code to change. This is done to reinforce encryption standards and improve the overall security of the app. After an update, your security code may change to match the new encryption protocols, keeping your conversations protected.

5. Resetting WhatsApp Settings

If you or the person you’re communicating with resets the WhatsApp settings or restores the app to its default state, the security code will change. This occurs because resetting settings might involve regenerating encryption keys to align with the default configurations, ensuring continued privacy.

How to Enable and Disable Security Code in WhatsApp

WhatsApp’s security codes are automatically enabled by default, ensuring your messages are protected through end-to-end encryption. However, WhatsApp also allows you to manually enable notifications about security code changes if you want to be alerted when they occur. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to enable and disable these notifications.

Enabling Security Code Notifications in WhatsApp:

1. Launch the WhatsApp Application

Begin by opening the WhatsApp app on your mobile device. Ensure you’re using the latest version of WhatsApp to access the most up-to-date features.
Launch the WhatsApp Application

2. Press the Three Dots

You’ll notice three vertical dots in the screen’s upper-right corner if you use an Android device. Tap on these dots to open a dropdown menu.
Press the Three Dots
For iPhone users, you can skip this step as the settings can be accessed via a gear icon at the bottom-right of the screen.

3. Click on the Settings

In the dropdown menu (or from the iPhone gear icon), tap “Settings.” This will take you to the main settings menu, where you can manage various aspects of your WhatsApp account.
Click on the Settings

4. Select the Account Option

Find and tap the “Account” option within the settings menu. This section is dedicated to managing privacy, security, and account information.
Select the Account Option

5. Navigate to the Security

Once inside the “Account” settings, tap on “Security.” Here, you’ll find all the options related to WhatsApp’s security features, including enabling security code change notifications.
Navigate to the Security

6. Toggle on the ‘Show Security Notifications’ Option

In the security settings, you will see an option labeled “Show Security Notifications.” Simply toggle the switch to the “On” position. Once this is enabled, WhatsApp will notify you whenever your chat’s security code changes.
Toggle on the Show Security Notifications Option

By following these steps, you’ll activate the security notifications feature in WhatsApp, giving you added peace of mind regarding the privacy of your conversations. This feature ensures you’re always informed about changes in the encryption settings for your chats.

Disabling Security Code Notifications in WhatsApp:

1. Open the WhatsApp Application

Start by launching the WhatsApp app on your mobile device. Ensure you are logged into your account and have the latest version of WhatsApp installed for the best experience.
Open the WhatsApp Application

2. Click on the Three Dots

For Android users, you will see three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on these dots to open a dropdown menu.
Click on the Three Dots

3. Hit on the Settings

Once the dropdown menu appears (or after tapping the gear icon on the iPhone), click on “Settings.” This will take you to the general settings of your WhatsApp account, where you can manage all aspects of your privacy and security.
Hit on the Settings

4. Choose the Account Option

In the settings menu, find and select the “Account” option. This section contains privacy, security, and your WhatsApp account information options.
Choose the Account Option

5. Navigate to Security

Inside the “Account” section, tap on “Security.” This will bring you to the security settings, where you can enable or disable various security-related features, including notifications about security code changes.
Navigate to Security

6. Toggle Off the ‘Show Security Notifications’ Option

In the security settings, look for the option “Show Security Notifications.” Simply toggle the switch to the “Off” position. Once this is done, you will no longer receive notifications when your chats’ security code changes.
Toggle Off the Show Security Notifications Option

By following these steps, you will successfully disable security code notifications in WhatsApp. Even though you won’t receive alerts about changes in the encryption key, your conversations will continue to be protected by end-to-end encryption, keeping your messages safe from unauthorized access.


In today’s digital age, securing your private conversations is more important than ever, and WhatsApp’s security code feature plays a crucial role in this. Understanding the security code and why it changes lets you stay informed about your chat’s encryption status. Whether you enable or disable the security code notifications, rest assured that WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption ensures your messages are safe from unauthorized access.

By following the steps in this guide, you can easily manage your security settings, keeping control of your WhatsApp privacy in your hands. Now, you’re equipped with the knowledge to ensure your communication remains secure, no matter what.

Frequently Asked Questions

You received a security code notification from WhatsApp because the app uses end-to-end encryption to protect your conversations. This code ensures that only you and the person you're communicating with can read the messages. The notification typically appears when you or your contact reinstalls WhatsApp, switches devices, or logs into WhatsApp from another device. It serves as an alert to let you know that the encryption key has changed, but your messages remain secure.


No, the security code in WhatsApp does not change when you are blocked or when you block someone. The security code is related to the encryption of your conversations and changes only when specific actions like reinstalling the app, switching devices, or logging in from a new device occur. Blocking someone does not affect the encryption settings or the security code of your chats.


You cannot disable the security code itself because it is a core feature of WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption. However, you can turn off the notifications that inform you when a security code changes. To do this, go to Settings > Account > Security, and toggle off the "Show Security Notifications" option. This will stop notifications about code changes, but your chats will still be encrypted.


Verifying the WhatsApp security code is optional, but it is a good practice if you are concerned about your chat’s security. You can manually verify the code by comparing a 60-digit number or scanning a QR code with your contact. This ensures that your messages are encrypted, and no third party, including WhatsApp, can access them. It’s a way to double-check the encryption is working as intended.

The security code in WhatsApp for Android is a unique 60-digit number assigned to each chat, ensuring that your messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. It works the same way on Android as it does on iPhone, meaning that only you and the recipient of the chat can see the content. The security code helps verify the encryption, which can be checked by comparing the code manually with the other party if needed.

About Author

Raneya Selina

Raneya Selina

Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

Raneya is a skilled Content Writer with over two years of experience in customer experience. At Chatbot.team, she crafts insightful case studies and analyzes customer data to develop impactful strategies.

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