Manufacturing Chatbots

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April 18, 2023

Chatbots have become essential tools in the rapidly changing manufacturing sector, enabling creative ways to optimise processes, improve customer service, and increase production. As 2023 approaches, the manufacturing industry continues to experience the integration of chatbot and artificial intelligence technologies, which is revolutionising how firms run. This article presents the top 14 manufacturing chatbots in-depth for industries to consider implementing in 2023.

Manufacturing chatbots have advanced well beyond simply automated responses. They now provide sophisticated features including supply chain optimisation, real-time production monitoring, and predictive maintenance. The 14 chatbots highlighted in this article have been chosen based on their track record, scalability, and capacity to handle difficulties unique to the manufacturing industry. These chatbots can potentially increase efficiency and reduce costs in various manufacturing disciplines, from assisting with equipment maintenance to promoting seamless communication across the supply chain. These 14 chatbots represent the cutting edge of technology as the industrial sector continues its digital transformation path and has the ability to revolutionise operations, minimise downtime, and ultimately enhance the bottom line.

What is a Manufacturing chatbot?

A chatbot specifically created to address the requirements and difficulties of the manufacturing sector is known as a manufacturing chatbot. It is a computer program that can converse with users by text or speech, usually in the context of manufacturing and is supported by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technology. Chatbots designed for the manufacturing industry are trained to comprehend and carry out specific requests, instructions, and jobs pertaining to the production process, equipment upkeep, quality control, supply chain management, and other manufacturing-related duties.

Why should you use Manufacturing Chatbots?

Use manufacturing chatbots for a variety of reasons, such as:

  1. Better customer service: Chatbots may offer round-the-clock assistance, respond to inquiries, and handle problems in a timely manner. Customers may be more content as a result, increasing customer satisfaction.
  2. Cost savings: Many customer support jobs, such as responding to commonly asked queries and processing orders, can be automated by chatbots. This can lower your labour costs and free up your human personnel to work on more difficult jobs.
  3. Sales growth: Chatbots can help you grow your business by interacting with clients and making tailored recommendations to them. They may also assist you in scheduling demos and qualifying leads.
  4. Enhanced productivity: By automating processes like order processing, inventory management, and production planning, chatbots can streamline your operations and boost productivity.
  5. Increased employee productivity: By giving your staff the knowledge and resources they need to accomplish their jobs well, chatbots can assist you in raising employee productivity.

Top 14 Manufacturing Chatbots for the Manufacturing Industry In 2024

India’s top platform for building no-code chatbots,, aids companies in automating their sales and customer service procedures. It enables the ability to target and segment audiences precisely, redefining customer engagement and creating more individualized experiences. Our chatbot solutions boost your communication strategy by enabling you to create tailored messages that genuinely resonate with your audience. It delivers individualized offers, suggestions, and content that resonates to increase engagement, trust, and conversions for your company. With features like chatbots powered by AI, customization choices, integrations, NLP, analytics, multi-platform support, and 24/7 accessibility, it gives your business a boost.

Features of

The platform provided by has a number of features that make it simple to construct chatbots, such as:

  • Platform without coding:’s platform is made to be simple to use, even for companies without coding expertise.
  • Scalable and adaptable:’s platform is made to be flexible, enabling companies to build chatbots that are tailored to their particular requirements.
  • A drag-and-drop interface, a library of pre-built chatbot components, and a visual editor for designing chatbot flows are just a few of the many features that make it simple to create chatbots on the platform.
  • Reliable and secure: Businesses can have faith that their chatbots will be available when they’re needed thanks to’s platform.
  • Services from are reasonably priced, making them a fantastic choice for companies of all sizes.


  • Limited features
  • No Free Plan
  • High learning curve
  • Not as customizable

Pricing Plans of

This chatbot offers three plans for its users, who can select the plan according to the needs of their business.

  • Free Plan: It works for a period of 14 days.
  • Premium Plan: Its price is ₹ 6500/ month.
  • Enterprise Plan: Its price varies with the features added. Contact the sales team for further details.


It is a chatbot builder that combines simplicity, effectiveness, and a delightful user experience. It’s intuitive no-code interface and drag & drop functionality, puts coding out of the equation, making bot building effortless and accessible for all.


  • It provides a personalized customer experience to the current or future customers which is available 24/7, responds instantly, is totally reliable, and speaks the customer language.
  • It’s no-code Bot Builder can build bots fairly easily with an intuitive visual builder.
  • It can manage multiple bots for different activities based on the triggers and conditions defined by the user. WotNot offers a service wherein the team of experienced conversation design experts understand the needs and carefully create a conversation flow that matches the needs of the business and keeps optimizing the flow by reviewing the results.


Starting from $49 per month, it has 4 price variations. The details are available with the sales team.


It is an open-source conversational AI platform with comprehensive functionalities for process & FAQ automation. It allows the team to collaborate on the creation of conversational experiences with role-based access control and versioning. It can be deployed in compliance with the security and data policies.


  • It has a visual interface that allows you to design conversation flow and workflow automation.
  • It can create, manage, and centrally access the most frequently asked questions the users may have.
  • It has a real-time collaborative interface, with workspaces to organise chatbots and developer work.


  • It has complex chat flows.
  • It is very difficult to run multiple instances from one installation
  • For beginners, the learning curve is the obstacle.


Apart from the free community edition, the pricing details are available with the sales team.

Herbie is an Advanced and mature Conversational AI Chatbot. It is a two-way voice-enabled Speaking Smart Assistant that can serve customers conversationally both voice and text. With 24x7x 365 energetic support and a Unified approach, Herbie.AI is available on 13 + social channels. Herbie.AI digitally transforms your business by interacting with the customers in their preferred language.


  • Herbie collaborates with the existing ERP system and keeps track of the supplies and inventory. It can alert the executives regarding the shortage of supplies and can proactively request to place the order.
  • Herbie can update the managers regarding the orders placed and the products out for delivery.
  • Herbie can handle customer queries patiently round the clock updating on product features, usage instructions, submitting refunds and so on.


Detailed pricing is available with the sales team.


BotCore is an accelerator that helps businesses create and launch AI-powered conversational bots that are specifically tailored to their needs. It can make use of any AI service currently offered using “Cognitive Abstraction” and will scale for future services.


  • The knowledge base of the bot is central to its functioning. It supports in creating Guided Conversations, handling Q&A scenarios, entity fulfilment and actions.
  • Using message definition language BotCore helps define bot responses to reach various platforms without alterations. BotCore enables the bot to grasp the context of a conversation and curates responses.


For pricing details, the sales team must be contacted.

The enterprise-grade conversational AI platform for happy customers and workers is called With the best of AI + Human Intelligence, the platform enables automation that is focused on solving problems.  Through its no-code/low-code bot builders, it is powered by dynamic AI agents that enable human-like interactions that raise staff engagement and customer happiness at scale.


  • It has the ability to make chatbots for websites and helps reduce costs for support roles that are critical in small businesses which are customer-like travel.
  • The flow of conversations is highly customisable with ease of use from the backend.
  • Built on multi-LLM architecture, DAP continuously trains on billions of conversations for scale, speed, and accuracy.


  • The chatbots can be more learning-based for non-e-commerce businesses.
  • Some components require deep knowledge on the technical side i.e. integration with other CRM platforms making it difficult for users of non-technical backgrounds.


For the price details, the sales team can be contacted.

It is a prominent platform for generative conversational artificial intelligence (AI) that uses chatbots to help multinational companies cut expenses and boost revenue. At Senseforth, we think that chatbots and generative conversational AI are catalysts for change and innovation. It envisions a future in which all businesses use this game-changing technology to easily facilitate meaningful dialogues with their clients, staff members, and other stakeholders. Senseforth AI is a business that specializes in offering chatbot and virtual assistant solutions driven by AI for a range of markets, including healthcare. Their chatbots for the healthcare industry are made to increase patient involvement, enhance healthcare delivery, and simplify administrative duties.


  • Senseforth’s proprietary Generative Conversational AI platform A.ware powers all Generative Conversational AI chatbot solutions.
  • It’s a zero-code platform with pre-built industry AI models and deep domain knowledge ensuring our chatbots have industry-leading accuracy, which reduces implementation time by up to 50%.
  • Senseforth.AI makes it possible to customize and train chatbots to fit the specific needs of patients and healthcare professionals. They also provide monitoring and analytics tools so users can track chatbot performance and make adjustments over time.


The prices are on the higher side for small businesses.


The price details are available with the sales team.


Eleviant Chabot keeps the stakeholders up to date with the inventory using AI-driven conversational manufacturing chatbots. Manufacturers use this chatbot to increase employee productivity, reduce customer wait times and communicate correct inventory status.


  • In the manufacturing industry, it helps in putting all the pieces together and highlights wherever there is a gap in the process, therefore improving process efficiency.
  • Chatbots can be integrated into all data records in the ecosystem currently, making them the single source of truth for all data in the organization.
  • Chatbots effectively bring down the man hours required for any process since they can be designed to share the workload and streamline processes.


The price details are available with the sales team.


ORAI is an advanced conversational AI platform that engages customers and offers actionable insights to businesses to create more personalised, richer experiences day and night. It helps to obtain WhatsApp Business API and implement a WhatsApp AI chatbot across all your channels such as chat, digital ads, messaging, social, email, SMS, website, and more.


  • It can send WhatsApp messages to all customers with a single click of “ORAI-Send WhatsApp” from the CRM.
  • Its three-way chatbot solution allows you to respond to all customer queries, every time. Customers can either ask questions to the virtual assistant or request a live person. Instantly, the AI brings a human to the conversation.


The price details are available with the sales team.


Features of Drift chatbot:

  • Driven by AI.
  • Customizable
  • Creates expansion and increases sales
  • Speed up sales
  • Lead generation
  • Prioritizes target accounts
  • Visitor insights
  • Deep integrations


  • High Pricing.
  • Complexity
  • Limited integrations

Pricing plans

Drift is quite expensive, with a starter-paid plan starting at $2500/month.

How to choose a manufacturing chatbot?

Choosing a manufacturing chatbot involves careful consideration of your business goals, customer needs, technical capabilities, and available resources. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right manufacturing chatbot for your organization:

Define Your Objectives:

We must understand why we need a chatbot. We must know what we want to achieve with the chatbot. Clear goals will guide our selection in increasing client service, increasing engagement, providing manufacturing-related advice, or streamlining related operations, clear objectives will guide our selection. We must analyze our customers’ preferences and problem points and what are the most common queries they have. We also need to identify areas where a chatbot can provide value and enhance their experience.

Choose the Platform:

Depending on our requirements and budget, we must choose the appropriate type. There are rule-based chatbots and AI-powered chatbots. Rule-based chatbots follow predefined rules, while AI-powered chatbots use machine learning to understand and respond to user queries more dynamically.

Choose the chatbot type:

The decision between rule-based and AI-powered chatbots is influenced by your specific business requirements, money, technological competence, and the level of complexity you demand in your chatbot’s interactions.  Rule-based chatbots operate based on predefined rules and triggers, suitable for handling simple tasks, quickly addressing FAQs, and providing basic information. They follow programmed dialogues and need more contextual understanding. These chatbots are easy to set up and maintain, making them effective for straightforward interactions and predictable user requests.  AI-powered chatbots offer enhanced user experiences by delivering personalized and human-like interactions. While rule-based chatbots have a lower initial setup cost, AI-powered chatbots offer a higher long-term return on investment due to their advanced capabilities. AI-powered chatbots are better equipped for scalability as business needs evolve, but their development and training demand more time and resources.

Finally, if our company requires simple interactions and has a minimal budget, a rule-based chatbot may be appropriate. An AI-powered chatbot, on the other hand, is a preferable solution if you want to provide sophisticated, personalised, and dynamic interactions that can adapt to user preferences over time. When making your decision, keep your specific use cases and future scalability requirements in mind.

Discuss the Design and Development Process:

A chatbot’s design and development process includes numerous stages, from conceptualization through deployment. Developing a successful chatbot involves several key phases: defining objectives and tasks, selecting the appropriate chatbot type and platform, designing a user-friendly experience, training AI capabilities, gathering and refining data, creating on-brand content, rigorous testing, deployment, monitoring performance, continuous improvement based on user feedback, ongoing maintenance, security compliance, and user education. Each step contributes to a well-rounded and effective chatbot implementation.

See Available Integration Options: 

Chatbot integration means you are connecting the chatbot with various platforms. It’s an entire process to deploy the chatbot on various social platforms and applications. Depending on your business goals and target audience, you can choose the most appropriate integration options. Here are some common chatbot integration options:

  • Website Integration: Embed the chatbot directly on your business website using a chat window or widget. It offers real-time assistance to users browsing your site, answering their questions, and providing support.
  • Messaging Platforms: Integrating your chatbot with messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp and engaging with users on platforms they are already familiar with, thereby expanding your reach.
  • Social Media: Connect your chatbot to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and engage with users who interact with your business brand on social media and provide instant responses.

Test and Launch Your Chatbot: 

Testing verifies the functionality, usability, and performance of the chatbot. Usability, functionality, performance, and security are assessed, with user feedback and incorporated. These processes ensure the chatbot operates smoothly, provides accurate responses, and offers a positive user experience. Once successfully integrated and tested, the chatbot is ready for deployment.

What are the Future Trends in manufacturing chatbots?

The production of chatbots has a highly promising future. Chatbots will advance in sophistication and capability as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technology continue to advance.

The following are a few chatbot manufacturing trends for the future:

  • The use of AI and ML will increase as chatbots become more conversational and intelligent. Chatbots can comprehend client inquiries better and offer more pertinent and individualised responses.
  • Chatbots will be connected with more manufacturing systems, including CRM, ERP, and MES systems. As a result, chatbots will be able to automate more operations and give clients information that is more thorough and accurate.
  • Use of voice assistants: Alexa, Siri, and other voice assistants will be connected with chatbots. Customers will be able to converse with chatbots using their voices thanks to this, which will be more practical for some users.
  • Use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): AR and VR will be utilised to make experiences for customers that are more immersive and captivating. For instance, chatbots might utilise augmented reality (AR) to help customers picture things in their homes or virtual reality (VR) to take them on a tour of a factory.


In conclusion, the manufacturing sector is at a technological crossroads as we enter 2023, and the top 14 manufacturing chatbots highlighted in this article are at the centre of this transition. The way manufacturing activities are carried out, from the shop floor to the supply chain, is being changed by these chatbots, which are more than just tools. Future chatbot manufacturing trends indicate that there will be even more fascinating opportunities. Chatbots are expected to become crucial tools for manufacturers looking to succeed in the digital era because to improved artificial intelligence, IoT integration, personalisation, and predictive capabilities.

The top 14 manufacturing chatbots listed in this article serve as markers of advancement and effectiveness in this continually changing environment. Manufacturers who want to set the example for an industry-wide future that is more productive, connected, and prosperous should adopt them as a strategic investment. Manufacturing chatbots have arrived, and it’s time for businesses to think of these revolutionary tools as vital to their operations in 2023 and beyond.

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