Logistics Chatbots

15 Min Read

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April 18, 2023

Each company’s operations are based on prompt communication. In the logistics industry, chatbots can serve as virtual assistants and assist with both internal and external relations for firms. Their adoption makes it possible to automate about 35% of individual tasks, which results in significant annual cost reductions for all organisations. Efficiency, accuracy, and prompt communication are critical in the hectic world of logistics. The incorporation of chatbots into the logistics sector has emerged as a revolutionary trend to address these demands.

The effectiveness of this system has previously been assessed in numerous industries, including logistics. The size of the worldwide chatbot market was projected to be $5.13 billion in 2022. Additionally, this market will expand even more quickly; the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2030 is predicted to be 23. According to a Gartner report, by 2025, more than 25% of customer support organisations will be using chatbots. Chatbots can help cut customer assistance expenses by up to 30%, according to the report.

The 10 notable chatbots in the logistics sector will be thoroughly examined in this article, with a focus on their features, advantages, and practical applications. This will enable logistics professionals to make educated decisions for their company’s needs in 2023.

What is a Logistics chatbot?

A computer program or AI-powered software called a logistics chatbot is created with the goal of interacting with users through natural language conversations in the context of logistics and supply chain management. These chatbots focus on the needs and difficulties faced by the logistics sector.

This enables logistics chatbots to offer users up-to-date data on their shipments, orders, and stock. It mimics human speech and was created expressly to assist with logistics activities including tracking shipments, planning deliveries, and responding to client inquiries.

Why should you use Logistics Chatbots?

There are many reasons why you should use logistics chatbots.

  • Without the requirement for human participation, a chatbot may gather information on cargo, saving money on specialised human assistance for checkout, delivery tracking, and client support.
  • A bot makes it simpler for users to navigate a website, improving user experience and lowering bounce rates.
  • The chatbot provides further information, such as the date or the goods order numbers, to ensure correct results. Delivery requests can also be made by customers via logistics chatbots. The bot can obtain the order’s specifics, process it, and even generate a receipt.
  • Chatbots make managing orders easier, from receiving orders to finishing the delivery process. It enables the monitoring of delivery progress and upkeep of the supply-demand chain.
  • Chatbots can perform shipment tracking in logistics transportation better and faster.
  • The Chatbot can calculate shipping costs based on the origin and destination of the cargo.

Top 10 Logistics Chatbots for Logistics Industry In 2023

1. Chatbot.team

India’s top platform for building no-code chatbots, Chatbot.team, aids companies in automating their sales and customer service procedures. It enables the ability to target and segment audiences precisely, redefining customer engagement and creating more individualized experiences. Our chatbot solutions boost your communication strategy by enabling you to create tailored messages that genuinely resonate with your audience. It delivers individualized offers, suggestions, and content that resonates to increase engagement, trust, and conversions for your company. With features like chatbots powered by AI, customization choices, integrations, NLP, analytics, multi-platform support, and 24/7 accessibility, it gives your business a boost.

Features of Chatbot.team

The platform provided by Chatbot.team has a number of features that make it simple to construct chatbots, such as:

  • Platform without coding: Chatbot.team’s platform is made to be simple to use, even for companies without coding expertise.
  • Scalable and adaptable: Chatbot.team’s platform is made to be flexible, enabling companies to build chatbots that are tailored to their particular requirements.
  • A drag-and-drop interface, a library of pre-built chatbot components, and a visual editor for designing chatbot flows are just a few of the many features that make it simple to create chatbots on the Chatbot.team platform.
  • Reliable and secure: Businesses can have faith that their chatbots will be available when they’re needed thanks to Chatbot.team’s platform.
  • Services from Chatbot.team are reasonably priced, making them a fantastic choice for companies of all sizes.


  • Limited features
  • No Free Plan
  • High learning curve
  • Not as customizable

Pricing Plans of Chatbot.team

This chatbot offers three plans for its users, who can select the plan according to the needs of their business.

  • Free Plan: It works for a period of 14 days.
  • Premium Plan: Its price is ₹ 6500/ month.
  • Enterprise Plan: Its price varies with the features added. Contact the sales team for further details.

2. Engati

Enagati is a well-liked platform for building chatbots and virtual assistants, particularly those employed in the healthcare industry. Healthcare chatbots created on the Engati platform can help patients and healthcare providers in a number of ways. It acquires, engages, and retains more customers, faster with an enterprise-grade, Conversational AI platform powered by eSenseGPT. It drives superior customer experiences with Gen-AI powered Chatbot, Live chat, Campaigns & more. It generates leads, increases conversions, and improves customer experience across channels. It also Trains your bots in seconds with eSenseGPT.

Features of Engati

  • Every conversation is stitched into one view: By streamlining omnichannel interactions with the one-view inbox, it maintains track of customers who connect with it through various touchpoints.
  • A better, faster, stronger way to connect with customers: It facilitates efficient contact with our complimentary AI chatbot, which offers round-the-clock lead generation, support optimization, and individualized chats.
  • Create an omnichannel customer experience with your AI chatbot: It makes omnichannel customer engagement possible. It can deploy your bot on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and 10+ other channels to offer an omnichannel customer experience. It allows for seamless integration across multiple channels for both customer and enterprise needs. Regardless of what channels your customers prefer, Engati provides an all-in-one customer engagement platform that powers your omnichannel customer experience.
  • Multiply your revenue with Chatbots and Live Chat: Human touch and automation should be in balance. With Live Chat, you can set up prompt responses, close sales, and work with clients in real-time. The improved timing increases sales, thus generating more revenue.
  • Create experiences that draw in customers: It provides the best experiences centered around fluidity. With customers always on the go, they’re constantly switching channels to get what they want. It reaches your customers across the multichannel customer journey.
  • An easier way to build bots: It creates bots with Engati’s drag-and-drop conversational modeller using minimal coding. Once built, it deploys the chatbot in seconds.
  • Simplified bot training: It simplifies your knowledge base with FAQs, Intents, Cognitive Search, and DocuSense—perfect to support your customers, whether it’s dusk or dawn.
  • NLP Engine: State-of-the-art the NLP Engine delivers personalized experiences, fuelled by context and intents, across all touchpoints of your customers’ journey.


  • The price might be a bit on the higher side when compared to others.
  • The bot could be more customizable using external technology and better compatible with other web apps.


  • StarterPlan: This plan is free.
  • Contact the sales team for further enquiries.

3. Acropolium

An expert in chatbot development, Acropolium provides specialised software for supply chains, logistics, and transportation.  They support a variety of tasks like monitoring shipments and inventory, planning deliveries, updating customers on the status of their orders, responding to frequently asked questions, and streamlining the paperwork process.


  • Chatbots are capable of understanding sentiments and emotions through voice recognition technology instead of just basic text.
  • Chatbots can be integrated and streamline the information into a single channel for your team.
  • Chatbots help managers to trigger operational sequences with a simple request.
  • It builds natural conversation flows recognizes sales opportunities and achieves a more human-like linguistic process with the integration of AI, where systems become more complex.


The detailed price is available with the sales team.

4. Archlynk

It has AI-powered ChatBots that automate the Supply Chain business processes to increase user productivity by delivering a delightful customer experience. It complements human agents, enabling 24/7 automated customer support and handling multiple users at once. Its SAP Conversational Artificial Intelligence technology emulates human-like conversations to deliver an excellent customer experience.


  • The chatbots are built using SAP CAI uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze text input respond swiftly to numerous queries and offer multi-language support catering to complex business needs.
  • It is easy to use and delivers optimum results for any user working on SAP TM. It is a comprehensive suite of tools for a train–build–connect–monitor – and enables a direct develop and deploy approach.
  • It has a seamlessly scalable solution, in which chatbots can be easily integrated with multiple platforms to automate many critical and daily business processes. ArchLynk ChatBots can be easily integrated with various SAP and non-SAP solutions.


The price details are available with the sales team.

6. Locobuzz

A cutting-edge digital customer experience management software called Locobuzz radically transforms business and aids in creating enduring interactions with clients. In order to provide organisations with empowering business insights on a unified CX management platform, Locobuzz enables them to measure brand insights, customer behaviour, competitor insights, and performance analytics across all critical digital channels.


  • It protects brand equity across all prominent digital channels using advanced capabilities like sentiment analysis and specialised alert mechanisms to boost online ratings of the business.
  • It makes communication and cross-channel customer assistance easy, effective and fast by managing and measuring the brand’s support performance.
  • It provides powerful engagement workflows to redefine a brand’s social media presence.
  • The AI chatbots digitize and automate self-service for customers in real-time and make customer-focused, data-driven decisions faster by analysing user data in real-time.
  • It helps in business teams to manage WhatsApp conversations with customers.


The app works very slowly which leads in delay to resolve the query.

Latency issue with the capturing of FB comments.


The pricing details are available with the sales team.

7. BotCore

BotCore is an accelerator that helps businesses create and launch AI-powered conversational bots that are specifically tailored to their needs. It can make use of any AI service currently offered using “Cognitive Abstraction” and will scale for future services.


  • The knowledge base of the bot is central to its functioning. It supports in creating Guided Conversations, handling Q&A scenarios, entity fulfilment and actions.
  • Using message definition language BotCore helps define bot responses to reach various platforms without alterations. BotCore enables the bot to grasp the context of a conversation and curates responses.


For pricing details, the sales team must be contacted.

8. Gupshup

Gupshup.io is the #1 Conversational Engagement Platform for Marketing, Commerce and Support automation powered by AI chatbots, for businesses to deliver human-like conversations, that boost customer satisfaction and revenue at scale. It offers market-leading features on its platform, enabling developers to build Interactive, Programmable, Omnichannel messaging services.


  • It empowers developers to intuitively integrate cloud communications functionality for their applications and grants high-speed API calls for fast communications.
  • It enables a wide variety of communication types such as SMS, voice, video, etc.
  • It connects users with professional support teams to troubleshoot and finetune integrations.


The reports generated by it are quite complicated for a naive user to understand.

The transaction ID format is non-compatible with Excel format.


For pricing details, the sales team must be contacted.

9. Streeboo

It delivers an exceptional experience with smart AI chatbots. It offers a whole library of Multi-Lingual Pre-Trained Chat and Voice Bots across a variety of industries and domains.


  • Its smart AI Chatbots have built-in intelligence for specific roles and functions within the Enterprise.
  • Its bots can be deployed across various platforms and channels including Web, Mobile, Social Media Channels and enterprise Messaging Platforms


There are three price variations whose details are available to the sales team.

10. Verloop

Verloop provides a platform for personalized conversation with leads. It helps in one-to-many conversation. It helps in creating an impact on leads, converting them into customers.


  • It supports a Live chat system and has built-in Analytics.
  • It helps in scheduling appointments of the customers and helps in reporting and providing notifications.
  • It helps in Email Marketing and Performance Analysis.
  • It has Live Customer Support.


According to the requirements, detailed pricing can be obtained from the sales team.

How to choose a Logistic chatbot?

Choosing a logistic chatbot involves careful consideration of your business goals, customer needs, technical capabilities, and available resources. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right chatbot for your logistics:

Define Your Objectives:

We must understand why we need a chatbot. We must know what we want to achieve with the chatbot. Clear goals will guide our selection in increasing customer service, increasing engagement, providing business-related advice, or streamlining related operations, clear objectives will guide our selection. We must analyze our customer’s preferences and problem points and what are the most common queries they have. We also need to identify areas where a chatbot can provide value and enhance their experience.

Choose the Platform:

Depending on our requirements and budget, we must choose the appropriate type. There are rule-based chatbots and AI-powered chatbots. Rule-based chatbots follow predefined rules, while AI-powered chatbots use machine learning to understand and respond to user queries more dynamically.

Choose the chatbot type:

The decision between rule-based and AI-powered chatbots is influenced by your specific business requirements, money, technological competence, and the level of complexity you demand in your chatbot’s interactions.  Rule-based chatbots operate based on predefined rules and triggers, suitable for handling simple tasks, quickly addressing FAQs, and providing basic information. They follow programmed dialogues and lack contextual understanding. These chatbots are easy to set up and maintain, making them effective for straightforward interactions and predictable user requests.  AI-powered chatbots offer enhanced user experiences by delivering personalized and human-like interactions. While rule-based chatbots have a lower initial setup cost, AI-powered chatbots offer a higher long-term return on investment due to their advanced capabilities. AI-powered chatbots are better equipped for scalability as business needs evolve, but their development and training demand more time and resources.

Finally, if our company requires simple interactions and has a minimal budget, a rule-based chatbot may be appropriate. An AI-powered chatbot, on the other hand, is a preferable solution if you want to provide sophisticated, personalised, and dynamic interactions that can adapt to user preferences over time. When making your decision, keep your specific use cases and future scalability requirements in mind.

Discuss the Design and Development Process

A chatbot’s design and development process includes numerous stages, from conceptualization through deployment. Developing a successful chatbot involves several key phases: defining objectives and tasks, selecting the appropriate chatbot type and platform, designing a user-friendly experience, training AI capabilities, gathering and refining data, creating on-brand content, rigorous testing, deployment, monitoring performance, continuous improvement based on user feedback, ongoing maintenance, security compliance, and user education. Each step contributes to a well-rounded and effective chatbot implementation.

See Available Integration Options: 

Chatbot integration means you are connecting the chatbot with various platforms. It’s an entire process to deploy the chatbot on various social platforms and applications. Depending on your service goals and target audience, you can choose the most appropriate integration options. Here are some common chatbot integration options:

  • Website Integration: Embed the chatbot directly on your business website using a chat window or widget. It offers real-time assistance to users browsing your site, answering their questions, and providing support.
  • Messaging Platforms: Integrating your chatbot with messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp and engaging with users on platforms they are already familiar with, thereby expanding your reach.
  • Social Media: Connect your chatbot to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and engage with users who interact with your business brand on social media and provide instant responses.

Test and Launch Your Chatbot:

Testing verifies the functionality, usability, and performance of the chatbot. Usability, functionality, performance, and security are assessed, with user feedback and incorporated. These processes ensure the chatbot operates smoothly, provides accurate responses, and offers a positive user experience. Once successfully integrated and tested, the chatbot is ready for deployment.

What are the Future Trends in Logistics Chatbots?

  • Voice, text, and visual components combined in multimodal interfaces
  • more personalization of chatbots that take preferences, context, and history into account.
  • AI/ML, blockchain, and other technologies expanded integration
  • Industry-specific chatbots that handle certain needs and difficulties
  • pre-built software solutions that can be customised to meet specific demands
  • Chatbot and human interaction hybrid models
  • Financial transaction automation, including payments and account administration


The majority of logistics and transportation industries will undoubtedly use automation. Most importantly, a chatbot may be a useful asset for businesses across a range of industries with the appropriate strategy. This technology is accessible to businesses of all sizes, and as a result, the automation of common logistics tasks is accelerating workflows, decreasing the likelihood of human error errors, and raising customer satisfaction.

Yes, there may be some problems with AI and chatbots. However, these technologies are often assisting logistics and supply chain management organisations in streamlining and improving their business processes. AI and chatbots will only get better and smarter as time goes on thanks to updates.  That suggests that perhaps people can place more responsibility on their AI and chatbots and interact and monitor them less.

About Author



Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

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