Top 28 chatbot platforms to build a chatbot (Updated List 2024)

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April 18, 2023

In 2023, the landscape of chatbot platforms and tools remains diverse, offering a wide array of solutions for businesses and developers seeking to harness the power of chatbots. Among the notable platforms mentioned, offers tailored chatbot development services, while Tidio specialises in website chatbots for customer support and lead generation. HubSpot Chatbot Builder integrates seamlessly with the HubSpot suite, while WotNot provides AI-driven solutions for various applications. Intercom offers personalised customer interactions, Engati boasts multichannel capabilities, and Drift focuses on conversational marketing. simplifies chatbot creation with a visual interface, and LivePerson offers AI-driven customer engagement. Bold360 enhances customer support, Octane AI is ideal for e-commerce, Flow XO facilitates multi-channel workflows, and ManyChat is a Facebook Messenger marketing favourite.

Moreover, Botsify features user-friendly chatbot building, Chatfuel is prominent for Facebook Messenger, and Pandorabots allows advanced conversational abilities. Aisensy offers AI and chatbot solutions, while Wati specialises in WhatsApp automation. MobileMonkey provides multi-channel marketing, and Imperson tailors chatbots for personalised interactions. Boost AI enhances customer support, Botkit is an open-source developer framework, and Botpress offers customization. ChattyPeople serves e-commerce, Freshchat provides AI-driven customer engagement, and Pypestream emphasises security. BotsCrew is an agency for custom chatbot development, Aivo offers AI-powered support, Botsonic is a development platform, Genesys DX focuses on digital customer experience, Dialogflow by Google Cloud provides NLP capabilities, and Snatchbot emphasises multi-channel communication and analytics. When selecting a platform, consider your specific use case, integration needs, scalability, and pricing, and stay updated with the evolving chatbot landscape to make informed decisions.

What is a chatbot platform?

A chatbot platform is a software or a service that empowers individuals and businesses to construct, deploy, and oversee chatbots. Chatbots, which are computer programs or artificial intelligence (AI) systems engineered to engage users through natural language dialogues, typically involving text or voice interfaces, are at the core of these platforms.
Within the realm of chatbot platforms, one finds an array of essential tools, frameworks, and infrastructures conducive to the development, training, and deployment of chatbots across diverse applications. These platforms typically encompass an assortment of key features:

  1. Bot Building Interface: These platforms furnish user-friendly interfaces or development environments, allowing the creation and configuration of chatbots without necessitating extensive programming expertise.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): By incorporating NLP technology, chatbot platforms enable chatbots to comprehend and decipher user inputs, thereby facilitating intelligent responses to user inquiries and prompts.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Chatbot platforms often encompass the capacity to seamlessly interface with other systems, databases, or APIs, enabling chatbots to retrieve and disseminate information, execute actions, or automate routine tasks.
  4. Multi-Channel Support: These platforms cater to a wide range of messaging platforms, websites, mobile apps, and social media channels, ensuring chatbots can effectively connect with users on the platforms where they are most active.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Equipped with tools for monitoring chatbot performance and tracking user interactions, chatbot platforms generate insights that empower continuous refinement and enhancement of the chatbot’s capabilities.
  6. Security and Compliance: Recognizing the significance of data security, privacy, and regulatory compliance, chatbot platforms incorporate features designed to safeguard sensitive information, especially when chatbots are entrusted with handling such data.

Chatbot platforms find utility across diverse sectors and serve a myriad of purposes, encompassing customer support, sales and marketing, lead generation, information retrieval, and the automation of routine tasks. When selecting a chatbot platform, businesses and developers take into account their specific use cases, technical requisites, budget considerations, and a host of other factors. These platforms have evolved over time, progressively offering more sophisticated and customizable chatbot solutions to meet the ever-expanding spectrum of requirements.

What makes a chatbot Platform best?

Defining what constitutes the “optimal” chatbot platform can be a matter of subjectivity, contingent upon individual or business-specific requisites and priorities. Nevertheless, there exist several fundamental factors that commonly enter the evaluation criteria when assessing chatbot platforms for their excellence:

  1. User-Friendliness: A first-rate chatbot platform should furnish an instinctive and user-friendly interface, enabling users of varying technical proficiencies to proficiently craft, configure, and oversee chatbots.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Competent NLP capabilities are of paramount importance for the precise comprehension and interpretation of user inputs. The most outstanding platforms incorporate advanced NLP technologies to facilitate interactions that are imbued with meaning and context awareness.
  3. Seamless Integration: The platform’s seamless compatibility with other systems, databases, and third-party APIs is crucial. An exceptional chatbot platform should support a diverse spectrum of integrations, enabling the fluid exchange of data and task automation.
  4. Robust Analytics and Reporting: Robust analytical and reporting tools play a pivotal role in monitoring chatbot performance, gauging user engagement, and tracking other pertinent metrics. These insights provide the foundation for ongoing enhancements and optimizations.
  5. Security and Regulatory Compliance: Prioritising data security and adhering to pertinent regulations (such as GDPR or HIPAA) are non-negotiable, particularly when handling sensitive information. The foremost platforms underscore security features and regulatory compliance.
  6. Supportive Community and Assistance: The presence of robust customer support, comprehensive documentation, and a vibrant user community can prove to be invaluable assets. Users should have ready access to resources and assistance as and when required.
  7. Transparent Pricing Structure: The platform’s cost structure and pricing model should align harmoniously with your budget and usage patterns. Transparent pricing, coupled with flexible options tailored for businesses of varying scales, is highly advantageous.
  8. Forward-Looking Development and Updates: It is prudent to consider the platform’s commitment to ongoing development and updates, ensuring its enduring relevance and adaptability to emergent technologies and prevailing trends.

28 best chatbot platforms to build a chatbot for your business in 2023

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular as businesses look for ways to automate their customer service and marketing operations. Chatbots can be used to answer customer questions, generate leads, and even close sales.

If you’re thinking about building a chatbot for your business, there are a number of different platforms to choose from. Here are 28 of the best chatbot platforms in 2023: stands as an all-encompassing chatbot platform, celebrated for its user-friendly interface and an array of features that render it an invaluable asset for businesses eager to harness the potential of chatbots. Below, we present an outline of’s features and the merits it offers:

Key Features Of

  1. Intuitive User Interface: A standout feature of is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Crafted to accommodate users with varying levels of technical expertise, it simplifies the creation, configuration, and management of chatbots, making it especially advantageous for businesses lacking extensive programming proficiency.
  2. NLP-Driven Interactions: incorporates natural language processing (NLP) technology, equipping chatbots with the ability to comprehend and decipher user inputs with precision. This leads to more meaningful and context-aware interactions, ultimately elevating the user experience.
  3. Multi-Channel Proficiency: The platform extends support for deploying chatbots across a spectrum of messaging platforms, websites, mobile applications, and social media channels. This versatility ensures that businesses can connect with and engage their audience across diverse touchpoints.
  4. Seamless Integrations: boasts robust integration capabilities, facilitating seamless connections with external systems, databases, and third-party APIs. This functionality facilitates the exchange of data and automates tasks, streamlining business processes.
  5. Comprehensive Analytics: The platform offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, empowering businesses to monitor chatbot performance, user engagement, and vital metrics. These insights empower a continuous process of refinement and optimization of chatbot interactions.
  6. Security and Compliance: With data security and regulatory compliance taking centre stage in the digital landscape, places a strong emphasis on security features and adherence to relevant regulations. This ensures responsible handling of user data.
  7. Customization Options: allows businesses to customise chatbot responses, behaviour, and appearance. This adaptability enables businesses to tailor chatbots to align seamlessly with their brand identity and meet user expectations.

Pricing of

The starting plan of building a chatbot using as the platform is negligible but with a variety of features available such as live chats, campaign scheduling, outbound messages and such more. Then we have the Premium and then the Enterprise one beginning from Rs.6,500 and then it depends upon the personalisation of the chatbots.

Pros of

  1. Ease of Use: The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible to a wide-ranging user base, spanning from novices to seasoned developers. This ease of use expedites the development and deployment of chatbots.
  2. Advanced NLP Capabilities: Integration of advanced NLP technology augments the chatbot’s proficiency in comprehending and responding to user queries with precision, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Versatile Multi-Channel Reach: With support for various messaging platforms and channels, businesses can engage their audience wherever they are most active, broadening their reach and intensifying customer engagement.
  4. Flexible Integration Possibilities: The platform’s integration prowess offers businesses the flexibility to connect with diverse systems and data sources, facilitating seamless data exchange and task automation.
  5. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Robust analytics and reporting tools provide businesses with invaluable insights into chatbot performance and user behaviour, steering data-backed decision-making and an ongoing process of enhancement.
  6. Emphasis on Security and Compliance:’s unwavering commitment to data security and adherence to regulatory standards instil confidence in businesses that prioritise the safeguarding of user data.
  7. Tailored Customization: The capacity to customise chatbot responses and behaviour enables businesses to craft chatbots that harmonise effortlessly with their unique brand identity and fulfil distinct user engagement objectives.

In short, is a user-centric platform armed with cutting-edge NLP capabilities, versatile multi-channel support, integration flexibility, and robust analytics. Its unwavering dedication to security, regulatory compliance, and customization renders it an invaluable asset for businesses endeavouring to deploy compelling and interactive chatbots as integral components of their customer engagement and automation strategies.


Tidio stands as a versatile platform meticulously crafted to elevate customer engagement and bolster support services for businesses spanning a multitude of industries, catering both to modest enterprises and sizable corporations. It touts a rich assortment of features and benefits that firmly establish it as an invaluable asset. Presented below is an overview of Tidio:

Key Features of Tidio

  1. Live Chat: Tidio extends a live chat widget seamlessly embeddable into websites and online stores. This empowers businesses to promptly engage with website visitors in real-time, effectively addressing inquiries and proffering assistance.
  2. Chatbots: Tidio’s chatbot builder streamlines the creation of bespoke chatbots, even for those not steeped in extensive programming knowledge. These astute chatbots automate responses, amass leads, and offer round-the-clock support.
  3. Email Marketing Integration: Tidio harmoniously integrates with prominent email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, empowering businesses to capture leads through live chat and orchestrate automated follow-up email correspondences.
  4. Multi-Channel Support: Tidio excels in its adept support for diverse messaging channels, spanning website chat, email, and Facebook Messenger. This multifaceted approach ensures businesses can seamlessly reach customers on their favoured platforms.
  5. Visitor Tracking: The platform bestows robust visitor tracking and analytical capabilities, arming businesses with the ability to meticulously monitor website visitors, glean actionable insights, and foster more impactful interactions.
  6. Customization: Tidio confers upon businesses the authority to tailor the appearance and behaviour of chat widgets and chatbots, harmonising them meticulously with their brand identity and user experience aspirations.
  7. Mobile Apps: Tidio further extends its reach via mobile applications thoughtfully available for both iOS and Android platforms. This facilitates agile management of customer interactions and swift responses to inquiries, even while on the move.
  8. Knowledge Base: Nestled within Tidio, businesses can institute and diligently maintain a knowledge base or FAQ section. This invaluable resource expedites customer access to answers for common queries, effectively truncating response times.

Pricing of Tidio

Tidio consists of various prices for its customers starting from a standard plan consisting of the free plan and then starter, communicator and then chatbot which are priced. Then there are bundled solutions and then there are personalised plans.

Pros of Tidio

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Tidio distinguishes itself with its remarkably user-friendly interface and straightforward setup, making it accessible and conducive to businesses of varying sizes, including those with limited technical proficiency.
  2. Versatile Communication: Tidio excels in facilitating communication across a plethora of channels, encompassing live chat, email, and Facebook Messenger. This diversification significantly augments accessibility for both businesses and their clientele.
  3. Chatbot Customization: Tidio’s chatbot builder empowers businesses to tailor chatbots to their exacting specifications, be it for lead generation, customer support, or automated responses.
  4. Integration Opportunities: Tidio seamlessly integrates with preeminent email marketing platforms and content management systems, simplifying lead capture and streamlining customer engagement workflows.
  5. Visitor Insights: Tidio’s visitor tracking and analytical prowess furnish businesses with invaluable insights into user behaviour. These insights, in turn, underpin data-driven decision-making and the enhancement of customer interactions.
  6. Mobile Accessibility: With mobile applications available for both iOS and Android, businesses enjoy the convenience of managing customer communication and delivering prompt support, even while on the move.
  7. Knowledge Base: The built-in knowledge base fosters information organisation and expedites the availability of answers to customer inquiries. This significantly contributes to curbing response times.
  8. Pricing Flexibility: Tidio extends a spectrum of pricing plans, including a free version with limited features, accommodating businesses with diverse budgetary considerations.

Cons of Tidio

  1. Limited Free Plan: While Tidio offers a free plan, it imposes certain constraints, including limitations on chatbot interactions and restricted access to advanced features. This may pose constraints for growing small businesses.
  2. Pricing Scalability: As businesses expand and necessitate advanced features or higher usage thresholds, Tidio’s pricing structure may ascend significantly. Businesses should anticipate potential cost escalations as their needs evolve.
  3. Complex Chatbot Development: Crafting intricate chatbot workflows may entail a degree of technical proficiency, despite Tidio’s user-friendly chatbot builder. Businesses with intricate automation requirements could encounter a learning curve.
  4. Limited Customization: Despite offering customization options, Tidio may impose certain constraints regarding the extent of achievable customization for chatbot behaviour and appearance, especially when juxtaposed with more advanced platforms.
  5. Integration Ecosystem: While Tidio’s integration ecosystem deftly accommodates popular tools, it may not rival the extensive compatibility found with certain other chatbot platforms. It’s judicious to ensure seamless alignment with your business’s specific toolkit.
  6. Learning Curve: Although designed for user-friendliness, businesses new to chatbots may still traverse a learning curve when configuring and optimising their chatbot and live chat workflows.

3. HubSpot Chatbot Builder

The HubSpot Chatbot Builder stands out as a prominent tool within the HubSpot suite, a renowned customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation platform. Its primary purpose is to empower businesses by enabling them to craft, personalise, and deploy chatbots, thereby enriching customer engagement and automating diverse facets of their marketing and sales endeavours. Here’s an overview of the HubSpot Chatbot Builder:

Key Features of HubSpot Chatbot

  1. User-Friendly Interface: The HubSpot Chatbot Builder prides itself on its user-friendly interface, catering to individuals with varying levels of technical proficiency. It facilitates chatbot design and configuration without necessitating extensive programming knowledge.
  2. Integration with CRM: This chatbot builder seamlessly integrates with the HubSpot CRM, facilitating the consolidation of customer data and interactions into a central hub. This integration streamlines lead management and enhances customer communication.
  3. Automation Workflows: Users can create automation workflows that trigger specific actions based on user interactions with the chatbot. These actions may encompass tasks such as sending follow-up emails, assigning leads to sales representatives, or updating contact records.
  4. Customization: The chatbot builder offers an extensive array of customization options, granting businesses the capability to tailor the chatbot’s appearance, behaviour, and responses to align with their brand identity and customer experience objectives.
  5. Multi-Channel Deployment: HubSpot’s chatbots can be flexibly deployed across various platforms, encompassing websites, social media, and messaging apps. This versatility ensures that businesses can interact with customers through numerous touchpoints.
  6. Natural Language Processing (NLP): The chatbot builder integrates cutting-edge NLP technology to comprehend and interpret user input. This empowers chatbots to deliver responses that are contextually aware and intelligent.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: HubSpot furnishes robust analytics and reporting tools, equipping businesses to monitor chatbot performance, user engagement, and conversion rates. These insights play a pivotal role in optimising chatbot interactions.
  8. Lead Generation: The chatbot can be configured to capture leads by gathering visitor information, including email addresses, phone numbers, and preferences. This data can subsequently be harnessed for marketing and sales initiatives.

Pricing of HubSpot Chatbot

It has features which are different for both the businesses and enterprises having a professional and an enterprise pack, and then for individuals and small teams, it has the free tools, starter and then the enterprise one.

Pros of HubSpot Chatbot

  1. Seamless Integration: The HubSpot Chatbot Builder harmoniously integrates with the HubSpot CRM and other HubSpot marketing tools, creating a unified ecosystem for managing customer interactions.
  2. Automation Power: This builder facilitates the creation of potent automation workflows, leading to time and effort savings through the automation of repetitive tasks and the facilitation of timely follow-ups with leads.
  3. CRM Benefits: Businesses can derive substantial advantages from the HubSpot CRM’s features, encompassing contact management, lead scoring, and email marketing, in conjunction with chatbot interactions.
  4. Customization: The extensive customization options empower businesses to craft chatbots that resonate with their unique brand voice and align with their customer engagement strategy.
  5. Multi-Channel Deployment: The ability to deploy chatbots across diverse platforms ensures a broader reach and enhanced accessibility for customers.
  6. Analytics-Driven Decisions: Robust analytics and reporting tools provide data-driven insights, facilitating the refinement of chatbot interactions and the enhancement of overall customer engagement.
  7. Lead Generation: The chatbot’s lead capture capabilities enable businesses to efficiently generate and nurture leads.

Cons of HubSpot Chatbot

  1. HubSpot Ecosystem Dependency: Businesses not utilising HubSpot’s CRM and marketing tools may encounter challenges in fully leveraging the chatbot builder.
  2. Learning Curve: Although user-friendly, businesses new to HubSpot may require some time to familiarise themselves with and maximise the capabilities of the chatbot builder.
  3. Cost: HubSpot’s comprehensive suite of tools, including the chatbot builder, may entail relatively higher costs, which could pose a challenge for smaller businesses or startups.
  4. Integration Limitations: While HubSpot does offer integrations with a variety of third-party tools, businesses with unique or specialised software requirements may face limitations.

4. WotNot

WotNot stands as a versatile chatbot platform, offering a comprehensive array of features tailored to businesses striving to enhance customer engagement, automate tasks, and bolster operational efficiency. Here is an overview of WotNot:

Key Features of WotNot

  1. User-Friendly Chatbot Builder: WotNot boasts a user-friendly chatbot builder that empowers businesses of all sizes to craft and tailor chatbots to their specific requirements, all without necessitating extensive coding expertise.
  2. Multi-Channel Support: WotNot extends its reach by supporting deployment across a variety of channels, including websites, mobile applications, social media platforms, and messaging apps like WhatsApp. This ensures businesses can engage with customers wherever they are most active.
  3. AI-Powered Chatbots: Equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, including natural language processing (NLP), WotNot’s chatbots engage users in context-aware and conversational interactions, comprehending and responding intelligently to user queries.
  4. Integration Capabilities: WotNot offers seamless integrations with leading customer relationship management (CRM) systems, helpdesk software, and a spectrum of third-party tools. This integration facilitates streamlined data exchange and process automation.
  5. Lead Generation: The platform’s chatbots can be configured to capture valuable leads by gathering user information such as email addresses and contact details. This data can subsequently be harnessed for marketing and sales endeavours.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Robust analytics and reporting tools furnish businesses with insights into chatbot performance, user interactions, and engagement metrics. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions and optimise their chatbot strategies.
  7. Customization: WotNot allows for extensive customization of chatbot behaviour, appearance, and conversation flows. This adaptability enables businesses to create chatbots that seamlessly align with their brand identity and user expectations.

Pricing of WotNot

The platform, WotNot starts from the free plan and then goes to the basic one for $49/month, a starter pack for $99/month and lastly there is a premium plan priced at $299/month.

Pros of WotNot

  1. User-Friendly: WotNot’s intuitive interface and chatbot builder cater to users across the technical spectrum, from novices to seasoned developers, ensuring accessibility.
  2. Multi-Channel Reach: The platform enables businesses to engage customers across diverse channels, broadening their outreach and catering to a varied audience.
  3. AI-Powered Intelligence: The inclusion of AI and NLP technology ensures that chatbots can engage users in natural and meaningful conversations, augmenting the overall user experience.
  4. Integration Options: WotNot provides a comprehensive array of integration possibilities, permitting businesses to seamlessly connect chatbots with existing systems and tools, facilitating data exchange and automation.
  5. Lead Generation: The chatbot’s lead capture capabilities enable businesses to amass valuable customer data for marketing and sales strategies.
  6. Customization: Extensive customization options afford businesses the flexibility to design chatbots that harmonise seamlessly with their distinctive brand image and customer engagement objectives.

Cons Of WotNot

  1. Pricing: While WotNot extends a free trial, pricing details remain less transparent on their website. Businesses may need to directly contact the company for tailored pricing information, which can be a drawback for those seeking pricing transparency.
  2. Limited Information: The WotNot website lacks in-depth information regarding their platform, potentially posing challenges for prospective users in fully comprehending its features and capabilities without direct contact.

5. Intercom

Intercom stands as a versatile customer messaging platform, presenting a comprehensive set of tools and features that empower businesses to elevate customer engagement, deliver support, and propel growth.

Key Features of Intercom

Below, you will find an overview of Intercom:

  1. Live Chat: Intercom extends a live chat solution that enables businesses to engage with website visitors and users in real-time, offering assistance, addressing queries, and nurturing potential leads.
  2. Messaging Automation: Businesses harness the power of Intercom to automate messaging workflows. This encompasses sending targeted messages based on user behaviour, time spent on the site, or specific events, facilitating personalised communication on a broader scale.
  3. In-App Messaging: Intercom facilitates the dispatch of in-app messages and notifications directly to users, ensuring they stay informed about updates, promotions, or vital information without the need to leave the application.
  4. Knowledge Base: Intercom incorporates a knowledge base feature, allowing businesses to create and maintain a repository of articles, FAQs, and self-service resources. These resources empower users to find answers to common queries independently.
  5. Email Campaigns: Through Intercom, businesses can execute email campaigns and newsletters, reaching out to their user base and maintaining engagement by delivering relevant content.
  6. Customer Support Ticketing: Intercom offers a customer support ticketing system that aids businesses in managing and tracking customer inquiries. This ensures that responses are timely and issues are efficiently resolved.
  7. Customizable Chatbots: Users have the capability to craft customised chatbots using Intercom. These chatbots can automate responses to frequently asked questions, qualify leads, and provide instant support.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: The platform features a robust suite of analytics and reporting tools, permitting businesses to monitor user engagement, assess message performance, and gauge customer satisfaction metrics.
  9. Integration Ecosystem: Intercom boasts an extensive integration ecosystem, facilitating seamless connections with a wide array of third-party tools. This empowers businesses to streamline their operations through integrated workflows.

Pricing of Intercom

The platform, Intercom is priced initially as a starter pack at 474/ month and then ranges upto the pro and then the premium packs which are related to the customizations that are added in the building of the chatbot by the customer.

Pros of Intercom

  1. Versatile Communication: Intercom empowers businesses to communicate with customers through a variety of channels, including live chat, email, in-app messages, and more. This adaptability ensures flexibility and accessibility.
  2. Personalization: Leveraging Intercom’s automation capabilities, businesses can deliver messages and responses that are highly personalized. This enhances the user experience and improves conversion rates.
  3. User Engagement: Intercom equips businesses to proactively engage with users, reducing churn rates and enhancing customer retention.
  4. Scalability: Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, Intercom can adapt to evolving needs and accommodate shifts in user volumes.
    1. Integration Options: Intercom’s extensive integration ecosystem enables businesses to seamlessly connect with their existing tools and systems, simplifying operational workflows.

Cons of Intercom​

  1. Pricing: Intercom’s pricing may be relatively high, particularly for small businesses and startups. This cost factor could pose a challenge for budget-conscious organisations.
  2. Learning Curve: While Intercom offers a robust feature set, mastering its full capabilities may demand time and effort, particularly for new users.
  3. Complexity: Some businesses might find Intercom’s advanced features and customization options somewhat overwhelming, potentially resulting in underutilization of the platform.
  4. Limited Free Plan: While Intercom offers a free trial, its free plan comes with restrictions in terms of features and usage. This might make it less suitable for businesses operating within budget constraints.

6. Engati

Engati is a leading Customer Experience platform powered by Conversational Automation & Intelligence. It enables businesses to reimagine their customer journey by using its integrated platform with the powerful combination of chatbots and live chat, enabling omnichannel global customer experiences.

Key Features of Engati

  1. Multi-Channel Support: Engati allows businesses to deploy chatbots on various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and messaging apps like WhatsApp.
  2. AI-Powered Chatbots: The platform leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to enable chatbots to understand and respond to user queries intelligently.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Engati provides seamless integrations with popular tools, CRMs, and platforms, facilitating data exchange and task automation.
  4. Live Chat: Businesses can offer real-time assistance through live chat capabilities, ensuring human agents can step in when needed.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Engati offers robust analytics and reporting tools to track chatbot performance, user engagement, and conversation insights.

Pricing of Engati

Engati offers several pricing plans, including a free plan with limited features. They have the standard package, then a plan for the enterprises and partner plan. The exact pricing details vary based on factors like the number of users, chatbot interactions, and additional features required.

Pros of Engati

  1. Ease of Use: Engati’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  2. Multi-Channel Reach: Businesses can engage with customers across different messaging channels, broadening their reach.
  3. AI Intelligence: The platform’s AI-powered chatbots can provide more personalized and context-aware interactions.
  4. Integration Flexibility: Engati’s integration options make it easy to connect with existing systems and tools.
  5. Analytics-Driven Decisions: The analytics tools help businesses make data-driven decisions to enhance chatbot strategies.

Cons of Engati​

  1. Pricing: Pricing details for Engati are not readily available on their website, which can be inconvenient for businesses seeking transparency.
  2. Complexity: Like many advanced platforms, Engati may have a learning curve for those new to chatbots or AI.

7. Drift

Drift serves as a conversational marketing and sales platform tailored to assist businesses in engaging website visitors, qualifying leads, and boosting conversions. It offers an array of features, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here’s an overview:

Key Features of Drift

  1. Live Chat: Drift equips businesses with a real-time live chat solution, fostering immediate communication with website visitors. This facilitates responses to inquiries, provision of support, and guidance for potential customers.
  2. Chatbots: Drift includes chatbot capabilities for automated interactions, lead qualification, and round-the-clock support. These chatbots can be tailored to meet specific business requirements.
  3. Email Campaigns: Users can leverage Drift to craft and distribute email campaigns, nurturing leads and maintaining their engagement with pertinent content.
  4. Lead Generation: Drift places a strong emphasis on lead generation, enabling businesses to capture visitor information, including email addresses and contact details, to fuel their sales and marketing endeavors.
  5. Integration Hub: The platform features an integration hub that seamlessly links with a variety of third-party tools and platforms, simplifying data exchange and workflow automation.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Drift provides a suite of analytics and reporting tools for tracking the performance of chats and emails, monitoring conversion rates, and other critical metrics.

Pricing of Drift

This platform has three types of plans available beginning form Premium starting from $2,500/month to Advanced and then to Enterprise ranging from a wide variety of features available for all.

Pros of Drift

  1. User-Friendly: Drift is celebrated for its user-friendly interface, catering to users with diverse technical proficiencies.
  2. Lead Generation: The platform excels in the realm of lead generation, empowering businesses to gather valuable customer data.
  3. Integration Versatility: Drift boasts a wide array of integration options, allowing businesses to connect seamlessly with their existing systems and tools.
  4. Live Chat and Chatbot Proficiency: Drift’s live chat and chatbot functionalities enhance customer engagement and support.

Cons of Drift​

  1. Pricing: Drift’s pricing structure can be relatively high, posing potential challenges, especially for smaller businesses striving to justify the cost.
  2. Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendliness, fully harnessing Drift’s capabilities may necessitate a significant investment of time and effort, particularly for new users.
  3. Complexity: Some businesses may find Drift’s advanced features and customization options overwhelming, possibly leading to underutilization.
  4. Limited Free Plan: While Drift offers a free trial, its complimentary plan offers restricted features and usage, potentially limiting its suitability for budget-constrained businesses

8. is a versatile chatbot and conversational marketing platform designed for businesses to create interactive chatbots and engaging conversational experiences with ease, all without the need for extensive coding or technical skills. Here’s an overview of its key features:

Key Features of Landbot

  1. No-Code Chatbot Builder: stands out with its user-friendly, no-code chatbot builder that empowers users to craft and personalize chatbots and conversational flows through an intuitive visual interface.
  2. Multi-Channel Support: Businesses can deploy these chatbots across various channels, including websites, messaging apps, and social media platforms, ensuring effective engagement across multiple touchpoints.
  3. Integration Capabilities: offers seamless integrations with popular tools and platforms, enabling businesses to effortlessly connect their chatbots with other systems and automate essential workflows.
  4. Customization: Users have the flexibility to customize chatbot appearance, behavior, and logic, aligning them seamlessly with their brand identity and specific use cases.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides robust analytics and reporting tools to monitor chatbot performance, track user interactions, and gain valuable insights into engagement metrics.

Pricing of Landbot

Landbot provides 2 types of plans – for Websites and for Whatsapp. For Website, they have a sandbox one which is a free plan, then they have a starter one priced at $30/month, then a pro plan priced at $80/month and lastly, a business one priced at $300/month. For an yearly plan, they have a 20% off on their plan for Websites.
For Whatsapp, they have a pro and a business plan priced at $150 and $300/ month respectively. The most recommended one being the pro plan.

Pros of Landbot

  1. No-Code Builder:’s no-code approach ensures accessibility for users of all technical levels, facilitating chatbot creation and management.
  2. Multi-Channel Deployment: Businesses can efficiently reach their audience across various channels, enhancing accessibility and engagement with customers.
  3. Integration Flexibility: offers a wide range of integrations with third-party tools, simplifying operations and data exchange.

Cons of Landbot

  1. Pricing: While offers a free trial, pricing details may vary depending on usage and feature requirements, necessitating a review of their website for current pricing information.
  2. Complexity for Advanced Use Cases: While user-friendly for basic chatbots, businesses with intricate automation needs might encounter limitations.
  3. Limited Free Plan: The free plan comes with certain restrictions regarding features and usage, potentially posing limitations for specific businesses.

9. LivePerson

LivePerson is a prominent conversational AI and messaging platform that empowers businesses to engage with their customers in real-time across various digital channels. Here’s an overview of LivePerson:

Key Features of LivePerson

Messaging and Chat: LivePerson offers messaging solutions for real-time communication with customers through web chat, mobile messaging apps, and SMS.

AI-Powered Chatbots: Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), LivePerson creates chatbots for automated responses and improved efficiency in handling common customer queries.

Multi-Channel Support: The platform facilitates engagement across various channels, ensuring businesses can connect with customers where they prefer to interact.

Agent Workspace: LivePerson provides an agent workspace equipped with tools for human agents to manage customer conversations efficiently and offer personalized support.

Analytics and Insights: LivePerson’s analytics and reporting tools offer valuable insights into customer interactions, supporting data-driven decision-making.

Integration Capabilities: The platform integrates with CRM systems, analytics tools, and other business software, streamlining workflows and data exchange.

Pricing of LivePerson

There are two kinds of plans available at LivePerson platform which includes Conversational Cloud and Conversational Coud & Generative AI. Conversational Cloud helps to automate messages and calls, optimize consumer insights, increase agent productivity with Liveperson AI. On the contrary, Conversational Cloud & Generational AI includes accelerating automation, increasing conversion rate, and boosting agent productivity with Generative AI.

Pros of LivePerson

  1. Real-Time Engagement: LivePerson enables instant customer engagement, enhancing responsiveness and convenience.
  2. AI-Enhanced Efficiency: AI-powered chatbots and automation reduce response times and workload for human agents, improving efficiency.
  3. Personalization: LivePerson supports personalized interactions, boosting customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Cons of LivePerson

  1. Pricing: LivePerson’s services may come at a relatively high cost, which could be a limitation for smaller businesses or startups with budget constraints.
  2. Learning Curve: While powerful, new users might require time to fully grasp the platform’s capabilities.
  3. Complexity: Customization and implementation could be intricate for businesses with complex workflows and specific requirements.

10. Genesys DX

Genesys DX serves as a comprehensive customer experience and contact center management platform meticulously designed to empower businesses in delivering exceptional customer service and engagement across diverse communication channels. It offers an extensive array of features and functionalities aimed at elevating customer interactions and bolstering support services. Below are key highlights of Genesys DX:

Key Features of Genesys DX

  1. Multichannel Engagement: Genesys DX empowers businesses to interact with customers seamlessly across a multitude of communication channels, spanning voice, email, chat, social media, and more. This versatile approach ensures that customers can conveniently reach out through their preferred means of communication.
  2. Unified Customer Insights: The platform furnishes a consolidated perspective of customer interactions and historical data, equipping agents with quick access to pertinent information. This fosters more personalized and efficient customer support.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation: Genesys DX integrates advanced AI-driven components, including chatbots and virtual assistants, to automate repetitive tasks, manage inquiries, and provide round-the-clock customer assistance. This results in swifter response times and heightened operational efficiency.
  4. Intelligent Routing: Genesys DX offers intelligent routing functionalities to direct customer queries to the most suitable agents or teams, factoring in skills, availability, and contextual details. This ensures that customers consistently receive timely and pertinent assistance.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides robust analytics and reporting tools, enabling businesses to monitor the performance of their contact center, track metrics related to customer satisfaction, and extract valuable insights for ongoing enhancements.
  6. Self-Service Options: Genesys DX facilitates the creation and management of self-service resources such as knowledge bases and FAQs. This empowers customers to independently locate answers to common queries, reducing the dependency on agent intervention.
  7. Security and Compliance: Genesys DX places paramount importance on data security and compliance, rendering it well-suited for industries with stringent regulatory requirements, such as healthcare and finance.
  8. Proactive Engagement: Businesses can take the initiative in engaging with customers proactively, capitalizing on triggers, events, or customer behavior. This proactive approach can be harnessed for personalized marketing initiatives and support endeavors.

Pricing of Genesys DX

The platform starts with a price of Euro 52.5 for Genesys Cloud CX1 Voice, Euro 66.5 for Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital and then Euro 80.5 for Genesys CX 2 Digital plus Voice.

Pros of Genesys DX

  1. Enhanced Customer Support: Genesys DX empowers businesses to deliver swift and responsive customer support, culminating in heightened customer satisfaction.
  2. Automation: The platform’s AI and automation capabilities streamline operations, diminish response times, and optimize resource allocation.
  3. Multichannel Reach: Genesys DX enables communication across various channels, ensuring broader outreach and accessibility for businesses.
  4. Personalization: By offering access to customer history and context, Genesys DX enables agents to furnish personalized and contextually relevant responses.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Genesys DX’s analytical tools equip businesses with insights into contact center performance and customer behavior, facilitating data-driven decision-making.

Cons of Genesys DX​

  1. Cost: Genesys DX’s pricing structure may fluctuate based on features and usage, potentially posing budgetary constraints for some businesses.
  2. Learning Curve: Implementing and managing advanced customer experience solutions like Genesys DX may necessitate a learning curve, particularly for users unaccustomed to the technology.
  3. Integration Complexity: Integrating Genesys DX with existing systems and databases can be intricate, especially for businesses equipped with intricate technological infrastructures.
  4. Maintenance: As with all software solutions, Genesys DX mandates ongoing maintenance and updates to sustain effectiveness and security.
  5. Scalability Considerations: Scaling Genesys DX to accommodate high volumes of interactions may demand meticulous planning and infrastructure adjustments.

11. Octane AI

Octane AI is a chatbot platform that focuses on providing solutions for e-commerce businesses. It enables brands to create AI-powered chatbots and conversational marketing experiences to engage with customers and drive sales. Here’s an overview of Octane AI:

Key Features of Octane AI

  1. Shop Quiz: Octane AI’s Shop Quiz feature allows businesses to create interactive quizzes that help customers discover products tailored to their preferences and needs. It enhances product recommendations and personalization.
  2. Facebook Messenger Integration: The platform integrates with Facebook Messenger, allowing businesses to engage with customers on this popular messaging platform. It enables conversational marketing and customer support.
  3. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Octane AI offers features to recover abandoned shopping carts by sending automated reminders and personalized messages to potential customers.
  4. AI Chatbots: It provides AI-powered chatbots that can answer customer inquiries, provide product information, and assist with the shopping process 24/7.
  5. Email and SMS Marketing: Octane AI allows businesses to send email and SMS marketing campaigns to re-engage customers and drive sales.
  6. Integration Hub: The platform offers integrations with various e-commerce platforms and tools, making it easier for businesses to connect their chatbots with their existing systems.

Pricing of Octane AI

Octane AI has 4 pricing edition(s), from $49 to $499. A free trial of Octane AI is also available

Pros of Octane AI

  1. E-commerce Focus: Octane AI is designed specifically for e-commerce businesses, making it highly tailored to their needs and objectives.
  2. Shop Quiz: The Shop Quiz feature is a unique tool for product discovery and personalization, which can enhance the shopping experience.
  3. Facebook Messenger Integration: Integration with Facebook Messenger leverages a widely-used platform for customer engagement.
  4. Abandoned Cart Recovery: The platform helps businesses recover potentially lost sales by targeting customers who abandoned their carts.

Cons of Octane AI

  1. Niche Focus: Octane AI’s primary focus on e-commerce may limit its suitability for businesses in other industries.
  2. Cost: Pricing details for Octane AI are not readily available on their website, which may require businesses to contact them directly for customized pricing information.
  3. Learning Curve: As with many chatbot platforms, users may need some time to learn and fully utilize Octane AI’s features.

12. Flow XO

Flow XO is a versatile chatbot and automation platform designed to help businesses create, deploy, and manage chatbots and workflows for various purposes. Here’s an overview of Flow XO:

Key Features of Flow XO

  1. Chatbot Builder: Flow XO provides a user-friendly chatbot builder with a visual interface, allowing users to create and customize chatbots without requiring extensive coding knowledge.
  2. Multi-Channel Deployment: Businesses can deploy chatbots across various digital channels, including websites, messaging apps, and social media platforms, ensuring engagement with customers wherever they are active.
  3. Integration Hub: Flow XO offers an extensive range of integrations with third-party tools and services, facilitating seamless connections between chatbots and existing systems, streamlining workflows.
  4. Workflow Automation: Users can design automation workflows that trigger specific actions based on user interactions, such as sending emails, updating CRM records, or assigning tasks, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual work.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Flow XO includes analytics and reporting tools for monitoring chatbot performance, user engagement, and conversion metrics, enabling businesses to refine their chatbot strategies.

Pricing of Flow XO

Flow XO offers a free account for a seamless start. If you opt for a paid version, the basic plan starts at just $19 per month, granting you 5,000 interactions. For an additional $25 per month, you can extend this to 25,000 interactions. Moreover, if you require extra chatbots or workflows, each set of five costs only an additional $10 per month. This pricing structure makes Flow XO exceptionally affordable, especially when compared to other enterprise-level chatbot solutions. With the free plan, you can construct a fully operational chatbot along with its corresponding “flow,” encompassing triggers and conversational action/responses, for up to five chatbots and 500 messages. The only limitation lies in your access to chat data.

Pros of Flow XO

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Flow XO’s visual chatbot builder is accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise, simplifying chatbot creation and customization.
  2. Multi-Channel Deployment: The platform supports deployment on diverse digital channels, ensuring businesses can connect with customers where they are most active.
  3. Integration Options: Extensive integrations with third-party tools facilitate seamless data exchange and workflow automation.
  4. Workflow Automation: Creating automation workflows enhances efficiency and minimizes manual tasks.

Cons of Flow XO

  1. Cost: Pricing details for Flow XO may fluctuate based on usage and specific requirements, necessitating a visit to their website for the latest pricing information.
  2. Learning Curve: Although user-friendly, fully mastering all the platform’s capabilities may require time and effort, particularly for new users.

13. ManyChat

ManyChat stands as a versatile platform for chatbots and marketing automation, enabling businesses to interact with customers across messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger and SMS, automating conversations, nurturing leads, and boosting conversions. Here’s an overview of ManyChat:

Key Features of ManyChat

  1. Visual Chatbot Builder: ManyChat boasts an accessible chatbot builder with a visual interface, making it user-friendly for creating and customizing chatbots without extensive coding expertise.
  2. Multi-Channel Reach: Businesses can connect with customers on various messaging platforms, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and SMS, offering convenience and engagement where users are most active.
  3. Automation Sequences: ManyChat provides automation sequences, empowering businesses to craft personalized messaging workflows, send scheduled messages, and automate responses based on user behavior.
  4. Integration Opportunities: The platform offers a plethora of integrations with third-party tools and services, such as CRMs and email marketing platforms, streamlining data flow and automating marketing and sales processes.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: ManyChat includes robust analytics and reporting tools for tracking user interactions, assessing message performance, and gauging conversion metrics, enabling businesses to optimize their chatbot strategies.
  6. Lead Generation Tools: ManyChat’s chatbots excel at capturing leads by collecting valuable user information, such as email addresses and contact details, which can be harnessed for marketing and sales endeavors.

Pricing of ManyChat

There are three plans available at ManyChat which includes Free plan consisting of access to 1000 contacts, then the Pro plan with advanced features priced at $15/ month and then the Premium plan which can be customised with access to your dedicated Manychat automation expert.

Pros of ManyChat

  1. User-Friendly: ManyChat’s visual builder simplifies chatbot creation and customization, catering to users with varying technical skill levels.
  2. Multi-Channel Engagement: The platform facilitates user engagement on their preferred messaging platforms, enhancing accessibility and interaction.
  3. Automation Sequences: Automation workflows drive personalized messaging at scale, reducing manual efforts and saving time.
  4. Integration Flexibility: With its wide array of integrations, ManyChat enables seamless connections with existing tools and systems.
  5. Effective Lead Generation: ManyChat’s chatbots efficiently gather valuable customer data, aiding marketing and sales initiatives.

Cons of ManyChat

  1. Cost Considerations: Pricing for ManyChat hinges on subscriber numbers and message volume, potentially leading to high costs for larger businesses with extensive usage.
  2. Learning Curve: While user-friendly, fully harnessing ManyChat’s capabilities may necessitate time and effort, especially for newcomers.
  3. Limited Free Plan: ManyChat does offer a free trial, but it comes with feature and usage limitations that might not suit businesses with budget constraints.

14. Botsify

Botsify is a versatile chatbot and automation platform designed to aid businesses in creating, managing, and deploying chatbots for various purposes. Here’s an overview of Botsify:

Key Features of Botsify

  1. Chatbot Builder: Botsify offers a chatbot builder featuring a user-friendly interface, enabling users to craft and customize chatbots without requiring extensive coding knowledge.
  2. Multi-Channel Support: Businesses have the flexibility to deploy chatbots across multiple digital channels, encompassing websites, messaging apps, and social media platforms, to effectively engage customers across various touchpoints.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Botsify facilitates integrations with third-party tools and services, streamlining data exchange and workflow automation by seamlessly connecting chatbots with existing systems.
  4. Natural Language Processing (NLP): The platform integrates NLP technology to comprehend and interpret user input, empowering chatbots to deliver context-aware and intelligent responses.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Botsify includes comprehensive analytics and reporting features for monitoring chatbot performance, user interactions, and engagement metrics. This functionality helps businesses refine their chatbot strategies.
  6. Lead Generation: Botsify’s chatbots are equipped to capture leads by gathering user information, including email addresses and contact details, which can be utilized for marketing and sales endeavors.

Pricing of Botsify

Starting with the basic plan of Botsify which is priced at $49/month with a free trial and 5000 users/month and then the $149 plan consisting of 5 chatbots and unlimited users and then lastly, there is a custom one with AI and unlimited users.

Pros of Botsify

  1. User-Friendly: Botsify’s chatbot builder simplifies the chatbot creation process, rendering it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  2. Multi-Channel Deployment: The platform accommodates deployment on diverse digital channels, ensuring businesses can connect with customers where they are most active.
  3. NLP Technology: Botsify’s utilization of NLP technology empowers chatbots to comprehend and respond to user queries in a natural and context-aware manner.
  4. Integration Options: The platform offers extensive integrations with third-party tools, streamlining operations and data exchange.
  5. Lead Generation: Botsify’s lead capture capabilities assist businesses in amassing valuable customer data for marketing and sales initiatives.

Cons of Botsify

  1. Pricing: Pricing details for Botsify may fluctuate based on usage and specific requirements, necessitating businesses to refer to their website for the most up-to-date pricing information.
  2. Learning Curve: While user-friendly, fully mastering all of Botsify’s capabilities may demand time and effort, particularly for new users.

15. Chatfuel

Chatfuel is a platform for developing chatbots, primarily for popular messaging apps like Facebook Messenger. Here’s an overview of Chatfuel:

Key Features of Chatfuel

  1. Visual Chatbot Builder: Chatfuel offers an intuitive, visual chatbot builder that allows users to create and customize chatbots without requiring extensive coding skills.
  2. Messenger Integration: Businesses can seamlessly deploy their chatbots on Facebook Messenger, tapping into a vast user base and potential customer pool.
  3. Automation Sequences: Chatfuel supports the creation of automation sequences, enabling businesses to send personalized messages, automate responses, and nurture leads based on user interactions.
  4. Integration Capabilities: The platform provides integrations with various third-party tools and services, allowing businesses to connect their chatbots with existing systems and streamline their workflows.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Chatfuel includes analytics and reporting tools to monitor chatbot performance, user interactions, and engagement metrics, helping businesses optimize their chatbot strategies.

Pricing of Chatfuel

It contains two kinds of plans one for Facebook and Instagram and second for Whatsapp. For Facebook and Instagram, there are plans like trial starting with zero dollars to entrepreneurs starting from $14.99, to startups priced at $24.99, small businesses priced at $59.99 and then for the growing business priced at $199.99 and lastly, the custom one. On the contrary, the Whatsapp one is for the businesses and entrepreneurs priced at % 49 and $300 respectively.

Pros of Chatfuel

  1. User-Friendly: Chatfuel’s visual builder simplifies the chatbot creation and customization process, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  2. Messenger Integration: Deploying chatbots on Facebook Messenger grants access to a vast and diverse user base, offering significant potential for customer engagement.
  3. Automation Sequences: Automation workflows enhance efficiency and enable personalized messaging, potentially leading to improved user engagement and higher conversion rates.
    1. Integration Options: With extensive integrations, Chatfuel allows businesses to streamline operations and data exchange by connecting with third-party tools.

Cons of Chatfuel

  1. Pricing: While Chatfuel offers a free plan, pricing for premium features may vary based on usage and specific requirements. Users should refer to the website for up-to-date pricing information.
  2. Learning Curve: Although user-friendly, fully mastering Chatfuel’s capabilities may take some time and effort, especially for new users.
  3. Limited Free Plan: Chatfuel’s free plan comes with limitations in terms of features and usage, which may not be sufficient for businesses with advanced chatbot requirements.

16. Pandorabots

Pandorabots is a chatbot development platform that empowers businesses and developers to create and deploy AI-driven chatbots and virtual agents. Here’s an overview of Pandorabots:

Key Features of Pandorabots

  1. Bot Building Tools: Pandorabots provides a suite of tools for building chatbots, including a chatbot framework called AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) and a visual chatbot builder.
  2. Customization: Users can create highly customized chatbots tailored to specific business needs, with the ability to define conversational flows, responses, and behaviors.
  3. Multi-Platform Deployment: Chatbots built with Pandorabots can be deployed across various platforms and channels, such as websites, messaging apps, and voice assistants, ensuring wide-reaching engagement.
  4. AI and Machine Learning: The platform leverages AI and machine learning technologies to enhance chatbot capabilities, including natural language understanding and context-aware responses.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Pandorabots offers integrations with third-party tools and services, enabling seamless connections with other business systems, data sources, and APIs.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Users can access analytics and reporting features to gain insights into chatbot performance, user interactions, and engagement metrics, facilitating data-driven improvements.

Pricing of Pandorabots

This platform has four types of plans starting from sandbox which if a free one then comes the developer, pro and enterprise priced at $19/ month, $199/month and customisation one respectively. The Pro and the Enterprise one can be used for a 2 weeks period as a free trial.

Pros of Pandorabots

  1. Customization: Pandorabots’ flexibility allows for highly customized chatbot development, ensuring that chatbots align with specific business objectives and brand identity.
  2. Multi-Platform Deployment: Businesses can engage with users on a variety of digital channels, extending their reach and catering to diverse audiences.
  3. AI and Machine Learning: Leveraging AI and machine learning technologies enhances chatbot intelligence, enabling more natural and context-aware interactions.
  4. Integration Options: Pandorabots’ integrations support streamlined data exchange and automation with third-party tools and systems

Cons of Pandorabots

  1. Complexity: Building and fine-tuning highly customized chatbots may require a deep understanding of AIML and chatbot development principles, which can pose a learning curve for some users.
  2. Pricing: Pandorabots offers different pricing tiers based on usage and features, and costs may vary depending on the specific needs of businesses and developers.
  3. Limited Free Plan: While there is a free plan available, it may come with limitations in terms of usage and features, potentially not meeting the requirements of larger or more complex projects.

17. Aisensy

AiSensy is an advanced WhatsApp Marketing solution leveraging official WhatsApp Business APIs. It enables businesses to harness WhatsApp’s potential for reaching and engaging with a vast audience. AiSensy offers a comprehensive WhatsApp Engagement Suite, featuring innovative capabilities like WhatsApp Retargeting Campaigns and exceptional customer support accessible via Phone Call, WhatsApp, Email, or Google Meet

Key Features of Aisensy

  1. Multi Languages: AiSensy’s support for multiple languages allows businesses to engage with a global audience. Whether your customers speak English, Spanish, French, or any other language, AiSensy ensures that you can communicate with them effectively in their preferred language.
  2. 24/7 Support: AiSensy provides round-the-clock customer support. This means you can reach out for assistance at any time, whether it’s during business hours or in the middle of the night. This level of support ensures that you can address any issues promptly, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  3. Reporting: AiSensy’s reporting feature is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of your WhatsApp marketing campaigns. It provides you with valuable data and analytics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. These insights help you refine your marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Contact Management: Managing your contacts efficiently is essential for successful WhatsApp marketing. AiSensy offers tools to organize and segment your contacts, making it easy to send targeted messages to specific groups. This ensures that your messages are relevant and resonate with your audience.
  5. Live Chat: Live chat functionality is a powerful tool for real-time customer engagement. With AiSensy, you can engage with your customers in live conversations through WhatsApp. This instant communication fosters trust, addresses customer inquiries promptly, and can even lead to immediate conversions.
  6. User-Friendly Webportal: AiSensy’s user-friendly web portal simplifies the process of creating and managing WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Even if you don’t have extensive technical expertise, you can navigate the platform with ease. This empowers businesses of all sizes to leverage the power of WhatsApp for marketing purposes.
  7. Credit-Based Plan: AiSensy’s credit-based plan offers flexibility and cost-effective options. Instead of being locked into a fixed subscription, you purchase credits based on your usage. This pay-as-you-go model allows you to scale your WhatsApp marketing efforts according to your needs and budget, making it a versatile solution for businesses of varying sizes.

Pricing of Aisensy

AiSensy’s pricing plans includes Basic, Pro and Enterprise with pricings like $999/month, $2399/month and a custom one respectively with 1000 free service, unlimited users and 14 days free trial.

Pros of Aisensy

  1. Effective WhatsApp Marketing: AiSensy harnesses the official WhatsApp Business APIs, enabling businesses to leverage WhatsApp’s marketing potential. This can result in heightened customer engagement and improved conversion rates.
  2. Support for Multiple Languages: The platform boasts multi-language support, allowing businesses to connect with a diverse global audience in their preferred language. This promotes inclusivity and extends the reach of marketing efforts.
  3. Round-the-Clock Customer Support: AiSensy offers 24/7 customer support through various channels, including phone calls, WhatsApp, email, and Google Meet. This ensures that businesses can readily seek assistance for any issues or inquiries.
  4. Robust Reporting and Analytics: AiSensy provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. Businesses gain access to valuable data on campaign performance, including metrics such as open rates and click-through rates. This data-driven approach aids in fine-tuning marketing strategies.
  5. Efficient Contact Management: Effective organization and segmentation of contacts are pivotal for targeted marketing. AiSensy equips businesses with tools to streamline contact management, simplifying the process of sending personalized messages to specific groups.
  6. Real-Time Live Chat: The live chat feature empowers businesses to engage with customers in real-time through WhatsApp. This instant communication fosters trust, promptly addresses inquiries, and can lead to immediate conversions.
  7. User-Friendly Web Portal: AiSensy’s intuitive web portal simplifies the creation and management of WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Its user-friendliness empowers businesses with varying levels of technical expertise to harness the platform effectively.
  8. Flexible Credit-Based Plan: AiSensy adopts a credit-based pricing model, providing flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Businesses purchase credits based on their usage, allowing them to seamlessly adjust their WhatsApp marketing efforts in alignment with their budget and requirements

Cons of Aisensy

  1. Cost Considerations: While the credit-based plan offers flexibility, the cumulative costs associated with AiSensy’s services may become substantial, particularly for businesses with extensive usage. Prudent monitoring of expenses is necessary to ensure budget alignment.
  2. Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendly interface, achieving mastery of all AiSensy’s features may necessitate an investment of time and effort, particularly for users who are new to the platform.
  3. Limited Free Plan: AiSensy’s free plan has constraints concerning available features and usage. This may prove insufficient for businesses with advanced WhatsApp marketing needs, potentially requiring an investment in premium features.

18. Wati

Wati is a versatile messaging platform tailored to streamline business communication with customers across popular messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and more. Below, we delve into Wati’s notable features and explore its advantages and disadvantages:

Key Features of Wati

  1. Multi-Channel Messaging: Wati empowers businesses to connect with their customer base across a diverse array of messaging platforms, providing users with a convenient avenue to interact with brands on their preferred communication channels.
  2. WhatsApp Business Integration: Seamlessly integrating with WhatsApp Business, Wati extends businesses the reach of WhatsApp’s expansive user base, unlocking opportunities for marketing, support, and communication.
  3. Automation and Chatbots: Wati offers robust support for automation and chatbot functionalities, enabling businesses to automate responses, efficiently address routine inquiries, and deliver uninterrupted 24/7 customer support.
  4. Bulk Messaging: The platform streamlines the process of broadcasting crucial updates, promotions, and announcements to a wide audience, offering a cost-effective solution for reaching and engaging customers at scale.
  5. Contact Management: Effective organization and segmentation of contacts are pivotal for delivering precisely targeted messages. Wati equips businesses with tools to adeptly manage contacts and create segmented lists, ensuring precision in messaging.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Wati provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, furnishing businesses with the means to monitor the performance of their messaging campaigns, track user engagement, and glean insights from conversion metrics.

Pricing of Wati

This platform has three types of pricing plans ranging from $Rs. 499 to Rs.16999 which includes Growth plan to effectively connect, update and significantly boost sales through Whatsapp Campaigns with 5 users and additional users at Rs.699/month/user. Then they have a popular plan which is the Pro plan priced at Rs.5999 per month with 5 users and additional users at Rs.1299/month/userand it is to provide engagement and personalised experience via Whatsapp campaigns pre and post sales. Lastly, there is a aBusiness plan priced at Rs.16999 per month with 5 users and additional users at Rs.3999/month/userand it manages multiple Whatsapp campaigns, handle high sales volumes and track results consistently.

Pros of Wati

  1. Multi-Channel Engagement: Wati’s robust support for multiple messaging platforms broadens the scope of businesses’ outreach, offering accessibility to customers on their preferred messaging apps.
  2. WhatsApp Integration: Seamless integration with WhatsApp Business unlocks the potential for businesses to engage with WhatsApp’s extensive user base for marketing and communication purposes.
  3. Automation: Automation capabilities within Wati enhance operational efficiency by proficiently handling routine tasks, curtailing response times, and providing uninterrupted, round-the-clock customer support.
  4. Bulk Messaging: Wati simplifies the process of disseminating critical updates and promotions to a sizable audience, contributing to the effectiveness of communication strategies.
  5. Segmented Contacts: Effective contact management empowers personalized messaging, ensuring that tailored messages reach the right audience for maximum impact.

Cons of Wati

  1. Cost: The pricing structure for Wati may fluctuate contingent upon usage and specific business requirements. Businesses should consult Wati’s official website for precise and up-to-date pricing information.
  2. Learning Curve: Although user-friendly, mastering all the features offered by Wati may necessitate a learning curve, particularly for users who are new to the platform.
  3. Limited Free Plan: While Wati may extend a free trial or offer a basic free plan, such offerings may impose limitations on features and usage. Businesses with advanced messaging requirements may need to consider investing in premium features for comprehensive functionality.

19. MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey serves as a versatile platform tailored for crafting and overseeing chatbots aimed at marketing and customer support across diverse messaging platforms and websites, It is kown as now. Its core objective is to empower businesses in automating dialogues and enhancing customer interactions via messaging applications like Facebook Messenger, SMS, and web chat.

Key Features of MobileMonkey

  1. Chatbot Builder: MobileMonkey boasts an intuitive chatbot construction tool that empowers users to forge chatbots without delving into coding intricacies. Here, you can craft conversation flows, configure responses, and tailor the bot’s behavior according to your preferences.
  2. Multi-Channel Versatility: It extends support to a spectrum of messaging platforms, encompassing Facebook Messenger, SMS, web chat, and more, enabling businesses to engage customers through their favored communication channels.
  3. Lead Generation Facilitation: MobileMonkey simplifies lead acquisition and customer data gathering by harnessing chatbots for generating leads through forms, surveys, and quizzes.
  4. Drip Campaign Management: Users have the capability to design and execute drip campaigns, facilitating the automated dispatch of messages and the nurturing of leads over time. This functionality proves particularly advantageous for marketing and sales automation initiatives.
  5. Seamless Integration: Typically, MobileMonkey offers seamless integrations with prominent marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms such as Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce. These integrations enable data synchronization and enhance workflow efficiency.
  6. Robust Analytics: The platform supplies a suite of analytics and reporting tools that empower users to monitor chatbot performance, scrutinize engagement metrics, and gauge conversion rates, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  7. AI and NLP Integration: Some iterations of MobileMonkey may incorporate advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. These enhancements enhance the chatbot’s capacity to comprehend user input and provide more refined responses.

Pricing of MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey offers four distinct plans tailored to meet varying business needs:

  1. Free Plan: Ideal for businesses looking to enhance their Facebook customer communication and suitable for those not in need of additional technical features.
  2. Pro Plan: Cost: $14.25 per month, billed annually. According to MobileMonkey reviews, this plan facilitates the expansion of the customer support team and it offers increased messaging credit for enhanced communication.
  3. Unicorn Plan: Cost: $36.75 per user per month, billed annually. In addition to the fundamental MobileMonkey chatbot capabilities, this plan includes: provision of an SMS phone number for SMS marketing., integration with Facebook Ads and robust bot analytics for insightful data-driven decisions.
  4. Team Plan: Cost: $299 per user per month, billed annually. This MobileMonkey plan encompasses 1-hour premier onboarding for a seamless start, advanced customer attributes management, robust comment guards for a more controlled conversation environment, MobileMonkey’s pricing structure is designed to accommodate businesses with varying communication needs, enabling even those with modest communication flows to harness its advantages effectively.

Pros of MobileMonkey

  1. User-Friendly Interface: MobileMonkey boasts a user-friendly, code-free chatbot builder, ensuring accessibility even for those lacking coding expertise.
  2. Versatile Messaging Reach: With support across various messaging platforms, it empowers businesses to connect with a broad audience through their preferred communication channels.
  3. Efficient Lead Generation: MobileMonkey excels in capturing leads and customer data through interactive chatbot forms and surveys, aiding in lead acquisition.
  4. Time-Saving Marketing Automation: Businesses can leverage MobileMonkey to automate marketing endeavors, including campaign management, drip sequences, and follow-ups, resulting in time and resource efficiency while enhancing lead nurturing.
  5. Seamless Integration: Typically, MobileMonkey seamlessly integrates with renowned marketing and CRM platforms, facilitating data harmonization and optimizing workflow processes.
  6. Robust Analytical Insights: The platform equips users with robust analytics and reporting tools for monitoring chatbot performance and assessing the efficacy of marketing initiatives.
  7. Advanced AI and NLP Integration: Depending on the version, MobileMonkey may incorporate advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, elevating chatbot comprehension and response quality.

Cons of MobileMonkey

  1. Cost Considerations: MobileMonkey’s pricing structure can prove expensive for businesses with substantial audiences or intricate automation requirements. Pricing models may have evolved since my last update, necessitating a review of current pricing options.
  2. Customization Constraints: While offering an intuitive interface, MobileMonkey may exhibit limitations in customization compared to more advanced bot-building platforms that demand coding expertise.
  3. Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendly design, users may still encounter a learning curve when crafting intricate chatbot workflows, requiring some time to attain proficiency.
  4. Evolving Landscape: The dynamic nature of the chatbot and marketing automation sphere implies that MobileMonkey’s features and integrations may evolve over time, necessitating periodic adaptation to emerging technologies and trends.

20. Imperson

Imperson is a user-friendly AI chatbot platform that empowers organizations to craft personalized AI chatbots. This platform facilitates the handling of text and audio interactions across prominent social media and online platforms. It serves as a valuable tool for designing chatbots that provide clients with natural and seamless conversational experiences.

Key Features of Imperson

  1. NLP-Powered Live Chat: Natural Language Processing (NLP), a fundamental component of AI-driven chatbots, ensures seamless and fluid conversations with users. Customers can pose basic inquiries to AI chatbots on websites to obtain relevant information about products and services via live chat.
  2. High-Quality Lead Generation: Engage with visitors in natural language to qualify them effectively. It provide answers, share company and product details, and swiftly address complex product queries in real-time.
  3. Always-On Availability: Ensure round-the-clock responsiveness by intelligently conversing with visitors 24/7. It employ chatbots on your website, social media platforms, and customer service channels to maintain constant availability.
  4. Smart Qualification: Chatbots pose pertinent questions and administer surveys to segment the audience and identify user needs. It assist visitors in resolving issues or direct them to the appropriate resources, be it live assistance, sales, or marketing.
  5. Valuable Lead Collection: Collect contact information and seamlessly integrate qualified lead data into your CRM. It utilize basic questions to identify and engage with the right audiences, effectively qualifying visitors.
  6. Conversion Optimization: Transform website visitors into paying customers by implementing tailored conversation flows and proactive goal-oriented dialogues. It offer personalized deals and guide conversations toward your sales objectives, ultimately reducing churn and boosting conversion rates.

Pricing of Imperson

Imperson has not mentioned its pricing anywhere, you have to contact the to get their service.

Pros of Imperson

  1. User-Friendly Interface: MobileMonkey boasts a user-friendly, code-free chatbot builder, ensuring accessibility even for those lacking coding expertise.
  2. Versatile Messaging Reach: With support across various messaging platforms, it empowers businesses to connect with a broad audience through their preferred communication channels.
  3. Efficient Lead Generation: MobileMonkey excels in capturing leads and customer data through interactive chatbot forms and surveys, aiding in lead acquisition.
  4. Time-Saving Marketing Automation: Businesses can leverage MobileMonkey to automate marketing endeavors, including campaign management, drip sequences, and follow-ups, resulting in time and resource efficiency while enhancing lead nurturing.
  5. Seamless Integration: Typically, MobileMonkey seamlessly integrates with renowned marketing and CRM platforms, facilitating data harmonization and optimizing workflow processes.
  6. Robust Analytical Insights: The platform equips users with robust analytics and reporting tools for monitoring chatbot performance and assessing the efficacy of marketing initiatives.
  7. Advanced AI and NLP Integration: Depending on the version, MobileMonkey may incorporate advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, elevating chatbot comprehension and response quality.

Cons of Imperson

  1. Cost Considerations: MobileMonkey’s pricing structure can prove expensive for businesses with substantial audiences or intricate automation requirements. Pricing models may have evolved since my last update, necessitating a review of current pricing options.
  2. Customization Constraints: While offering an intuitive interface, MobileMonkey may exhibit limitations in customization compared to more advanced bot-building platforms that demand coding expertise.
  3. Learning Curve: Despite its user-friendly design, users may still encounter a learning curve when crafting intricate chatbot workflows, requiring some time to attain proficiency.
  4. Evolving Landscape: The dynamic nature of the chatbot and marketing automation sphere implies that MobileMonkey’s features and integrations may evolve over time, necessitating periodic adaptation to emerging technologies and trends.

21. Boost AI

“Boost AI” typically denotes a firm specializing in the realm of conversational AI solutions. Their core focus centers on crafting AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to amplify customer service quality and engagement. Renowned for their prowess in advancing Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, they enable interactions between customers and AI-driven chatbots to mimic human-like conversations, fostering efficiency and user satisfaction.

Key Features of Boost AI

  1. Conversational AI Expertise: Boost AI excels in the development of conversational AI solutions, including chatbots and virtual assistants, primed to converse with customers in natural language. These intelligent entities adeptly address queries and offer support.
  2. NLP Technological Prowess: They routinely employ cutting-edge Natural Language Processing technology, elevating their ability to interpret and respond to user inquiries with precision and comprehensiveness.
  3. Elevated Customer Service: Boost AI’s solutions are intricately designed to elevate the caliber of customer service. They streamline customer interactions, resulting in reduced response times and heightened overall customer satisfaction.
  4. Diverse Industry Applicability: Their AI solutions find relevance across a spectrum of industries, spanning sectors such as banking, healthcare, e-commerce, and customer support. These solutions efficiently automate tasks and furnish immediate support.
  5. Seamless Integration: Boost AI’s offerings seamlessly integrate into various customer touchpoints, encompassing websites, mobile applications, messaging platforms, and beyond. This integration facilitates the provision of consistent and efficient service.

Pricing of Boost AI

This platform does not have any free plan for its building but has a subscription plan for which free trial is also available for its users.

Pros of Boost AI

  1. Improved Customer Service: Conversational AI can provide 24/7 customer support, addressing inquiries and issues promptly, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction.
  2. Efficiency: These solutions can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, reducing response times and workloads for human agents.
  3. Cost-Effective: Implementing AI chatbots can be cost-effective in the long run, as they require less ongoing maintenance and can handle routine tasks.
  4. Consistency: AI-powered chatbots provide consistent responses and information to customers, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
  5. Scalability: They can easily scale to accommodate increasing customer interactions without the need for significant additional resources.
  6. Data Analysis: Conversational AI can collect and analyze customer data, providing insights that businesses can use to improve products and services.
  7. Availability: They are available 24/7, allowing customers to get assistance at any time, even outside of regular business hours.

Cons of Boost AI

  1. Limited Understanding: While AI has made significant advancements in natural language processing, chatbots may still struggle to understand complex or nuanced queries.
  2. Lack of Empathy: AI lacks human empathy and emotional intelligence, which can be essential in handling sensitive customer issues.
  3. Initial Setup: Setting up conversational AI systems can be time-consuming and require substantial initial investment in terms of development and training.
  4. Security Concerns: If not adequately secured, AI chatbots can be vulnerable to hacking or exploitation for malicious purposes.
  5. Overreliance: Businesses must strike a balance between AI and human customer support to avoid overreliance on automation, which can lead to customer frustration.
  6. Maintenance and Updates: AI systems require ongoing maintenance and updates to stay relevant and effective, which can add to operational costs.
  7. Integration Challenges: Integrating AI chatbots with existing systems and databases can be complex, requiring careful planning and execution.

22. Botpress

Botpress stands as an open-source conversational platform geared towards constructing chatbots and virtual assistants. It equips users with an array of tools and capabilities tailored to streamline the development of chatbots that find deployment across diverse messaging platforms, websites, and applications. Botpress distinguishes itself with its adaptability, extensibility, and comprehensive support for text-based and voice-based interactions.

Key Features of Botpress

  1. Intuitive Visual Flow Builder: Botpress provides an intuitive visual flow builder, facilitating the creation of chatbot dialogues and conversational sequences. This drag-and-drop interface caters to developers and non-developers alike, ensuring accessibility.
  2. Versatile Multi-Channel Support: The platform boasts support for numerous messaging platforms, encompassing Facebook Messenger, Slack, WhatsApp, and more. This versatility empowers chatbots to engage users through their preferred communication channels.
  3. Empowered by Natural Language Processing (NLP): Botpress seamlessly integrates with renowned NLP services such as Dialogflow,, and Rasa NLU. This integration bolsters the chatbot’s comprehension of user inputs, fostering more natural and intuitive conversations.
  4. Scripting and Tailored Customization: Developers wield the ability to craft custom scripts and infuse business logic into chatbots. This empowers chatbots to execute specific tasks, furnish information, and interface with external systems, aligning with precise operational requirements.
  5. Robust Analytics and Insight Gathering: Botpress equips users with a suite of analytics and reporting tools, facilitating the monitoring of chatbot performance, user interactions, and essential metrics. This data-driven approach paves the way for continuous enhancements.
  6. Voice Interaction Capability: It extends support for voice interactions, enabling seamless integration with voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, broadening the chatbot’s reach.
  7. Exceptional Extensibility: Botpress shines with its exceptional extensibility, granting developers the latitude to create bespoke plugins and integrations that extend the chatbot’s functionality.
  8. Security and Compliance Emphasis: The platform incorporates features geared towards fortifying chatbot communications and ensuring alignment with data protection regulations and compliance standards.

Pricing of Botpress

This platform has pricing which starts with free plan with 1k incoming messages per month and it also includes the Botpress message rate which is $0.005.

Pros of Botpress

  1. Open-Source Freedom: Botpress operates as an open-source platform, granting users the liberty to access and tailor it to specific needs. This translates into potential cost savings for businesses.
  2. Streamlined Dialogue Design: The visual flow builder simplifies the crafting of chatbot dialogues, rendering it accessible to both developers and non-developers. This expedites development and prototyping processes.
  3. Versatile Multichannel Reach: Botpress embraces multiple messaging platforms, empowering chatbots to engage users via their preferred communication channels. This adaptability enhances user engagement and accessibility.
  4. Empowered by NLP Fusion: Seamless integration with NLP services such as Dialogflow and elevates the chatbot’s proficiency in comprehending and responding to natural language inputs, enriching user interactions.
  5. Scripting and Tailoring Capabilities: Developers possess the capability to compose custom scripts and infuse business logic into chatbots. This flexibility equips chatbots to adeptly handle specific tasks and interactions.
  6. Unparalleled Extensibility: Botpress stands out for its remarkable extensibility, affording developers the means to fashion bespoke plugins and integrations. This empowers chatbots to adapt to a myriad of use cases.
  7. Supportive Community Ecosystem: A vibrant community of developers and users surrounds Botpress, offering a wealth of documentation, forums, and support resources to guide chatbot creation and deployment.

Cons of Botpress

  1. Learning Curve: Despite the accessibility of the visual flow builder, Botpress may still entail a learning curve, especially for newcomers to chatbot development, particularly in advanced customization scenarios.
  2. Resource Demands: Crafting and maintaining advanced chatbots with Botpress may necessitate substantial development resources, including time, expertise, and potentially a proficient development team.
  3. Sustained Maintenance Needs: Similar to any software project, chatbots born of Botpress mandate ongoing maintenance and updates to remain effective, secure, and contemporary.
  4. Out-of-the-Box Feature Limitations: While Botpress establishes a robust foundation, it may lack certain out-of-the-box features when juxtaposed with more specialized chatbot development platforms.
  5. Integration Complexity: The integration of Botpress with external systems and databases can be intricate, particularly for expansive applications necessitating extensive integrations.
  6. Scaling Challenges: Scaling chatbots developed with Botpress to accommodate a high volume of interactions warrants meticulous planning, infrastructure scaling, and load balancing considerations.
  7. Reliance on External NLP Services: The effectiveness and capabilities of natural language understanding in Botpress hinge on external NLP services, potentially incurring associated costs and constraints

23. Freshchat

Freshchat, developed by Freshworks, a renowned provider of customer engagement and support software solutions, serves as a comprehensive customer messaging platform. Its primary objective is to facilitate real-time interactions between businesses and their customer base. Freshchat offers a seamless and highly efficient means of managing customer inquiries, providing robust support, and driving sales and marketing initiatives.

Key Features of Freshchat

  1. Multichannel Messaging: Freshchat empowers businesses to engage with customers seamlessly through various communication channels. These include website chat, in-app messaging, email, and popular social media platforms.
  2. Chatbots and Automation: The platform equips businesses with advanced chatbot capabilities for automating responses and ensuring round-the-clock customer assistance. Users can configure chatbots to handle tasks like lead generation, addressing frequently asked questions (FAQs), and data collection.
  3. Conversational Routing: Freshchat employs intelligent routing to guide customer queries to the most suitable team or agent based on their expertise, availability, and context.
  4. Team Collaboration: Within Freshchat, multiple team members can collaboratively provide efficient support and resolve customer issues. Agents have the ability to transfer chats, leave internal notes, and collaborate on resolving complex inquiries.
  5. Self-Service Options: Freshchat empowers businesses to create and manage self-service resources, such as knowledge bases and FAQs. These resources enable customers to find answers to common questions independently.
  6. Customer Context: Agents have access to valuable customer context, including prior interactions and purchase history. This access allows them to provide highly personalized and context-aware responses.
  7. Proactive Engagement: Businesses can initiate proactive conversations with customers based on their behavior and specific triggers. These triggers may include time spent on a webpage or specific actions taken by customers.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: Freshchat offers robust analytics and reporting tools. These tools allow businesses to monitor chat performance, assess agent productivity, and gauge customer satisfaction metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  9. Integration Capabilities: The platform seamlessly integrates with a wide array of CRM systems, support tools, and third-party applications. This integration capability streamlines workflows and centralizes customer data.
  10. Mobile Accessibility: Freshchat provides dedicated mobile applications for agents, enabling them to promptly respond to customer inquiries while on the move.

Pricing of Freshchat

This platform has four plans beginning from a free one which includes 10 agents, then a growth plan for the growth of the company priced at $1499, a Pro plan for high performance priced at $3999 and an enterprise plan for for the enterprise grade support priced at $6399.

Pros of Freshchat

  1. Efficient Customer Support: Freshchat empowers businesses to provide rapid and efficient customer support through real-time messaging. This results in reduced response times and heightened customer satisfaction.
  2. Automation: The platform’s chatbot and automation features enable businesses to effectively manage routine inquiries and tasks. This, in turn, allows human agents to focus on addressing more complex issues.
  3. Multichannel Engagement: Freshchat supports communication across a multitude of channels, ensuring that businesses can reach customers via their preferred mode of communication.
  4. Personalization: Agents can deliver highly personalized and contextually relevant responses by tapping into customer context. This significantly enhances the overall customer experience.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Freshchat’s robust analytics tools empower businesses to gain valuable insights into chat performance and customer behavior. This facilitates data-driven decision-making for continuous improvement.

Cons of Freshchat

  1. Learning Curve: Users, particularly those new to the platform, may experience a learning curve as they familiarize themselves with its features and functionalities.
  2. Cost: Freshchat’s pricing structure can vary based on feature sets and usage, potentially making it less suitable for businesses with constrained budgets.
  3. Integration Complexity: The complexity of configuring and implementing integrations with external systems may vary, posing challenges for certain users.
  4. Limited Features in Lower Tiers: Some advanced features may only be accessible in higher-priced subscription tiers, potentially limiting access for users in lower-tier plans.
  5. Dependency on Internet Connectivity: Freshchat relies on a stable internet connection, making it vulnerable to interruptions in connectivity that can impact customer support operations.

24. Pypestream

Pypestream is a robust chatbot and messaging platform engineered to facilitate dynamic conversational interactions between businesses and their valued customers. Its primary mission is to empower organizations to engage their customer base in real-time, harnessing diverse messaging channels. This enables efficient customer support, process automation, and the elevation of overall customer experiences.

Key Features of Pypestream

  1. Conversational AI: Pypestream harnesses the prowess of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to craft chatbots capable of comprehending and responding to customer inquiries in a remarkably human-like manner.
  2. Multichannel Support: Businesses can seamlessly connect with customers across an array of messaging channels. These include SMS, web chat, popular social media platforms, and more, ensuring customers are reached through their preferred communication channels.
  3. Automation: Pypestream empowers companies to automate repetitive tasks and processes through the deployment of chatbots. This spans handling frequently asked questions (FAQs), managing appointment scheduling, processing payments, and beyond.
  4. Secure Messaging: Prioritizing security, Pypestream offers a secure and compliance-ready messaging environment. This makes it particularly suitable for industries characterized by rigorous data protection standards, such as healthcare and finance.
  5. Integrations: Pypestream extends its functionality by facilitating seamless integrations with existing systems. Businesses can effortlessly connect it with their CRM software and other vital tools, streamlining data centralization and workflow optimization.
  6. Proactive Engagement: Enterprises can initiate proactive conversations with customers, guided by triggers, events, or customer behavior. This facilitates personalized interactions and targeted marketing outreach.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Pypestream equips businesses with a comprehensive suite of analytics tools. These tools enable the monitoring of chatbot performance, the extraction of insights regarding customer behavior, and the measurement of the effectiveness of messaging campaigns.
  8. Self-Service Options: Businesses are empowered to create and manage self-service resources. These include knowledge bases and FAQs, which empower customers to independently seek answers to common questions.

Pricing of Pypestream

This platform just has a subscription plan and no free plan or free trial.

Pros of Pypestream

  1. Cost: Pypestream’s pricing structure may fluctuate based on feature sets and usage. This could potentially pose accessibility challenges for small businesses operating with budget constraints.
  2. Integration Complexity: Integrating Pypestream with pre-existing systems and databases may be intricate, particularly for large-scale applications.
  3. Learning Curve: Users, especially those new to chatbot development and management, might encounter a learning curve when configuring and setting up Pypestream.
  4. Dependency on Internet Connectivity: Pypestream relies upon a stable internet connection. Consequently, interruptions in connectivity can adversely impact its functionality, affecting customer support operations.
  5. Limited Features in Lower Tiers: Certain advanced features may only be accessible through higher-priced subscription tiers. This could limit access for users operating with lower-tier plans.

Cons of Pypestream

  1. Cost: Pypestream’s pricing structure may fluctuate based on feature sets and usage. This could potentially pose accessibility challenges for small businesses operating with budget constraints.
  2. Integration Complexity: Integrating Pypestream with pre-existing systems and databases may be intricate, particularly for large-scale applications.
  3. Learning Curve: Users, especially those new to chatbot development and management, might encounter a learning curve when configuring and setting up Pypestream.
  4. Dependency on Internet Connectivity: Pypestream relies upon a stable internet connection. Consequently, interruptions in connectivity can adversely impact its functionality, affecting customer support operations.
  5. Limited Features in Lower Tiers: Certain advanced features may only be accessible through higher-priced subscription tiers. This could limit access for users operating with lower-tier plans.

25. BotsCrew

BotsCrew stands as a prominent player in the realm of conversational AI and chatbot development, distinguished by its proficiency in crafting tailored chatbots and virtual assistants that cater to the unique requisites and ambitions of businesses spanning diverse industries. BotsCrew’s comprehensive offerings encompass an array of features and capabilities:

Key Features of BotsCrew

  1. Custom Chatbot Development: BotsCrew excels in the art of fashioning bespoke chatbots meticulously designed to align with the distinct demands of businesses. These chatbots find their homes on websites, messaging platforms, and mobile applications.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): By harnessing advanced NLP technology, BotsCrew’s chatbots possess the capacity to comprehend and respond to user inputs with an innate fluency, heightening the quality and allure of interactions.
  3. Multi-Platform Deployment: BotsCrew’s solutions demonstrate versatility by extending their reach across multiple messaging platforms, including stalwarts such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and more, thus ensuring businesses can connect with customers through their favored communication avenues.
  4. AI-Powered Automation: BotsCrew has woven AI prowess into its solutions, ushering in an era of task and process automation that spans customer support, lead generation, appointment scheduling, and data collection.
  5. Integration: BotsCrew’s chatbots meld seamlessly with existing business frameworks and databases, including CRM platforms and third-party applications, orchestrating a symphony of streamlined workflows and data management.
  6. Analytics and Insights: Within its arsenal lie analytical tools and reporting mechanisms that empower businesses to maintain vigilant oversight of chatbot performance, user engagement metrics, and the data-driven insights that inform optimal decision-making.
  7. 24/7 Availability: BotsCrew’s chatbots are ever at the ready, capable of engaging with customers and delivering support across the temporal spectrum, thereby elevating user experiences.
  8. Security and Compliance: A commitment to data security and adherence to compliance mandates form the bedrock of BotsCrew’s solutions, rendering them particularly well-suited for industries subject to rigorous regulatory strictures.

Pricing of BotsCrew

The pricing of this platform, that is, BotsCrew starts with $600 per month without any free version or a free trial.

Pros of BotsCrew

  1. Tailored Solutions: BotsCrew specializes in the art of creating chatbots that align closely with each business’s distinct objectives and requirements.
  2. Advanced NLP: The infusion of cutting-edge NLP technology endows chatbots with heightened understanding and response capabilities, yielding more effective and engaging user interactions.
  3. Multi-Platform Deployment: BotsCrew’s solutions span a diverse array of messaging platforms, ensuring a wide-reaching and accessible presence for businesses.
  4. AI Automation: Automation features empower businesses to optimize operations, curtail response times, and judiciously allocate resources.
  5. Seamless Integration: The capacity for harmonious integration with existing systems and databases ensures that chatbots operate seamlessly within the established technological ecosystem.

Cons of BotsCrew

  1. Pricing: BotsCrew’s pricing structure can exhibit variability contingent upon project scope and requisite features, potentially presenting budgetary challenges for smaller enterprises.
  2. Learning Curve: The implementation and management of advanced chatbots may necessitate a learning curve, especially for individuals newly introduced to the technology.
  3. Integration Complexity: The intricacies of integrating chatbots with existing systems can be formidable, particularly for businesses boasting expansive technological infrastructures.
  4. Maintenance: Similar to all software solutions, chatbots demand ongoing maintenance and updates to sustain their effectiveness and security.
  5. Scalability Considerations: The endeavor to scale chatbots to accommodate high volumes of interactions may mandate meticulous planning and infrastructure adjustments.

26. Aivo

Aivo stands out as a significant player in the field of customer service and engagement solutions, providing businesses with a comprehensive toolkit to elevate their interactions with customers. At the core of Aivo’s offerings are advanced artificial intelligence-driven chatbots and virtual assistants that can be seamlessly deployed across diverse customer touchpoints, including websites, messaging platforms, and mobile apps. Below, you’ll find key insights into Aivo’s capabilities:

Key Features of Aivo

  1. AI-Powered Chatbots: Aivo’s chatbots are powered by artificial intelligence (AI), endowing them with the remarkable ability to comprehend and respond to customer queries with remarkable precision. These chatbots excel at handling an extensive array of tasks, ranging from addressing frequently asked questions to assisting with intricate issues.
  2. Multichannel Support: Aivo’s solutions extend their reach across a multitude of communication channels, enabling businesses to engage with customers on their preferred platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, live chat, email, and more. This comprehensive approach ensures that businesses can connect with customers on their preferred communication mediums.
  3. Automated Customer Support: Aivo’s chatbots are adept at automating customer support processes, potentially leading to reduced response times and enhanced operational efficiency. These virtual assistants excel at managing routine tasks, thus liberating human agents to concentrate on resolving more complex customer queries.
  4. Conversational AI: Aivo places a strong emphasis on creating chatbots that engage in natural and human-like conversations with customers. This focus on conversational AI significantly enhances the overall quality of customer interactions, fostering satisfaction and engagement.
  5. Integration: Aivo’s solutions are meticulously crafted to facilitate seamless integration with existing customer relationship management (CRM) systems, support tools, and third-party applications. This integration streamlines data management and ensures a consistent and unified customer view.
  6. Analytics and Insights: Aivo provides robust analytical tools and reporting capabilities, enabling businesses to monitor chatbot performance, oversee customer interactions, and glean invaluable insights for continuous enhancement and refinement.
  7. Proactive Engagement: Aivo empowers businesses to initiate proactive conversations with customers, triggered by specific events, behavior patterns, or contextual cues. This proactive engagement feature serves as a powerful tool for personalized marketing outreach and enhanced customer support.
  8. Self-Service Options: Businesses can leverage Aivo’s platform to create and manage self-service resources like knowledge bases and FAQs. These self-service tools empower customers to independently seek answers to common questions, enhancing their autonomy and satisfaction.

Pricing of Aivo

This platform has two plans one is the starter one priced at $7128/month and the other one is the advanced one priced at $28728/month.

Pros of Aivo

  1. AI-Powered Efficiency: Aivo’s AI-driven chatbots enhance operational efficiency by automating routine tasks and providing swift responses to customer queries.
  2. Multichannel Reach: The ability to engage with customers across a multitude of channels ensures businesses can establish connections with their audience wherever it matters most.
  3. Conversational AI: Aivo’s emphasis on natural and human-like conversations significantly elevates customer satisfaction and engagement levels.
  4. Integration Capabilities: Aivo’s seamless integration with existing systems guarantees data consistency and offers customers a unified experience.
  5. Proactive Engagement: Businesses can initiate interactions with customers, allowing for personalized marketing campaigns and support efforts.

Cons of Aivo

  1. Pricing: Aivo’s pricing structure can vary based on the scope of features and usage, potentially presenting budget challenges for certain businesses.
  2. Learning Curve: Implementing and managing advanced chatbots may necessitate a learning curve, particularly for users new to this technology.
  3. Integration Complexity: Integrating chatbots with existing systems can prove intricate, particularly for businesses with complex technology infrastructures.
  4. Maintenance: As with all software solutions, chatbots require continuous maintenance and updates to remain effective and secure.
  5. Scalability Considerations: Scaling chatbots to handle high volumes of interactions may require meticulous planning and infrastructure adjustments.

27. Botsonic

Botsonic AI’s chatbot builder simplifies the process of centralizing all your website data with a no-code approach. Transform your knowledge base into a chat-ready format by training ChatGPT using your own data. This custom chatbot builder doesn’t require coding and allows you to train ChatGPT with your specific information.

Key Features of Botsonic

Its features include AI article and Blog writer, paragraphing tool, text expander, facebook ads, article summarizer, product descriptions, google ads, landing pages, and AI article ideas.

Pricing of Botsonic

This platform has a free plan at 0 cost, then a starter plan priced at $49/month and then a business plan which can be customized according to the requirements of the company and accordingly will cost the company.

Pros of Botsonic

  1. No coding required: Botsonic’s no-code AI chatbot builder is accessible to users with minimal coding knowledge or experience.
  2. User-friendly: The platform is easy to use, enabling users to create a customized AI chatbot within minutes.
  3. Powered by GPT-4: Botsonic leverages the advanced capabilities of GPT-4, ensuring a high level of conversational intelligence and accuracy.
  4. Customization options: Users can tailor their chatbot’s appearance, brand name, colors, logo, and welcome message to align with their brand identity.
  5. Integration: Botsonic provides a unique embed script and API key, facilitating seamless integration of the AI chatbot into websites.
  6. Custom-trained AI chatbot: Botsonic allows you to train ChatGPT using your personal data or knowledge base, ensuring that the chatbot is customized to meet your specific requirements.

Cons of Botsonic

  1. Cost: Botsonic is available as part of the Writesonic web app, and there may be subscription fees associated with using the platform.
  2. AI chatbot limitations: AI chatbots, including Botsonic, may struggle to understand complex queries and provide accurate responses in certain situations.
  3. Initial setup: While Botsonic simplifies the chatbot building process, there may still be some initial setup required, such as uploading data and training the chatbot.

28. Snatchbot

Snatchbot is a significant player in the chatbot development and deployment sector, specializing in providing tools and solutions for crafting chatbots and virtual assistants to elevate customer interactions and streamline various business processes.

Key Features of Snatchbot

Here are the core features of Snatchbot:

  1. No-Code Development: Snatchbot boasts a no-code chatbot builder, making it easily accessible to users with limited coding knowledge or experience, simplifying the chatbot creation process.
  2. Multi-Channel Deployment: Businesses can utilize Snatchbot to deploy chatbots across a spectrum of messaging platforms and websites, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and more, ensuring broad customer reach.
  3. AI and NLP Integration: Snatchbot enables users to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) capabilities into their chatbots, enhancing their capacity to understand and respond to user inputs effectively.
    Customization: Users enjoy the flexibility to tailor the chatbot’s appearance, behavior, and responses to align with their brand identity and specific use cases, ensuring a personalized user experience.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Snatchbot equips users with analytics and reporting tools to closely monitor chatbot performance, glean insights from user interactions, and make data-driven refinements.
    Security: Snatchbot places a strong emphasis on data security and compliance, rendering it well-suited for industries with stringent regulatory requirements, guaranteeing the secure handling of customer data.

Pricing of Snatchbot

This platform has five plans starting from a free plan with a limit of 2000 messages per account and access to all the basic features, then they have a starter plan priced at $99 per month with a limit of 1000 messages and the cost per message is $0.0099, then the most popular plan is the Team plan priced at $199/month with 2500 messages and cost per message being $0.0080, then the business plan priced at $449/month with 7500 messages limit and cost per message being $0.0060 and lastly they have the enterprise one with unlimited messages. Also the last four plan consists of all the advanced features.

Pros of Snatchbot

  1. No-Code Development: Snatchbot’s no-code chatbot builder democratizes chatbot development, catering to users of diverse technical backgrounds.
  2. Multi-Channel Deployment: Businesses can engage with customers on numerous messaging platforms, extending the chatbot’s accessibility.
  3. Customization: The platform allows for tailored chatbot experiences, aligning with specific brand identities and use cases for a personalized touch.
  4. AI and NLP Integration: Integration of AI and NLP enhances the chatbot’s capacity to engage users naturally.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Data-driven insights empower users to monitor chatbot performance and optimize interactions.

Cons of Snatchbot

  1. Learning Curve: Despite the no-code approach, users new to chatbot development may still face a learning curve.
  2. Integration Complexity: Integrating chatbots with existing systems can be intricate, particularly for businesses with complex technology infrastructures.
  3. Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance and updates are essential, as with all software solutions, to keep chatbots effective and secure.
  4. Scalability Considerations: Scaling chatbots for high volumes of interactions may necessitate careful planning and infrastructure adjustments.

How To Choose The Right Chatbot Platform for Your Business?

Selecting the ideal chatbot platform for your business can be boiled down to eight straightforward steps:

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly state your goals, whether it’s improving customer support, task automation, boosting sales, or enhancing engagement.
  2. Understand Your Audience: Get to know your target audience’s preferences and needs to ensure the chatbot resonates with them.
  3. Set a Budget: Determine a budget to guide your choices and prevent overspending.
  4. List Essential Features: Compile a list of must-have features, such as natural language processing, multi-channel support, customization, and integrations.
  5. Prioritise User-Friendliness: Opt for a platform with an intuitive interface suitable for both technical and non-technical users.
  6. Consider Scalability: Think about future growth and choose a platform that can scale with your business.
  7. Check AI and NLP: If you need advanced language understanding, ensure the platform offers robust AI and NLP capabilities.
  8. Research and Trial: Explore reviews, ask for recommendations, and test platforms during free trials to align them with your goals and requirements.

By following these eight steps, you’ll simplify the process of finding the perfect chatbot platform for your business.

Which One is the best chatbot platform? stands as the foremost platform for developing Generative AI Chatbots, thoughtfully equipped with a comprehensive suite of features designed to elevate customer support and streamline user tasks. Among the noteworthy attributes of are:

  1. Lead Generation Excellence: excels in the realm of lead generation, harnessing the power of automated conversational agents to collect vital information from potential customers. It adeptly evaluates leads and initiates the sales process through real-time conversations that keenly grasp user needs, preferences, and intentions. This proficiency extends to capturing valuable lead data, delivering personalized content and product recommendations, offering round-the-clock service, ensuring swift responses to inquiries, and alleviating the workload on human resources.
  2. Shopify Chatbots: Seamlessly integrating with the Shopify platform, this solution presents significant advantages to e-commerce enterprises. Its feature set encompasses continuous 24/7 support, addressing routine inquiries, furnishing product details, and swiftly resolving problems. Moreover, it elevates the shopping experience by proffering personalized product recommendations derived from user interactions, aiding in cart recovery, monitoring order statuses, delivering extensive product guides, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and tutorials. It actively solicits user feedback to aid businesses in enhancing their offerings and services.
  3. Website Chatbot: enables users to effortlessly build website chatbots by seamlessly integrating conversational agents into their websites. This enhances user engagement and support, providing intelligent 24/7 customer assistance, multilingual functionality, and omnichannel support. As a result, it simplifies campaign optimization, enables the development of customized metrics utilizing external data, and facilitates strategic exploration.
  4. WhatsApp Automation: This platform facilitates WhatsApp automation, streamlining communication and the automation of tasks within the WhatsApp messaging platform. It covers various aspects such as efficient customer engagement, order tracking, personalized marketing, automated notifications, and boosting sales. The reduction in response times contributes to heightened customer satisfaction, while the platform collects valuable user data and feedback, aiding businesses in refining their products and services. Additionally, offers a no-code chatbot builder.

Moreover, embraces an inclusive pricing approach, guaranteeing affordability for a wide spectrum of clients, spanning from startups and mid-sized businesses to large corporations. The pricing structure encompasses a comprehensive range of features, including robust campaign management, continuous 24/7 live customer chat support, flexible pay-as-you-go choices, a diverse set of personalization tools, effortless integration with Shopify and WooCommerce, multi-user accessibility, streamlined marketing automation, dedicated success managers to elevate customer contentment, and readily available chatbot templates that require no coding expertise.

For more details about the plans and their features refer to the link mentioned below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Chatbots operate through artificial intelligence algorithms that process user input, understand intent, make decisions, and generate responses or actions. They function as virtual conversational agents, receiving messages or queries from users and providing information, assistance, or task automation. Over time, chatbots can learn and improve their responses through machine learning, enhancing their effectiveness in various applications, from customer support to automating routine tasks.

Chatbots are used to streamline and automate various tasks and interactions. They serve purposes such as providing customer support, answering frequently asked questions, automating routine processes, engaging users in conversation, and collecting data. By offering instant responses and 24/7 availability, chatbots enhance efficiency, save time, reduce operational costs, and improve user experiences in a wide range of industries and applications.

Yes, a chatbot is a type of robot, but it’s a virtual or software-based robot designed to engage in text or voice conversations with users. Unlike physical robots, chatbots don’t have a physical presence or the ability to perform physical tasks; their “intelligence” is focused on understanding and generating text-based or spoken responses. can be considered as the best free chatbot. Some popular free chatbot platforms include Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, and IBM Watson Assistant. The best free chatbot depends on your specific needs, as each platform has its own strengths and limitations.

Facebook Messenger itself is not a chatbot AI, but it can host and interact with chatbots powered by AI technology.

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