WhatsApp OTP: How To Send OTP on WhatsApp?

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April 18, 2023

Have you ever received an OTP or one-time password through SMS to check a transaction or log in? Most people think that is the safest method, but they are unaware that SMS OTP authentication is not as secure as they believe.

Luckily, Many companies are not changing to encrypted OTPs on WhatsApp for included security. So, you can now calm down knowing that your transactions and login are secure. By employing encrypted OTPs on WhatsApp, organizations can boost clients’ trust in their brand, ultimately leading to a positive client experience.

In this blog post, we will analyze the hidden facts of WhatsApp OTP and show you how to control the power of this renowned messaging application for a faster and simpler verification experience.

WhatsApp OTP vs SMS OPT

WhatsApp OTP and SMS OTP sound similar, but they have slightly different characteristics. Keep reading this blog to understand which points distinguish them.

SMS OTPs are forwarded over a cellular network. This network can be dangerous to interception and other attacks. WhatsApp OTPs are shared over the internet and are end-to-end encrypted. Only the sender and receiver can see the message.

Another difference between SMS OTPs and WhatsApp OTPs is their efficiency. SMS OTPs can be shared with any phone number, even if the user does not have WhatsApp installed. On the other hand, WhatsApp OTPs can only be forwarded to users who have WhatsApp installed.

Other features special to WhatsApp OTPs are unavailable on SMS, such as rich media content such as images and videos. This feature is helpful for companies that wish to send customized OTP messages to their clients.

What is the Prerequisite to Sending OTP on WhatsApp

Sending OTPs on WhatsApp isn’t as straightforward as using your account. There are a few hoops to jump through first, but they’ll ensure a secure and professional experience for you and your users. Here’s what you’ll need:

1. WhatsApp Business API Access

To begin, you must gain access to the WhatsApp Business API. Chatbot.team can facilitate this process by acting as a service provider that helps you get the necessary API permissions. This setup involves registering your business with the Chatbot.team, which will then handle the API integration and ensure you meet all requirements laid out by WhatsApp.

2. Create a WhatsApp Business Profile

Once you have API access, the next step is to make a WhatsApp Business Profile. This profile should have your business name, address, contact details, and a brief description. A complete and verified profile builds trust among users and confirms that they are interacting with a legitimate entity.

3. Prepare a WhatsApp Message Template

WhatsApp requires businesses to use pre-approved message templates to ensure keeping with its messaging policies when sharing OTPs. You must design your OTP message template and submit it for approval. An example template could be: “Your verification code. Please enter this code to proceed.” The template should avoid promotional content and focus solely on delivering the OTP.

4. Use the API to Share the Message

After your message template is approved, apply the WhatsApp Business API to forward the OTP. This involves programmatically generating a special OTP for every transaction, inserting it into the approved message template, and sending this message to the user’s WhatsApp number. The API call will specify the receiver’s phone number and the message content, including the OTP.

How to Send OTP via WhatsApp?

Sharing OTPs using a number on WhatsApp is a piece of cake! Only you have to sign up for a reliable and trustworthy WhatsApp marketing software like Chatbot.team. By signing up for Chatbot.team, you can forward OTPs using shared numbers without any struggle. Let’s find out how you can do it:

  1. Set Up WhatsApp Business API: We will begin by setting up the WhatsApp Business API through our Chatbot team. Sign in your business with Chatbot.team, we will help you manage the API integration and guide you through the necessary steps to get API access.
  2. Create a WhatsApp Business Profile: Once you have API access, make your WhatsApp Business Profile. Add details such as your business name, address, and contact details.
  3. Create a WhatsApp Message Template: Design a clear and concise message template for sending OTPs. Submit this template for approval to ensure it meets WhatsApp’s guidelines and policies.
  4. Employ the API to Send the Message: With the approved template, apply the WhatsApp Business API to share the OTP. Integrate the API with your systems to automatically generate an OTP whenever required.
  5. Once the template is authorized, navigate to the API Docs section to get the /sendTemplateMessage API.
  6. In the /sendTemplateMessage API, add the contact number to which you want to send the OTP message. Make sure to add the country code and remove special characters.
  7. Check for Errors: Monitor API replies for mistakes during message-sharing. Common issues could added delivery failures or formatting errors.

Benefits of Sending OTP on WhatsApp

Using WhatsApp as an alternative to SMS or email has many benefits, particularly when sending One-Time Passwords (OTPs). Companies have been steadily converting to WhatsApp as their go-to choice for authentication due to the following advantages.

1. Higher Delivery Rates

WhatsApp offers a more trusted message delivery system than SMS, which can sometimes fail due to unstable network or carrier limitations. Since WhatsApp messages are shared over the internet, they are less likely to be affected by these problems, confirming that OTPs reach the user within time.

2. Increase Security

WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for all messages, making it one of the safest methods for sharing sensitive details like OTPs. This encryption confirms that only the sender and the receiver can read the messages’ contents, protecting them from interception by third parties.

3. Boost User Experience

Many users prefer WhatsApp over standard SMS due to its widespread adoption and ease of operation. Forwarding OTPs through WhatsApp can enhance the overall user experience by keeping interaction within a single app that users frequently check and communicate with.

4. Cost Effectiveness

WhatsApp can be a more cost-effective solution for businesses operating internationally than SMS. Sharing SMS across borders often has higher costs, while WhatsApp messages, operated with the internet, cost significantly less and sometimes nothing beyond the standard internet usage fees.

5. Real-time Read Receipts

Unlike SMS, WhatsApp lets senders see when messages have been delivered and read. This functionality is incredibly beneficial for OTPs, as it facilitates businesses in ensuring the message has reached the user and following up if necessary.

6. Customization and Automation

Businesses can use the WhatsApp Business API to automate and personalize OTP messages with branding and customized details. This ability boosts the professionalism of the messages and can help improve brand recognition and trust.

7. Eco-friendly Option

Compared to physical procedures like token generators or paper-based systems, sharing OTPs through WhatsApp is an environmentally friendly option that lowers waste and reliance on physical logistics.

Send OTP on WhatsApp- Use Case Example

WhatsApp OTPs can be utilized across various industries and scenarios, enhancing both security and user experience:

1. Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Using WhatsApp OTP for two-factor authentication includes an extra layer of safety, ensuring that only the rightful owner can access their account, especially during login processes.

2. Prescription Collection

Apply WhatsApp OTP to verify a patient’s identity before forwarding prescription details, confirming privacy and compliance with healthcare regulations.

3. Check-in Verification

Hotels and airlines can simplify check-in processes by forwarding a WhatsApp OTP to verify identity, enhancing security and customer experience.

4. Online Exam Authentication

Educational institutions can confirm that the person taking an online exam is a registered student by verifying their identity through a WhatsApp OTP.

5. Course Registration

Secure course registration processes by employing WhatsApp OTPs to confirm a student’s identity, preventing unauthorized enrollments and maintaining data integrity.

6. Bill Payment

WhatsApp OTP can be used to check identity before processing payments, including a layer of security to prevent fraudulent transactions.

7. User Registration

improve user registration processes with WhatsApp OTP, ensuring that the contact details provided are valid and owned by the user registering.

8. Password Reset

Secure password reset requests by sharing an OTP over WhatsApp, ensuring that only the account’s owner can change the password.

9. Transaction Verification

Send an OTP via WhatsApp to confirm the user’s intent for each transaction, adding a crucial security check to prevent unauthorized activity.

10. Account Recovery

Enable account recovery processes with WhatsApp OTP, offering a secure method for users to recover access to their accounts.

11. Appointment Confirmation

Share WhatsApp OTPs to confirm appointments and minimize no-shows by ensuring the recipient acknowledges and confirms the scheduled time.

12. Subscription Confirmation

Use OTPs sent via WhatsApp to confirm a user’s subscription agreement, ensuring clarity and consent for recurring charges or services.

13. Delivery Confirmation

Verify delivery information with customers via WhatsApp OTP, enhancing trust and accuracy in the delivery process.

14. Password Reset

Secure password reset requests by sending an OTP over WhatsApp, ensuring that only the account’s owner can change the password.

15. Transaction Verification

Send an OTP via WhatsApp to confirm the user’s intent for each transaction, adding a crucial security check to prevent unauthorized activity.

16. Access Control

Secure access to buildings or systems by requiring a WhatsApp OTP as part of the entry process, ensuring only authorized entry.

17. Event Ticketing

Using WhatsApp OTP to verify a ticket holder’s identity during event entry can improve event security and authenticity.

18. Identity Verification for Customer Support

Enhance customer support by verifying identity through WhatsApp OTP, ensuring the support team interacts with the right customer.

19. Employee Onboarding

Streamline onboarding by using WhatsApp OTP to verify personal details and documents, making the process faster and more secure.

20. Document Access

Secure sensitive document access with a WhatsApp OTP, ensuring only authorized personnel can view or download the requested files.

21. Account Deactivation

Ensure that requests for account deactivation are authenticated by sending an OTP over WhatsApp, preventing malicious or accidental deactivations.

22. Service Request

Verify service requests with an OTP via WhatsApp to confirm the requester’s identity, reducing fraudulent claims and enhancing service delivery.

Wrapping Up!

Using WhatsApp OTP improves the safety of transactions and user communication and boosts user engagement and trust. As businesses continue to innovate, using a device like WhatsApp will be essential to maintaining a competitive edge.

Frequently Asked Questions

A WhatsApp OTP (One-Time Password) is a temporary safety code sent to a user’s WhatsApp account to authenticate a particular transaction or login attempt. It is used to confirm the user’s identity accessing a service, ensuring that the account’s rightful owner authorizes the action. This procedure is commonly used in two-factor authentication, improving security by providing a second layer of proof of identity.

No, you do not need a particular application to share OTPs through WhatsApp. However, businesses must use the WhatsApp Business API to share OTPs. This API allows for automated, secure messaging abilities from a server setup that companies can integrate with their systems to manage the generation and dispatch of OTPs directly to users’ WhatsApp accounts.

Yes, sharing OTPs through WhatsApp is considered safe because WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption. This implies that only the sender and the receiver can read the messages. Since OTPs are sensitive information, encryption includes an extra layer of safety measures, making it challenging for unauthorized parties to stop or access the OTP.

Yes, WhatsApp OTPs are made to expire after a short period, commonly within a few minutes, to ensure security. This time limit helps protect against someone using an old OTP to gain unauthorized access. The expiration time can be configured based on the security requirements of the service or application using the OTP.

You can send WhatsApp OTPs internationally if the receiver has an active WhatsApp account. Since WhatsApp messages are shared over the Internet, there are no international charges for sending OTPs, making it a cost-effective solution for global applications.

If the recipient doesn’t receive the OTP, it could be because unstable networks or settings block messages from unknown numbers. Businesses commonly provide a way to resend the OTP or alternative methods to verify identity. It’s crucial to ensure that the phone number associated with the WhatsApp account is correct and active.

No, users do not need to pay to receive OTPs on WhatsApp. Receiving messages on WhatsApp, including OTPs, is free. The service uses an internet connection for data transfer, so standard data charges from the user’s mobile carrier may apply.

WhatsApp OTPs contribute significantly to user verification by offering a reliable and secure method to authenticate identities easily. When a user performs a sensitive action, like logging in or making a payment, sharing an OTP to their WhatsApp ensures that the account’s rightful owner is initiating the action, thus preventing unauthorized access.

Yes, you can customize the OTP messages sent through WhatsApp. While the content must comply with WhatsApp’s guidelines and needs pre-approval, you can customize the message template to add branding elements or specific guidelines. This customization helps maintain consistency with your company’s communication style and improve user experience.

If there’s an issue with WhatsApp OTP, you should contact the service provider or the business sharing the OTPs, as they manage the OTP generation and dispatch processes. If the problem is related to WhatsApp’s technical aspects, such as message delivery, contacting WhatsApp support or the WhatsApp Business API service provider would be appropriate.

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Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

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