Voice Chatbots: Everything you need to Know

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April 18, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of conversational AI in 2023, voice chatbots are at the forefront, continuously advancing and assuming a pivotal role. Commonly referred to as voice assistants or conversational AI, these software entities harness the capabilities of natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition technology to engage users through spoken communication. They are meticulously crafted to decipher and promptly respond to voice-based commands and inquiries, affording users the seamless experience of engaging in vocal dialogues rather than relying on traditional text inputs or physical interface interactions.

This progression in voice chatbot technology yields several significant outcomes, encompassing enhanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU), multimodal proficiency, deepening integration with smart devices, heightened personalization, refined speech synthesis, emotional intelligence, and elevated conversational design.

The voice and speech recognition market is poised to achieve a staggering valuation of $26.8 billion by the year 2025. This growth is propelled by the increasing prominence of conversational AI, leading to a surge in the adoption of voice bots. Furthermore, it has been empirically established that a remarkable 71% of consumers opt for voice-based online searches over conventional typing. In today’s landscape, customers are seamlessly integrating voice bots into their daily routines, utilising them for a myriad of activities such as setting reminders, shopping, culinary assistance, and keeping abreast of the latest news developments. The potential applications for voice bots appear limitless. As we look ahead to 2023, it is evident that their ascendancy will be marked by a pervasive presence across various industries, including but not limited to travel, banking, and numerous others.

What is a Voice Chatbot?

A voice chatbot, alternatively recognized as a voice assistant or conversational AI, stands as a software program or application meticulously crafted to engage users through spoken language interactions. These chatbots leverage the capabilities of natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition technology, enabling them to comprehend and promptly respond to voice-based commands and inquiries. This proficiency empowers users to engage in seamless spoken dialogues, obviating the need for conventional text inputs or tangible interfaces.
The utility of voice chatbots spans a diverse spectrum of tasks and capabilities. They can adeptly tackle answering queries, dispensing information, scheduling reminders, orchestrating smart home devices, and facilitating hands-free engagements. Typically, they find integration into devices such as smartphones, smart speakers, and other components of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Prominent examples of voice chatbots encompass Siri by Apple, Google Assistant offered by Google, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana. Notably, these voice assistants have undergone a notable evolution, progressively offering responses and services that are attuned to user preferences and situational context, thus marking a stride toward heightened sophistication.

How does a voice chatbot work?

A voice chatbot works through a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition technology to understand and respond to spoken language. A step-by-step breakdown of how a typical voice chatbot operates is stated below:

  1. Speech Input: The interaction with a voice chatbot begins when a user speaks a command or asks a question. This spoken input is captured by a microphone, either built into a device (e.g., smartphone or smart speaker) or an external microphone.
  2. Audio Processing: The captured audio is then processed to clean up background noise and extract the user’s voice. This step helps ensure that the chatbot can accurately recognize and understand the spoken words.
  3. Speech Recognition: The processed audio is analyzed by a speech recognition system. This system converts the spoken words into text, known as automatic speech recognition (ASR). ASR technology is essential for transcribing the spoken input into a format that the chatbot can work with.
  4. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Once the spoken words are converted into text, the chatbot employs NLP algorithms to understand the user’s intent, context, and any relevant entities (such as dates, locations, or specific items mentioned). NLP allows the chatbot to analyse and extract meaning from the user’s query.
  5. Intent Recognition: The chatbot’s NLP engine identifies the user’s intent—what the user wants to achieve or the question they are asking. Intent recognition involves matching the user’s input to predefined intents or actions the chatbot is programmed to handle.
  6. Query Processing: With the user’s intent identified, the chatbot processes the query to generate a relevant response. This may involve querying a knowledge base or database for information or executing a predefined action.
  7. Response Generation: Based on the analysis of the user’s input and intent, the chatbot generates a response. This response can be in the form of spoken words, text displayed on a screen, or a combination of both.
  8. Speech Synthesis: If the response is intended to be spoken back to the user, text-to-speech (TTS) technology is used to convert the text response into spoken words. TTS makes the chatbot’s responses sound more natural and human-like.
  9. Response Delivery: The chatbot delivers the response to the user through the device’s speakers or audio output. The user hears the chatbot’s spoken response or sees the text response on a screen, depending on the device.
  10. Interaction Loop: The conversation may continue as the user responds or asks follow-up questions. The chatbot goes through the same process of capturing, processing, recognizing intent, generating a response, and delivering it for each turn in the conversation.
  11. Learning and Improvement: Many voice chatbots use machine learning algorithms to continuously improve their performance. They learn from user interactions and feedback, allowing them to provide better responses and adapt to user preferences over time.

Examples Of Voice Chatbot?

Voice chatbots are prevalent in various applications and platforms. Some examples of well-known voice chatbots are given below:

  1. Siri (Apple): Siri is Apple’s voice assistant, available on iOS devices, Mac computers, Apple Watch, and HomePod. Users can ask Siri questions, set reminders, send messages, control smart home devices, and more.
  2. Google Assistant (Google): Google Assistant is Google’s voice-activated virtual assistant available on Android devices, iOS devices, smart speakers like Google Home, and various other platforms. It provides information, controls smart devices, sets reminders, and performs web searches based on voice commands.
  3. Alexa (Amazon): Alexa is Amazon’s voice-controlled assistant that powers devices like Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, and Echo Show. Users can ask Alexa for information, control smart home devices, play music, and even shop online using voice commands.
  4. Cortana (Microsoft): Cortana is Microsoft’s virtual assistant, available on Windows devices, including computers and smartphones. It can perform tasks like setting reminders, sending emails, and providing information.
  5. Bixby (Samsung): Bixby is Samsung’s voice assistant found on Samsung smartphones, smart TVs, and other devices. It can control Samsung devices and perform tasks like sending messages, setting alarms, and providing information.
  6. Assistant on Google Maps: Google Maps features a voice-activated assistant that helps users navigate, find places, and get real-time traffic updates using voice commands.

Some other prominent examples of the same includes Facebook Portal, Microsoft Teams, Voice Activated Customer Support, Voice-activated Search on Smart TVs and Voice-controlled Smart Home Devices.

Use Cases of voice Chatbot

Voice chatbots find application in a wide range of industries and use cases due to their ability to engage users through spoken language. Some notable use cases for voice chatbots are mentioned below:

  1. Customer Service: Voice chatbots can handle routine customer inquiries, providing quick and efficient responses 24/7. They can assist customers with account information, product details, and troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Virtual Assistants: Users can employ voice chatbots as virtual assistants to set reminders, manage calendars, and send messages. They can help with tasks like making reservations, booking flights, and ordering food.
  3. Smart Home Control: Voice chatbots, integrated with smart home devices, allow users to control lights, thermostats, locks, and other appliances using spoken commands. They can provide status updates on devices and adjust settings based on user preferences.
  4. E-commerce and Shopping: Users can shop online using voice chatbots, adding items to their cart, checking out, and tracking orders. They can also provide product recommendations and information.
  5. Accessibility: Voice chatbots assist individuals with disabilities, including those with visual impairments or mobility challenges, by enabling hands-free interactions with technology.

These use cases demonstrate the versatility and utility of voice chatbots across various industries, enhancing user experiences, improving efficiency, and extending accessibility.

What is the difference between voice chatbots and chatbots?

Voice chatbots and chatbots are both a types of chatbot, (often referred to as text-based chatbots) both serve the purpose of automating conversations and providing assistance to users, but they differ in the way they interact with users and the mediums through which they communicate. The key differences between voice chatbots and chatbots are mentioned below:

COMMUNICATIONThese chatbots interact with users through spoken language. Users communicate with them by speaking, and the chatbot responds in spoken language.Chatbots primarily engage with users through text-based messaging interfaces, such as websites, messaging apps, or chat widgets. Users type their messages, and the chatbot responds in text.
USER EXPERIENCEThey provide a hands-free and more natural interaction experience, allowing users to communicate verbally, similar to conversing with another person.Interaction with text-based chatbots requires typing, which may be less intuitive and slower for some users. It also often involves reading text responses.
ACCESSIBILITYVoice chatbots can be more accessible to individuals with visual impairments or disabilities that affect their ability to read and type.While text-based chatbots can also be made accessible with screen readers and other tools, voice chatbots inherently offer an advantage in terms of accessibility for those who prefer or require voice interactions.
USE CASESThey are well-suited for applications where hands-free or eyes-free interactions are important, such as while driving, cooking, or using smart home devices. They are also valuable for accessibility and healthcare applications.Text-based chatbots are commonly used in customer support, e-commerce, website assistance, and various messaging platforms. They are versatile and can be integrated into websites, apps, and social media channels.
TECHNOLOGY & INFRASTRUCTUREThey require speech recognition technology for understanding user input and text-to-speech (TTS) technology for generating spoken responses.Text-based chatbots rely on natural language processing (NLP) for understanding user text input and can use plain text for responses.
DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONSDeveloping voice chatbots involves considerations for voice recognition accuracy, natural language understanding, and speech synthesis quality.Developing chatbots focuses on text-based NLP, dialog management, and user interface design for text-based messaging.
USER PREFERENCESSome users may prefer voice interactions for their convenience and natural feel.Text-based chatbots may be preferred in situations where quiet or discreet communication is needed or where users are more comfortable typing.

Benefits Of voice Chatbot

Voice chatbots deliver a multitude of advantages across diverse industries and applications.Some of the primary benefits associated with the use of voice chatbots are as follows:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Voice chatbots introduce a more natural and instinctive interaction method, allowing users to converse rather than type their queries. This mode of interaction is particularly valuable in scenarios where users need to be hands-free or eyes-free, such as during driving or while cooking.
  2. Accessibility: Voice chatbots promote accessibility by making technology more inclusive for individuals with visual impairments or disabilities that hinder text-based interactions. They widen the range of users who can comfortably engage with digital services.
  3. Convenience and Efficiency: Voice-based interactions tend to be swifter compared to typing, enabling users to swiftly access information or complete tasks. Users can multitask while engaging with voice chatbots, streamlining activities like setting reminders or initiating calls.
  4. 24/7 Availability: Voice chatbots are operational around the clock, ensuring that users can seek assistance or access information at any hour, even beyond typical business hours. This perpetual availability significantly enhances customer service and support capabilities.
  5. Improved Efficiency in Customer Support: Voice chatbots excel at handling routine customer inquiries and frequently posed questions, freeing up human customer support agents to tackle more intricate and specialised issues. They ensure consistency and precision in responses, mitigating the risk of human errors.
  6. Cost Savings: The implementation of voice chatbots can translate into substantial cost savings in customer support, as fewer human agents may be required to manage routine tasks. The automation of repetitive duties also contributes to reducing operational expenditures.

In essence, voice chatbots offer a plethora of benefits, ranging from heightened user experiences and accessibility to improved efficiency and cost-effective customer support. Their utilisation is becoming increasingly prevalent in various sectors to streamline processes, optimise user interactions, and introduce innovative solutions.

Which platform is Best to Build Voice-Based Chatbot?

Chatbot.team is considered to be the best platform to help build a Voice-Based Chatbot. It has several features which helps in enhancement of the customer support and in easing its user’s tasks. Chatbot.team has the following features:

  1. Lead generation: Lead Generation with the help of chatbots involves using automated conversational agents to collect information from potential customers, qualify leads, and initiate the sales process. It facilitates lead generation by engaging in real-time conversations and understanding the user’s needs, preferences, and intent, gathering valuable lead information, delivering personalised content or product recommendations to users, providing 24/7 services, providing instant responses to inquiries and reducing human workload.
  2. Shopify Chatbots: It helps in providing usage of chatbots on Shopify which can significantly benefit e-commerce businesses, including features such as offering 24/7 support, answering common queries, providing product information, and resolving issues efficiently. Furthermore, it helps in recommendation of products based on user preferences and purchase history, enhancing the shopping experience, helps in cart recovery, order tracking, offering product guides, FAQs, and tutorials to assist customers and gathering the user’s feedback thereby helping businesses improve their offerings and services.
  3. Website Chatbot: Chatbot.team helps its users in creating a website chatbot involving the integration of a conversational agent into a website to enhance user engagement and support. It further provides smart 24/7 customer support, multilingual support and omni-channel support, thereby streamlining the process of optimization and scaling of ad campaigns, making your own metrics using external data and exploration of strategies.
  4. Whatsapp Automation: Chatbot.team helps in providing whatsapp automation to streamline communication and automate processes on the WhatsApp messaging platform by including in its platform effective customer interaction, order tracking, personalised marketing, automated notifications, enhancing the sales, reduced response time thereby improving customer satisfaction, gathering valuable user data and feedback, helping businesses improve their offerings and providing no-code chatbot builder.

Moreover, talking about the pricing of Chatbot.team, it provides easy accessibility of its platform to their customers by keeping their pricing scheme minimum so that it can be made affordable for all types of users beginning from starters to medium and to large enterprises. The pricing scheme can be seen as given below with a large number of features for different users including impactful and powerful campaigns, 24/7 live chats with the customers, paying after use, provision of various personalization tools, seamless integrations of Shopify and WooCommerce, multi-user access, streamlining marketing automation, providing expert success manages further enhancing customer satisfaction and lastly, helping users with built chatbots without coding using the ready-to-use templates.

For more information regarding the plans and the comparisons among them refer to the link mentioned below:

What are the limitations of Voice Chatbot?

Voice chatbots offer significant advantages, but they also come with certain limitations and challenges. Some of the key limitations of voice chatbots are as follows:

  1. Speech Recognition Accuracy: Speech recognition technology may not always accurately transcribe user speech, leading to misinterpretations and incorrect responses. Accents, dialects, and background noise can affect recognition accuracy, making it challenging for some users to interact effectively.
  2. Limited Vocabulary and Domain Knowledge: Voice chatbots often have limited knowledge and may struggle with understanding specialized terminology or niche topics. They may not be as knowledgeable as human experts in certain domains.
  3. Lack of Context Understanding: Voice chatbots may struggle to maintain context in lengthy conversations or when users switch topics. Users may need to repeat information to provide context. They might not remember previous interactions, making it harder to have coherent and continuous conversations.
  4. Inability to Handle Complex Queries: Voice chatbots may struggle with complex or multi-step queries that require nuanced understanding or decision-making. They excel in handling simple and routine tasks but may fall short in more intricate scenarios.
  5. Privacy and Security Concerns: Voice interactions can raise privacy and security issues, as voice data must be recorded and processed by the chatbot provider. Users may have concerns about their voice recordings being stored or misused.
  6. Voice Synthesis Challenges: The quality of text-to-speech (TTS) technology varies, and some voice chatbots may produce less natural-sounding speech. This can impact the user experience and make interactions less pleasant.

Despite these limitations, voice chatbots continue to improve and find valuable applications in various domains. As technology advances, many of these limitations may be mitigated or addressed, making voice chatbots even more capable and user-friendly.


In conclusion, voice chatbots are powerful tools in the realm of conversational AI, allowing users to interact with technology through spoken language. They offer improved user experiences, accessibility, and convenience. While there are challenges and considerations, such as privacy and security, using reputable providers and following best practices can ensure a safe and beneficial experience with voice chatbots. These intelligent systems continue to evolve and find applications in various industries, enhancing the way we interact with technology.

Frequently Asked Questions

A voice chatbot is a computer program that uses speech recognition and natural language processing to interact with users through spoken language, enabling voice-based conversations and tasks.

A voice chatbot works by using speech recognition technology to convert spoken language into text, which it then processes using natural language understanding algorithms. It responds by generating spoken or text-based replies using natural language generation and, in some cases, text-to-speech synthesis. This enables users to have voice-based conversations and interactions with the chatbot.

Yes, you can integrate a voice chatbot with your website or mobile app to enable voice-based interactions and enhance user engagement.

No, You can build a voice chatbot without using any code with chatbot.team

One example of a voice chatbot is “Siri” by Apple, which is available on Apple devices and assists users with various tasks using voice commands.

Yes, chatbots can have a voice through text-to-speech (TTS) technology, which allows them to convert text-based responses into spoken language, enabling voice interactions.

About Author



Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

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