Utility Chatbots

16 Min Read

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April 18, 2023

Chatbots are now essential resources for both organizations and individuals as artificial intelligence advances. Utility chatbots are fast changing in 2023, providing creative ways to boost customer service, optimize business processes, and boost output. A handpicked list of the top 11 utility chatbots for this year is provided in this post. These chatbots operate across a range of sectors and businesses, demonstrating their adaptability and potential to revolutionize the way we communicate and collaborate.

It is commonly known that chatbots have advantages for organizations. These robot assistants are a game changer for brand loyalty, sales, and customer service. And they’ve only just begun.

In 2025, the market for chatbots is anticipated to reach a staggering $1.25 billion in size. And Gartner predicts that they’re going to be a primary customer service aid for 25% of organizations not long after that. According to the study quoted in the article, utility chatbots can raise client satisfaction levels by 20%. Chatbots can save customer assistance costs by 30%, according to the study. According to a different study, chatbots can boost website conversion rates by 15%. According to the report, chatbots can cut customer attrition by 10%.

These studies demonstrate how useful chatbots can be for companies of all sizes. Businesses can use chatbots to enhance sales, lower costs, and improve customer happiness.

What is a Utility chatbot?

A utility chatbot, sometimes known as a utility bot, is a sort of chatbot created and programmed to carry out particular tasks or functions that offer consumers useful and practical assistance. Utility chatbots are extremely task-oriented and serve practical goals in numerous fields, including business, customer service, and personal productivity, in contrast to certain chatbots that concentrate on general communication or entertainment. Utility customers expect deeper engagement and long-term relationships with suppliers. The increase in smart home management reflects their desire for better energy management and understanding of utility consumption.

Why should you use Utility Chatbots?

Utilizing utility chatbots has a number of advantages, including:

  1. Better customer service: Utility chatbots can offer round-the-clock customer support, which can assist businesses in raising customer satisfaction. Customers may save time and hassle by using chatbots to swiftly and accurately respond to their queries.
  2. Cost savings: By doing typical activities and providing common answers, utility chatbots can assist organisations in lowering the cost of providing customer service. This can free up human customer service agents to concentrate on more complicated problems.
  3. Increased sales: By giving customers a quick option to buy goods and services, utility chatbots can assist businesses in growing their sales. Additionally, lead generation and prospect nurturing can be done with chatbots.
  4. Customer experience improvement: Utility chatbots can assist companies in improving the customer experience by providing a personalized and interactive way to interact with customers. Chatbots can also be used to collect customer feedback and improve products and services.

Top 13 Utility Chatbots for Utility Industry In 2023


India’s top platform for building no-code chatbots, Chatbot.team, aids companies in automating their sales and customer service procedures. It enables the ability to target and segment audiences precisely, redefining customer engagement and creating more individualized experiences. Our chatbot solutions boost your communication strategy by enabling you to create tailored messages that genuinely resonate with your audience. It delivers individualized offers, suggestions, and content that resonates to increase engagement, trust, and conversions for your company. With features like chatbots powered by AI, customization choices, integrations, NLP, analytics, multi-platform support, and 24/7 accessibility, it gives your business a boost.

Features of Chatbot.team

The platform provided by Chatbot.team has a number of features that make it simple to construct chatbots, such as:

  • Platform without coding: Chatbot.team’s platform is made to be simple to use, even for companies without coding expertise.
  • Scalable and adaptable: Chatbot.team’s platform is made to be flexible, enabling companies to build chatbots that are tailored to their particular requirements.
  • A drag-and-drop interface, a library of pre-built chatbot components, and a visual editor for designing chatbot flows are just a few of the many features that make it simple to create chatbots on the Chatbot.team platform.
  • Reliable and secure: Businesses can have faith that their chatbots will be available when they’re needed thanks to Chatbot.team’s platform.
  • Services from Chatbot.team are reasonably priced, making them a fantastic choice for companies of all sizes.


  • Limited features
  • No Free Plan
  • High learning curve
  • Not as customizable

Pricing Plans of Chatbot.team

This chatbot offers three plans for its users, who can select the plan according to the needs of their business.

  • Free Plan: It works for a period of 14 days.
  • Premium Plan: Its price is ₹ 6500/ month.

  • Enterprise Plan: Its price varies with the features added. Contact the sales team for further details.


The enterprise-grade conversational AI platform for happy customers and workers is called Yellow.ai. With the best of AI + Human Intelligence, the platform enables automation that is focused on solving problems.  Through its no-code/low-code bot builders, it is powered by dynamic AI agents that enable human-like interactions that raise staff engagement and customer happiness at scale.



  • It has the ability to make chatbots for websites and helps reduce costs for support roles that are critical in small businesses which are customer-like travel.
  • The flow of conversations is highly customizable with ease of use from the backend.
  • Built on multi-LLM architecture, DAP continuously trains on billions of conversations for scale, speed, and accuracy.


  • The chatbots can be more learning-based for non-e-commerce businesses.
  • Some components require deep knowledge on the technical side i.e. integration with other CRM platforms making it difficult for users of non-technical backgrounds.


For the price details, the sales team can be contacted.

Servis Bot


  • By understanding natural language and executing business workflows, AI bots can either fully or partially automate different customer interactions and journeys.
  • Our bot platform makes it easy to build and adapt digital AI assistants and get them to market in a matter of days or weeks.
  • It provides enterprise-class security features to ensure that your business data is always protected, never aggregated, always isolated, and under your control.


It is complicated for a non-technical background user to operate the bot.


The price details are available with the sales team.


Many leading brands use Ambit GPT chatbots to turn customer service into customer happiness. With the power of Generative AI, it provides deeply personalised, automated conversations that delight customers.


  • Its AI-powered chatbots build customer loyalty through instant, positive and frictionless service and support experiences.
  • It has a good NLU engine allowing multiple language models, algorithms and even multiple providers (e.g. it works with Microsoft’s LUIS engine as well)


It has no SaaS purchase option.


The pricing details are available with the sales team.


JennyBot, a chatbot builder with a unique natural language processing engine (NLP), is created by GetJenny. JennyBot makes it simple to create intelligent chatbots that automate manual tasks in customer care, lead creation, human resources, and internal communications to enhance the customer experience.


  • It slashes repetitive grunt work by up to 87% thus giving service agents time to resolve challenging customer situations and serve more customers per hour than ever.
  • It increases upsell opportunities with value-added human support from agents and conversational process automation from AI customer service chatbots.
  • It supports customers 24/7 with instant answers and robotic process automation for tasks like stock checking, delivery reporting and ticket creation.


The pricing details are available with the sales team.


Numerous businesses from numerous industries effectively use BOTfriends X on a regular basis. Any kind of conversational AI use case may be mapped using the platform thanks to industry-specific templates and the high level of customization.


  • A customer can contact staff members and potential applicants after business hours by employing a chatbot.
  • Its cutting-edge technology can be used communication strategy to differentiate your business from rivals and raise a favourable opinion of the brand.
  • Users can be directed to actual staff if chatbots are unable to provide an answer.
  • Even non-developers may easily create and manage chatbots using BOTfriends X.
  • It enhances the chatbot and customises it to the demands of your users with the aid of machine learning and clustering.
  • It saves time by utilising templates created by professionals.


The pricing details are available with the sales team.

Mind behind

A conversational AI management platform called MindBehind assists non-technical teams in creating, launching, and expanding their chatbots and virtual assistants from a single interface. Brands of all sizes and from a variety of sectors, including Avis, Budget, Phillip Morris International, and Renault, are supplied by MindBehind with simple-to-use solutions that enhance the client experience.


  • They support chatbots in a lot of languages, including English, Arabic, French, Turkish, and many more. Its simple UI design makes it available for anyone to leverage its benefits.
  • The interface is easy to use, and adding a quick replies feature saves agents time.


It has three plans details of which are available with the sales team.


A conversational AI platform called Inbenta can be used to build chatbots for the healthcare industry. The goal of Inbenta’s healthcare chatbots is to increase patient engagement, simplify administrative procedures, and improve the patient experience. It gives your customers the service, accuracy, and speed they expect across chatbots, search, Messenger, knowledge management, and more.

Features of Inbenta

  • Inbenta’s conversational AI platform provides lower costs, improved service, and simplified IT management.
  • It engages customers automatically with AI-enabled chatbots and self-service tools that understand the true intent of user queries.
  • It reduces your reliance on agent intervention, thus saving you time and money. It frees up the time and effort required of live agents by resolving customer inquiries and tasks automatically, 24/7.
  • It improves the customer experience at scale with self-service options. It aims to satisfy changing customer preferences with chatbots, search, and other self-service tools that are faster and more efficient than live agents.


The price details are available with the sales team.


Advanced no-code interaction automation tool Kore.ai optimizes and automates the customer experience across a variety of digital and speech channels. Designing, developing, testing, and managing virtual assistants, digital apps, and process assistants that are powered by artificial intelligence (AI) is easier for enterprises. For a wide range of speech and digital channels, Kore.ai delivers highly customizable, ready-to-deploy, and domain-trained solutions. By addressing complicated use cases, they help businesses make sure their customers have a fantastic time using their goods. The program streamlines and automates recurring operations in the areas of finance, human resources, marketing, and sales to improve management experiences. Kore.ai offers a range of features and capabilities for building healthcare chatbots tailored to the needs of healthcare providers and patients.

Features of Kore

  • It implements an enterprise-ready conversational AI program.
  • It provides end-to-end support to ensure execution excellence.
  • The expert team brings the chatbot to the implementation phase in the shortest time.
  • It ensures that the system being developed continually aligns with the business objective.
  • It helps in managing the project scope by identifying risks and costs associated with implementing the chatbot during each phase. It makes the complex case easy.
  • The team of AI and NLP experts designs complex chatbots, ensures successful implementation, and ensures the project is delivered in the shortest span of time.


It has a custom price plan that varies as per the functionalities. Detailed plans are available with the sales team.


Visor.ai is a conversational AI platform that enables companies to build and deploy virtual assistants, or chatbots, without coding. Visor.ai chatbots can be used to automate customer service tasks, generate leads, and provide product support.


  • Visor.ai chatbots use NLP to understand the meaning of customer queries and respond in a natural and conversational way.
  • This chatbot can be integrated with other business systems, such as CRM and ERP systems. This allows chatbots to access customer data and provide more personalized and relevant support.
  • It can be trained to answer a wide range of customer questions. This can help businesses to reduce the number of customer support tickets that they receive.
  • These can be trained to help customers with tasks such as booking appointments, making purchases, and resolving issues. This can help businesses to improve the customer experience.


The detailed price is available with the sales team.

How to choose a Utility chatbot?

Choosing a utility chatbot involves careful consideration of your business goals, customer needs, technical capabilities, and available resources. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right utility chatbot for your organization:

Define Your Objectives:

We must understand why we need a utility chatbot. We must know what we want to achieve with the chatbot. Clear goals will guide our selection in increasing customer service, increasing engagement, providing service-related advice, or streamlining related operations, clear objectives will guide our selection. We must analyze our guests’ preferences and problem points and what are the most common queries they have. We also need to identify areas where a chatbot can provide value and enhance their experience.

Choose the Platform:

Depending on our requirements and budget, we must choose the appropriate type. There are rule-based chatbots and AI-powered chatbots. Rule-based chatbots follow predefined rules, while AI-powered chatbots use machine learning to understand and respond to user queries more dynamically.

Choose the chatbot type:

The decision between rule-based and AI-powered chatbots is influenced by your specific business requirements, money, technological competence, and the level of complexity you demand in your chatbot’s interactions.  Rule-based chatbots operate based on predefined rules and triggers, suitable for handling simple tasks, quickly addressing FAQs, and providing basic information. They follow programmed dialogues and lack contextual understanding. These chatbots are easy to set up and maintain, making them effective for straightforward interactions and predictable user requests.  AI-powered chatbots offer enhanced user experiences by delivering personalized and human-like interactions. While rule-based chatbots have a lower initial setup cost, AI-powered chatbots offer a higher long-term return on investment due to their advanced capabilities. AI-powered chatbots are better equipped for scalability as business needs evolve, but their development and training demand more time and resources.

Finally, if our company requires simple interactions and has a minimal budget, a rule-based chatbot may be appropriate. An AI-powered chatbot, on the other hand, is a preferable solution if you want to provide sophisticated, personalised, and dynamic interactions that can adapt to user preferences over time. When making your decision, keep your specific use cases and future scalability requirements in mind.

Discuss the Design and Development Process

A chatbot’s design and development process includes numerous stages, from conceptualization through deployment. Developing a successful chatbot involves several key phases: defining objectives and tasks, selecting the appropriate chatbot type and platform, designing a user-friendly experience, training AI capabilities, gathering and refining data, creating on-brand content, rigorous testing, deployment, monitoring performance, continuous improvement based on user feedback, ongoing maintenance, security compliance, and user education. Each step contributes to a well-rounded and effective chatbot implementation.

See Available Integration Options:

Chatbot integration means you are connecting the chatbot with various platforms. It’s an entire process to deploy the chatbot on various social platforms and applications. Depending on your service goals and target audience, you can choose the most appropriate integration options. Here are some common chatbot integration options:

  • Website Integration: Embed the chatbot directly on your service website using a chat window or widget. It offers real-time assistance to users browsing your site, answering their questions, and providing support.
  • Messaging Platforms: Integrating your chatbot with messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp and engaging with users on platforms they are already familiar with, thereby expanding your reach.
  • Social Media: Connect your chatbot to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and engage with users who interact with your business brand on social media and provide instant responses.

Test and Launch Your Chatbot: 

Testing verifies the functionality, usability, and performance of the chatbot. Usability, functionality, performance, and security are assessed, with user feedback and incorporated. These processes ensure the chatbot operates smoothly, provides accurate responses, and offers a positive user experience. Once successfully integrated and tested, the chatbot is ready for deployment.

What are the Future Trends in Utility Chatbots?

We now use chatbots in our daily lives to make tasks simpler. They are available to answer your problems swiftly and easily, whether they are voice-based or text-based.  According to a survey by Tata Consultancy Services, utilities are predicted to invest 0.53% of their annual corporate revenue on AI. AI investments have led to cost savings and revenue growth in the corporate world. Not all applications of AI are chatbots; for the utility industry, the insights obtained from consumer data analytics are a gold mine.

The utilities save a lot of money and time by using bots instead of actual agents. These changes to technical tools have improved operational efficiency. With the help of these incursions, a number of challenges have been resolved, including how to deal with irate consumers and quickly resolve their concerns. lowering operational expenses by cutting back on call centre workers, comprehending consumers’ common worries, etc. In the utilities sector, there is a greater rate of customer churn. Understanding consumer expectations and behaviour might be likened to a pearl in the sea. This establishes the course for strategic company decisions and helps to specify how to enhance customer service.


Utility chatbots are an effective tool that may help companies of all sizes increase sales, lower costs, and enhance customer service. The top utility chatbots that businesses can utilise to accomplish these objectives are listed in the article Top 11 Utility Chatbots You Should Consider In 2023.

A study that demonstrates the advantages of employing utility chatbots is also included in the article. According to the report, utility chatbots can cut customer assistance expenses by 30% while also increasing customer satisfaction by 20%.

The value of utility chatbots cannot be emphasised as the digital era progresses. They are essential tools for both enterprises and individuals due to their availability around the clock, potential for cost savings, and capacity to deliver dependable and effective service. Additionally, the future of utility chatbots is being shaped by trends like enhanced NLP, hyper-personalization, and ethical considerations, which suggest that their role will continue to grow and change.

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Content Marketing Strategist at Chatbot.team

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