Keyword recognition based chatbots

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April 18, 2023

Keyword Recognition based chatbots – also known as “rule-based chatbots” or “flow-based chatbots” – analyze users’ text input based on keywords and give the appropriate response. A keyword recognition-based chatbot is a type of chatbot that operates by identifying and responding to specific keywords or phrases within user input. Unlike more advanced chatbots that use natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and generate human-like responses, keyword recognition-based chatbots rely on a predefined list of keywords or triggers to formulate their responses.

Some key characteristics and features of keyword recognition based chatbots are that they re programmed to recognize predetermined keywords or phrases in the user’s input, they have limited understanding of user intent, responses generated by these chatbots are typically fixed and lack the ability to adapt or learn from user interactions, they are relatively simple to develop and implement, they can be easily expanded by adding more keywords and responses to address a wider range of user inquiries, regular maintenance is required to keep the chatbot up-to-date with relevant keywords and responses and lastly, these chatbots are better suited for transactional interactions rather than engaging in extended, natural conversations.

What are Keyword recognition-based chatbots?

A keyword recognition based chatbot operates by pinpointing specific keywords or phrases within user inputs and then generating predetermined responses based on those recognized keywords. These chatbots are tailored to identify and act upon a pre-established set of keywords or triggers, offering a more straightforward functionality in comparison to advanced chatbots employing natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) to comprehend and respond to natural language inputs.

Key characteristics of keyword recognition-based chatbots

The Key Characteristics of Keyword Recognition Based Chatbots are given Below:

  1. Limited Understanding: These chatbots possess a constrained grasp of user intent and context, rendering them proficient solely in responding to explicitly programmed keywords.
  2. Fixed Responses: Responses generated by these chatbots tend to remain static, incapable of adapting to the subtleties of the ongoing conversation. They are pre-scripted and remain unaltered by user feedback or conversational history.
  3. Simplicity: Keyword recognition-based chatbots are relatively straightforward to create and put into operation, making them particularly well-suited for rudimentary customer support or information retrieval functions.
  4. Use Cases: They find frequent application in tasks such as answering frequently asked questions, offering fundamental product details, and directing users to particular web pages or resources.
  5. Scalability: These chatbots can expand their capabilities by incorporating more keywords and corresponding responses to address a broader array of user inquiries. However, handling an extensive keyword inventory can become intricate.
  6. Maintenance: Consistent maintenance is essential to keep the chatbot current with pertinent keywords and responses, especially within industries where terminology is subject to frequent changes.

While keyword recognition-based chatbots have their niche in specific applications, they fall short of the advanced capabilities offered by AI-powered chatbots. The latter can comprehend natural language, adapt and learn from user interactions, and deliver a more flexible and personalized user experience.

How do keyword recognition-based chatbots work?

Keyword recognition-based chatbots operate by identifying specific keywords or phrases within user inputs and generating predefined responses based on the keywords they recognize. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how they work:

  1. User Input: The process begins when a user interacts with the chatbot by typing a message or asking a question. This user input is typically in the form of text.
  2. Keyword Detection: The chatbot is programmed with a predefined list of keywords or phrases that it has been trained to recognize. When the user submits their input, the chatbot scans the text for the presence of any of these predefined keywords.
  3. Keyword Matching: If the chatbot detects one or more keywords in the user’s input, it identifies and extracts those keywords. This matching process is often exact, meaning that the input must precisely match a keyword for it to be recognized.
  4. Response Generation: Once the chatbot has identified relevant keywords in the user’s input, it retrieves or generates predefined responses associated with those keywords. These responses are pre-scripted and stored in the chatbot’s database.
  5. Message Delivery: The chatbot then delivers the appropriate response to the user. This response is typically a static and predefined message that corresponds to the recognized keyword.
  6. Continuation of Conversation: The user and chatbot can continue the conversation, with the chatbot monitoring subsequent user inputs for additional keywords and responding accordingly.

Examples Of Keyword recognition based chatbots?

Some examples of Keyword recognition-based chatbots are given below:

  1. Mya System: Mya System is an innovative chatbot specifically crafted to streamline the recruitment process. Mya conducts interviews with candidates using popular social networking platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Skype, and, more recently, LinkedIn. It engages candidates in a conversation, inquiring about their work experience, evaluating their skill sets, and providing answers to their queries about the hiring company. According to a comprehensive analysis, the Mya System has proven to be a game-changer for recruiters, yielding remarkable outcomes. It has boosted recruiter productivity by an impressive 144% and significantly elevated the application completion rate to an outstanding 93%.
  2. Lara: Lara is a cutting-edge dating chatbot meticulously designed by the renowned French dating platform, Meetic. Her primary objective is to engage users in meaningful conversations aimed at assisting them in their quest for a compatible partner. Lara offers a range of services, including suggestions to enhance users’ profiles, adept matchmaking of like-minded individuals, and offering valuable advice to singles navigating the world of dating.
  3. Kuki: Kuki is an emotionally astute robot with the ability to engage in conversations that mimic human interaction, often sprinkled with a delightful touch of humour. You can find this chatbot accessible across various platforms, including Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Kik Messenger.

Use Cases of Keyword recognition based chatbots

Some common use cases of Keyword recognition based chatbot are stated below:

  1. Customer Support: Chatbots can be used to handle common customer inquiries by recognizing keywords related to frequently asked questions. For example, users might inquire about “order status,” “return policy,” or “product information,” and the chatbot responds with relevant information.
  2. Appointment Scheduling: Service-based businesses, such as doctors’ offices or salons, can use chatbots to allow customers to schedule appointments. Keywords like “book,” “appointment,” or “availability” can initiate the booking process.
  3. FAQ Assistance: Chatbots can assist users by recognizing keywords from a frequently asked questions (FAQ) database. Users ask questions like “How do I reset my password?” or “What are your operating hours?” and the chatbot provides predefined answers.
  4. E-commerce Product Inquiries: In online retail, chatbots can recognize keywords like “product specifications,” “pricing,” or “reviews” to provide users with information about specific products or services.
  5. Content Recommendation: Media and entertainment platforms can employ chatbots to recommend content based on user preferences. Keywords like “recommendations” or “suggestions” can trigger personalised content suggestions.
  6. Language Translation: Language translation chatbots can identify keywords related to source and target languages. Users input phrases like “Translate English to French,” and the chatbot recognizes the language-related keywords to perform the translation.

These are just a few examples of the diverse use cases where keyword recognition-based chatbots can streamline interactions, automate responses, and enhance user experiences.

Benefits Of Keyword recognition-based chatbots

Keyword recognition-based chatbots offer several benefits for businesses and users in various applications. Here are some of the key advantages:

Efficiency: These chatbots are excellent at automating responses to common user queries. By recognizing keywords, they can quickly provide relevant information or solutions, saving time for both users and customer support teams.

Consistency: Keyword recognition-based chatbots deliver consistent responses, ensuring that users receive accurate information every time they inquire about specific topics. This consistency helps maintain a high standard of service.

Cost Savings: Automating routine tasks through chatbots can significantly reduce the workload on human support agents. This can lead to cost savings for businesses by reducing the need for a large customer support staff.

24/7 Availability: Chatbots are available round-the-clock, offering assistance to users at any time of day or night. This availability is especially valuable for international businesses with customers in different time zones.

Handling High Volume: During peak periods or special promotions, businesses may experience a surge in customer inquiries. Keyword recognition-based chatbots can efficiently handle high volumes of requests without long wait times.

Consolidated Knowledge: Chatbots can be programmed with a wealth of information, consolidating knowledge from various sources into a single accessible platform.

Availability Across Platforms: These chatbots can be integrated into multiple messaging and communication platforms, ensuring consistent customer support across channels.

While keyword recognition based chatbots offer these benefits, it’s important to note that they may have limitations in handling complex or nuanced conversations compared to more advanced AI-powered chatbots. Therefore, their effectiveness is best suited for tasks and use cases where user queries can be predicted and addressed through predefined keywords.

How to Build Keyword recognition based chatbots in 6 Easy Steps?

Creating a Keyword Recognition Based Chatbot with in 6 Easy Steps:

Step 1: Login or Sign Up

Go to the website.
If you already have an account, simply log in using your credentials. If not, sign up for a new account by providing the necessary information.

Step 2: Create a New Chatbot Project

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard. Look for an option like “Create New Chatbot” or “Start a New Project” and click on it.

Step 3: Configure Your Chatbot

You’ll be prompted to configure your chatbot. Give your chatbot a name and description to help you identify it later. Choose a suitable language for your chatbot’s responses.

Step 4: Define Keywords and Responses

  1. In this step, you’ll define the keywords that your chatbot will recognize and the responses it should generate when those keywords are detected.
  2. Look for an option like “Add Keyword” or “Define Responses.” Here, you’ll enter specific keywords and their corresponding responses. For example, if your chatbot is for a restaurant, you might define a keyword like “menu” and provide a response like “Our menu features a variety of delicious dishes. Would you like to see it?”

Step 5: Test Your Chatbot

  1. Before deploying your chatbot, it’s essential to test it to ensure it recognizes keywords and responds correctly.
  2. Use the built-in testing feature to send sample queries containing the keywords you defined in the previous step. Verify that the chatbot responds as expected.

Step 6: Deploy Your Chatbot

  1. Once you’re satisfied with your chatbot’s performance during testing, it’s time to deploy it.
  2. Look for a “Deploy” or “Publish” button, and follow the prompts to make your chatbot accessible to users on your desired platform (e.g., website, messaging app, social media).
  3. You may need to provide integration details, such as embedding code for your website or connecting your chatbot to a messaging app.

Why Do Businesses Need Keyword Recognition-Based Chatbots?

There are many types of chatbot , but businesses can reap substantial benefits by incorporating keyword recognition-based chatbots into their operations. Here are some compelling reasons:

  1. Streamlined Customer Support: Chatbots adeptly manage routine customer queries and frequently asked questions by identifying keywords and furnishing predefined responses. This in turn liberates human customer support agents to concentrate on intricate and high-value tasks.
  2. Round-the-Clock Availability: Keyword recognition-based chatbots are at the beck and call of customers 24/7, guaranteeing assistance and information access at any hour, even beyond standard business operating times. This heightened availability invariably contributes to heightened customer satisfaction.
  3. Ensured Consistency: Chatbots dispense unwavering responses grounded in predetermined keywords, ensuring customers receive precise and uniform information, regardless of the agent handling their inquiries. This steadfastness plays a pivotal role in upholding service excellence.
  4. Cost-Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks through chatbots, businesses realise significant cost savings as they can operate with a leaner customer support staff. This optimised resource allocation results in enhanced operational efficiency.
  5. Valuable Data Insights: Chatbots serve as invaluable data collectors, capturing vital information regarding customer interactions, including frequently used keywords and query types. These insights empower informed decision-making and product/service enhancements.
  6. Automation of Mundane Tasks: Beyond customer support, chatbots can seamlessly automate an array of repetitive tasks within an organization, encompassing order processing, appointment scheduling, and internal information dissemination. This automation yields operational efficiency improvements.

In short, the integration of keyword recognition-based chatbots equips businesses with a formidable toolset for elevating customer service quality, curbing costs, and streamlining operational processes. These chatbots excel in handling routine tasks and inquiries, thus enabling human resources to concentrate on more intricate and value-added endeavours.

What are the limitations of Keyword recognition based chatbots?

Keyword recognition-based chatbots, while useful in specific applications, have several limitations:

  1. Lack of Natural Language Understanding: Keyword based chatbots cannot understand language nuances beyond predefined keywords. They struggle with variations in phrasing and user intent, making them less effective in handling open-ended or complex conversations.
  2. Inflexibility: These chatbots are rigid and can only respond to predefined keywords. Adding new keywords or handling unexpected queries requires manual updates, making them less adaptable to evolving user needs.
  3. False Positives and Negatives: They may incorrectly recognize or miss keywords, leading to incorrect or irrelevant responses. This can frustrate users and result in a subpar user experience.
  4. Dependence on Keyword Lists: The effectiveness of these chatbots relies heavily on the completeness and accuracy of the predefined keyword list. If crucial keywords are missing, the chatbot may fail to provide appropriate responses.
  5. Difficulty Handling Synonyms and Variations: Variations in phrasing, synonyms, or colloquial language can confuse keyword recognition-based chatbots. Users may not always use the exact keywords the chatbot expects.

In short, keyword recognition-based chatbots are well-suited for specific use cases with predictable user queries but have limitations in handling the complexity, variability, and nuance present in natural language conversations. Businesses should carefully consider their intended use cases and user expectations when deciding whether to implement this type of chatbot.

Frequently Asked Questions

A common example of a keyword recognition-based chatbot is a customer support bot that responds to specific keywords or phrases such as “help,” “account balance,” or “refund,” with predefined responses related to those keywords.

Keyword recognition-based chatbots work by identifying specific keywords or phrases within user input and then providing predefined responses associated with those recognized keywords. When a user interacts with the chatbot and uses a recognized keyword, the chatbot triggers the corresponding response. These chatbots do not have sophisticated natural language understanding but rely on a fixed list of keywords for their operation.

Yes, you can integrate a Keyword recognition-based chatbot with your website or mobile app by embedding the chatbot’s code or using a chatbot platform that offers integration options.

No programming skills are usually required to create a Keyword recognition-based chatbot, you can create keyword based chatbot with no code with

An example of a Keyword recognition is EpicReads chatbot. This is a chatbot that advises book lovers on which books to read.

You can use to create Keyword Recognition based chatbot. It Provides no code chatbot builder, you can create any complex chatbot without uaing a single line code.

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