How to Build a Chatbot

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April 18, 2023

Chatbots are gaining popularity for valid reasons. They offer a valuable service to both businesses and customers, automating tasks, addressing queries, and offering support.

The idea of crafting a chatbot might appear intimidating, especially for those not well-acquainted with coding. Fortunately, the reassuring news is that in 2023, you can create a chatbot without the need for coding expertise.

Building a chatbot in 2023 without coding is made easier through no-code platforms, enabling you to automate tasks, enhance customer support, and improve user experiences with ease.

According to Global Market Insights, the projected global market size for chatbots is expected to exceed $1.3 billion by 2024. This forecast underscores the inevitable rise of the chatbot industry as a driving force in business communications. Business chatbots have emerged as indispensable tools for enhancing the consumer experience and delivering exceptional customer service, fundamentally reshaping how businesses engage with both current and potential customers.

In line with this trend, Gartner predicts that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon become a mainstream investment in enhancing customer experiences. Their data indicates that 47% of organizations plan to utilize chatbots for customer care, while 40% are poised to implement virtual assistants, signifying a significant shift in how businesses approach customer interactions.

How to Build a Chatbot from Scratch in 10 Easy Steps?

Creating a chatbot from scratch involves ten key steps: define its purpose, choose a platform, design the conversation flow, gather and prepare data, decide on its type (rule-based or AI-powered), develop and train it, test and refine its performance, integrate it with channels, launch it, and continuously iterate for improvement. Building a chatbot is an ongoing process that requires adaptability to meet user expectations effectively.

Building a chatbot through is a straightforward process that can be completed in 10 easy steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Login to

Visit the website and log in to your account using your credentials.

Step 2: Create a New Chatbot Project

Once logged in, you’ll find an option to create a new chatbot project. Click on it to get started.

Step 3: Define Chatbot’s Purpose

Specify the purpose of your chatbot. Is it for customer support, lead generation, or another function? This helps set the chatbot’s objectives.

Step 4: Choose a Chatbot Type

Decide whether you want to create a rule-based chatbot or an AI-powered chatbot. Select the appropriate option for your project.

Step 5: Design Conversation Flow

Use the built-in conversation builder to design the flow of interactions between the chatbot and users. Define user prompts and expected responses.

Step 6: Customise Chatbot Appearance

Customize the chatbot’s name, display name, image, and widget theme to match your branding.

Step 7: Train Your Chatbot (For AI-powered Chatbots)

If you’re creating an AI-powered chatbot, use the platform’s training tools to train it to understand and generate responses.

Step 8: Test Your Chatbot

Test your chatbot within the platform to ensure it functions as expected. Check for any issues or areas that need improvement.

Step 9: Integrate with Communication Channels

Connect your chatbot to the communication channels where you want it to be available, such as your website, messaging apps, or social media.

Step 10: Launch and Monitor

Launch your chatbot to the selected channels and start interacting with users. Continuously monitor its performance and gather data to make improvements.

Why Should You Make a Chatbot For Your Business?

Incorporating a chatbot into your business can yield a plethora of advantages, fortifying both your customer service and operational approaches. Below, you’ll encounter compelling reasons elucidating why choosing to develop a chatbot for your enterprise is a judicious decision:

  1. Enhanced Customer Support: Chatbots provide uninterrupted customer support, swiftly addressing user inquiries, resolving issues, and dispensing information. This perpetual availability can culminate in heightened customer satisfaction and a notable upswing in customer retention rates.
  2. Financial Savings: Chatbots excel in efficiently managing a diverse array of routine queries and tasks, mitigating the need for a substantial customer support team. This operational efficiency translates into substantial cost savings, particularly in terms of staffing and everyday operational expenditures.
  3. Augmented Efficiency: Chatbots possess the capacity to concurrently oversee multiple conversations, ensuring prompt responses and the effective handling of user queries. This bolstered efficiency ultimately begets improved customer service and the streamlining of business operations.
  4. Consistency: Chatbots consistently deliver responses that rigorously adhere to predefined rules and scripts. This unwavering uniformity guarantees that users consistently receive precise and consistent information throughout their interactions with the chatbot.
  5. Scalability: As your business scales and expands, chatbots can effortlessly adapt to accommodate the burgeoning volume of customer interactions without necessitating a proportionate increase in resources.
  6. Automation Proficiency: Chatbots proficiently automate repetitive tasks such as appointment scheduling, order processing, and data retrieval. This automation, in turn, liberates human staff to focus on more intricate and value-added responsibilities.
  7. Data Collection Excellence: Chatbots excel at adeptly accumulating invaluable user data and feedback during interactions. This amassed data can be strategically leveraged to enhance products, services, and overall customer experiences.
  8. Lead Generation Acumen: Chatbots adroitly engage with website visitors, collecting pertinent information and deftly ascertaining lead qualification. They can catalyse the sales process by astutely identifying potential customers and delivering them pertinent information.
  9. Platform Versatility: Chatbots seamlessly integrate into a diverse array of platforms, encompassing websites, messaging apps, social media platforms, and more. This ensures that customers can seamlessly interact with your business on their preferred platform.
  10. Competitive Edge: The seamless integration of a chatbot into your business strategy bestows upon you a distinct competitive advantage by offering customers a modern and convenient avenue to engage with your brand.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Chatbot?

The expense associated with chatbot development can vary significantly, contingent upon several factors, including the chatbot’s complexity, feature set, technology stack employed, and the pricing structure of the development team. Nevertheless, here is a general approximation of the costs associated with chatbot development:

  • Basic Rule-Based Chatbot: A straightforward rule-based chatbot, characterised by predefined responses and limited functionality, typically falls within the range of $1,000 to $5,000.
  • AI-Powered Chatbot: An AI-infused chatbot, empowered with natural language processing capabilities and the capacity to tackle more intricate queries, usually ranges from $5,000 to $20,000.
  • Hybrid Chatbot: A simple hybrid chatbot with basic rule-based functionality combined with limited AI capabilities may cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000.
  • Virtual Assistant Chatbot: The creation of a virtual assistant chatbot, featuring advanced attributes like voice recognition and task automation, typically entails costs ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 or potentially higher.
  • Custom Enterprise Chatbot: Should a large enterprise necessitate a highly customised chatbot with intricate integrations and an extensive feature set, the expenses could surpass $100,000.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: It is vital to account for the ongoing maintenance costs, typically estimated at approximately 20% to 30% of the initial development cost annually. These costs encompass updates, enhancements, and sustained support.

These figures serve as rough estimates, and the actual expenses associated with your chatbot project may exhibit significant variation contingent upon your precise project requirements and specifications.

Dos and don’ts While building a chatbot

When building a chatbot, there are several dos and don’ts to keep in mind to ensure the success of your project. Some of them are mentioned below -:


  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define your chatbot’s goals and purpose, identifying the tasks it should assist with and the problems it’s designed to solve.
  2. Know Your Audience: Research your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points to tailor your chatbot’s interactions effectively.
  3. Choose the Right Type: Select the appropriate chatbot type, whether rule-based or AI-powered, based on your specific objectives.
  4. Design a Logical Flow: Create a structured conversation flow that guides users logically and helps them achieve their goals seamlessly.
  5. Offer Clear Instructions: Ensure your chatbot provides users with concise instructions, especially during complex tasks.
  6. Thorough Testing: Rigorously test your chatbot to detect and resolve issues, incorporating feedback from real users for improvement.
  7. Continuous Enhancement: Regularly analyse user feedback and data to make enhancements, keeping your chatbot up to date with evolving user expectations.
  8. Prioritise Data Privacy: Safeguard user data and adhere to data protection regulations, prioritising security and privacy.
  9. Human Escalation: Provide an option for users to connect with a human agent when the chatbot can’t handle a query or upon user request.


  1. Avoid Complexity: Steer clear of overly complicated chatbot interactions that confuse users. Maintain a simple and user-friendly design.
  2. No Pretending to Be Human: Be transparent about your chatbot’s identity. Avoid trying to deceive users into believing they’re interacting with a human.
  3. Listen to User Feedback: Don’t ignore user feedback or complaints. Use feedback as a valuable resource for ongoing improvement.
  4. Don’t Skip Testing: Never skip thorough testing; neglecting it can lead to a frustrating chatbot experience filled with errors and misunderstandings.
  5. Avoid Information Overload: Don’t overwhelm users with excessive information. Present information in manageable portions.
  6. Use Simple Language: Keep language simple and avoid industry-specific jargon or complex terms that might confuse users.
  7. Regular Updates: Don’t forget to regularly update and maintain your chatbot to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
  8. Protect User Privacy: Respect user privacy and avoid collecting unnecessary personal information. Ensure your chatbot complies with data protection laws.

Which is the Best Chatbot Platform to build Your Chatbot? is widely recognized as the premier choice for crafting different types of Chatbots, thanks to its feature-rich toolkit that elevates customer support and simplifies user interactions. The prominent features of encompass:

  1. Lead Generation: excels in lead generation by orchestrating real-time conversations, comprehending user needs, and harvesting invaluable lead data. It operates round-the-clock, ensures prompt responses, and diminishes human workload.
  2. Shopify Chatbots: Tailored for e-commerce enterprises, seamlessly integrates with Shopify, furnishing 24/7 support, resolution of common inquiries, and efficient issue resolution. It augments the shopping journey with personalised product recommendations, cart recovery, order tracking, and comprehensive product guidance.
  3. Website Chatbot: empowers users to seamlessly embed conversational agents into their websites, amplifying user engagement and support. It delivers astute 24/7 customer support, multilingual assistance, and omni-channel backing, thereby simplifying ad campaign optimization and data-informed decision-making.
  4. WhatsApp Automation: Simplify communication and automate workflows on WhatsApp through It orchestrates effective customer interactions, oversees order tracking, orchestrates personalised marketing campaigns, and deploys automated notifications. This culminates in amplified sales, curtailed response times, heightened customer satisfaction, and the accumulation of invaluable user insights and feedback.

Furthermore, offers a cost-effective solution suitable for a broad spectrum of users, ranging from startups to large enterprises. Their pricing structure encompasses impactful elements, including potent campaign management, continuous 24/7 live chat availability, pay-as-you-go flexibility, advanced personalization capabilities, seamless integrations with Shopify and WooCommerce, multi-user accessibility, streamlined marketing automation, dedicated expert success management, and a user-friendly no-code chatbot builder enriched with ready-made templates.

For more information regarding the plans and the comparisons among them refer to the link mentioned below:


In 2023, you can create chatbots without coding. Chatbots automate conversations and come in various types with features like 24/7 support and lead generation. Businesses benefit from improved support, cost savings, and efficiency. is a great platform offering menu-based chatbot features, including lead generation and Shopify integration. Building a chatbot involves defining goals, designing flows, testing, and following dos and don’ts. Chatbots are a modern tool for enhancing customer interactions and can be a valuable asset for businesses. stands out as a premier platform for building Chatbots, offering a wealth of features that elevate customer support and streamline user interactions. Its capabilities span lead generation, Shopify integration, website chatbots, and WhatsApp automation, all designed to enhance user experiences and boost operational efficiency.

What sets apart is its commitment to accessibility, catering to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises. The pricing structure is designed to accommodate a wide range of users, offering impactful features such as powerful campaign management, 24/7 live chat, pay-as-you-go flexibility, advanced personalization tools, seamless integrations, multi-user access, expert support, and a no-code chatbot builder for hassle-free deployment.

Frequently Asked Questions

To make your own chatbot the following steps should be taken into consideration:Define Purpose: Start by defining your chatbot’s purpose and what tasks it will perform. Choose Platform: Select a chatbot development platform or framework. Design Flow: Create a logical conversation flow for interactions. Collect Data: Gather relevant data for your chatbot’s responses. Development: Develop and train your chatbot using coding or no-code tools. Testing: Thoroughly test your chatbot, fixing any issues. Integration: Integrate your chatbot with the desired channels or platforms. Launch: Release your chatbot to users. Monitoring: Continuously monitor and collect user feedback. Iterate: Make improvements based on feedback for a better user experience.

Creating a basic chatbot can be straightforward, but building advanced chatbots with complex features and AI capabilities can be challenging and require expertise in programming and machine learning. So, it depends on the complexity of the chatbot you want to make.

Yes, you can build a chatbot without AI using rule-based approaches, predefined scripts, and decision trees for responses.

Yes, chatbots can be built using Python, among other programming languages.

Python is often considered one of the best programming languages for building chatbots due to its rich libraries and frameworks for natural language processing and machine learning.

To make your first chatbot, follow these steps:Define the purpose and goals of your chatbot Choose a platform or framework to build your chatbot Design the conversational flow Collect and prepare data Develop and train your chatbot Test and refine it Integrate it with your desired channels Launch your chatbot Monitor its performance Iterate and improve based on user feedback

The time to build a chatbot varies widely based on complexity, but it can take a few weeks to several months in short.

To make a chatbot for your website:Choose a platform: Select a chatbot development platform or framework. Define objectives: Clearly outline the chatbot’s purpose and goals. Design conversation flow: Create a logical interaction flow for the chatbot. Develop the chatbot: Build and program the chatbot using the chosen platform. Integrate with website: Embed the chatbot on your website using provided code or plugins. Test thoroughly: Test the chatbot to ensure it works as intended. Launch and monitor: Deploy the chatbot on your website and monitor its performance. Gather user feedback: Collect feedback to make improvements over time. Iterate and refine: Continuously update and enhance the chatbot based on user interactions. Provide support: Offer human assistance when the chatbot can’t handle certain queries or tasks.

Yes, you can create a basic chatbot for free using some chatbot development platforms, but more advanced features may require paid plans.

To create a Facebook chatbot:Set up a Facebook Page. Use a chatbot development platform like Chatfuel or MobileMonkey. Connect the platform to your Facebook Page. Design your chatbot’s conversation flow. Add responses and actions based on user inputs. Test your chatbot thoroughly. Submit it for review to Facebook. Once approved, your chatbot can interact with users on your Facebook Page.

Yes, chatbots can use both AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) technologies to improve their capabilities and responses.

The best chatbot platform depends on your specific needs and goals. Some popular chatbot platforms to consider are, Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft Bot Framework, and Amazon Lex.

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